A 37-year-old Buffalo Grove man
faces multiple charges including DUI, assault, resisting and obstructing an
officer, driving and uninsured vehicle and illegal lane usage following a
single-vehicle accident.
say when they arrived on the scene the man was unconscious and noticed a heavy
smell of alcohol on his breath. When
asked how much he had drunk, the man first said “a couple” and then “I don’t
know how many.” Because of the man’s
condition, officers determined he needed to be transported to Northwest
Community Hospital (NWCH) in Arlington Heights.
in the ambulance the man became verbally abusive to paramedics saying he was “fine”
and it was a “waste of time” for him to be transported to the hospital.
he arrived at the hospital, the man continued to be abusive, this time to
hospital staff saying the CAT scan was unnecessary and said the staff were
“pieces of s**t.” After some procedures
and waiting for results, the man said he wanted to leave and attempted to get
off his hospital bed and leave the room.
He had to be restrained by a Buffalo Grove police officer. A nurse noted that he was out of control and,
according to reports, administered “a dose of injected medicine reportedly
intended to calm a patient.” He did calm
down and said he would be cooperative.
According to
reports, then man said he needed to urinate and was escorted to the bathroom by
a nurse, three NWCH security officers and a BGPD officer. He expressed a
dislike for the nurse, calling her a “bitch” and telling her to “F**k off”
several times. The BGPD officer told her to forgo getting a urine sample.
said he was still uncooperative and had difficulty standing up and had to be
held in place to keep from falling over. Reports said he continued to be
“verbally aggressive” towards the officer and the other security officers
telling them “f**ck off” and called them “pieces of s**t” and a “bunch of pussies.” He starting laughing asking was “going to
hold his [genitalia] while I pee” following up with “better yet, why don’t you
hold my balls.” After being told he was not going to get assistance, he stated
he wasn’t going to urinate anymore.
The man, reports
say, then turned around and said “get your f**king hands off of me.” Reports say at this time he assumed a
fighting position by raising his hands above his shoulders, clenching his fists
and directing a statement toward the BGPD officer saying “I’m gonna f**k you
up.” The reports said it took the
efforts of two BGPD officers, three NWCH security guards and a Prospect Heights
officer, who happened to be at NWCH, to restrain the man. He continued to
resist, but was ultimately restrained without any “holds, strikes or weapons.”
While in his room, reports said the
man urinated on his leg and then on the floor.
After medically cleared to leave he was transported back to BGPD where
he was processed.
Other incidents reported to
Buffalo Grove Police:
- · Office theft reported -- A man reported his brief case was taken out of his office. In addition to paperwork, a camera and gloves were taken. Value was $1,500
- · Computer, radar detector taken from car -- A resident reported the front passenger side window of his car was broken and several items including a radar detector and MacBook pro were taken. Reports also say the vehicle was vandalize with spray foam. Door frames, windows, gas cap and windshield wipers were sprayed rendering them inoperable.
- · Window smashed on truck-- A man reported someone broke the passenger window of his truck while it was parked overnight and took the hand control for his snow plow.
- · Apartment looted – Police are investigating a break-in to a residence in the 600 block of Trace Drive. According to reports, a neighbor noticed the break in through a peep hole and recorded it on his phone. Police found two of the bedrooms in the unit had been ransacked.
- · Cash, jewelry taken during break-in --- Residents in the 100 block of Copperwood reported that their home was broken into. Police reports say entry was gained through a sliding glass door. Reports say the home was in a “state of disarray” which the residents said “some of it was their normal way of living.” However, during a search they found cash, jewelry and three ‘high end’ bags were missing.
- · Barking up the wrong tree? A resident contacted police after receiving a letter in her mailbox which said “Please look at this. Your dog wakes me up with its barking almost every morning, Thank you! A neighbor. The letter, reports say, contained several links to Barxbuddy for dealing with barking dogs.
Board meeting Monday
The Village Board will
have a Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting Monday, Feb. 3 in the Jeffrey
Braiman Council Chambers at Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. The Board is expected
to discuss the comprehensive
plan, the 2020 census, development of a Buffalo Grove Foundation among other items.
to name Robinson Village Treasurer
Purchasing Manager Brett Robinson, a village
staff member since 1986, is scheduled to be named Village Treasurer by the
Village Board Monday night during a special board meeting. According to the
resolution about the appointment, Robinson’s role will be “responsible for all
areas of the Village’s finances.” While Robinson will be heading up village
finances, Andrew Brown, currently deputy director of finance, is leaving that
post to become assistant finance director/assistant treasurer for the village
of Tinley Park.
Road work begins Monday
The Lake Cook Road widening project begins Monday when contractors will begin delivering equipment and materials to prepare for a significant increase in road construction activity.
The Lake Cook Road widening project begins Monday when contractors will begin delivering equipment and materials to prepare for a significant increase in road construction activity.
On Wednesday, Feb. 5, the Cook County Highway
Department plans to start intermittent lane closures from at 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
in both directions to allow for water main installation.
Multiple crews will be working along the
project area, and work will progress to different locations each day. Impacts
to traffic are expected to be significant and motorists are encouraged to find
alternate routes.
As part of the project, “short
Aptakisic”, from Illinois Route 83 to Buffalo Grove Road will be closed in the
coming weeks.
Stevenson event rattles Lake County GOP
As if they didn’t have enough to keep them
busy, the Lake County News Sun reports that Lake County Republicans were miffed
that they were not invited to participate in the school’s 10th
Congressional District Democrats convention and presidential straw poll. According to the News Sun, The event, which
is voluntary and extra-curricular, “had a distinct pro-Democrat, anti-Donald
Trump feel, something that did not sit well with the chairman of the Lake
County Republican Party.”
Club has foreign exchange student opportunities
The Buffalo Grove
Rotary Club is currently seeking families to host the inbound foreign exchange
students for the 2020-2021 school year. Applications are also being taken for
local students to participate in the outbound foreign exchange student program.
A typical hosting period is between three and
four months, and host families are needed between August 2020 and July 2021.
The responsibilities of host families are to provide food and shelter for the
student. The Buffalo Grove Rotary Club will provide ancillary support and
assistance as needed during the hosting period.
"Families are asked to help the exchange
student become a part of their family during the period he or she lives with
them," Jing O'Brien said. O’Brien is the Youth Exchange Officer for the
Buffalo Grove Rotary Club. "This means treating this young person how they
would treat their own son or daughter and not as a guest - and exercising all
parental responsibilities and authorities as you would for your own
Applications are also being accepted for
outbound foreign exchange students, sponsored by the Rotary Club, for students
ages 15 ½ to 18 ½ who attend area high schools.
Both short– and long-term exchanges are
available. Short-term exchanges occur in the summer and last roughly six weeks,
while long-term exchanges are approximately 11 months and begin and end in July
or August, depending on arrangements made by the student's high school.
Students have a wide selection of countries to do their exchanges in
with the exception of Australia, Canada, China, the UK, and any country deemed
unsafe by the United States State Department.
The Rotary Club sponsors the outbound exchange students, and provides
room, board, tuition and a monthly stipend as part of the exchange program.
To request an application to become an
outbound foreign exchange student, or a host family for an inbound student, and
for additional information, contact Jing O'Brien at info@bgrotary.org or call
847-902-1888. The application deadline is Oct. 1 for students who want study
abroad during the following school year.
plan enhanced traffic enforcement Saturday, Sunday
The Buffalo Grove Police Department has
announced it will conduct special patrols Saturday, through Sunday to keep
impaired drivers off the roads and encourage more people to wear their seat
belts. The public safety campaigns and overarching messages connected with them
are familiar and simple, ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’ and ‘Click It or
“We want the community to enjoy the game and
festivities, but to do so responsibly. All it takes is a game plan. Before you
go to the party, decide if you’re drinking or driving; never do both,” Sergeant
Michelle Kondrat said. “We’d also like to remind everyone to wear their seat
belts.” Kondrat heads up the BGPD’s traffic enforcement unit.
The Buffalo Grove Police Department’s
Super Bowl enforcement effort is made possible by federal highway safety funds
administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
bill would give libraries share of rec pot funds
could get a revenue boost if a bill proposed by State Rep. Daniel Didech (D-59)
passes. The proposal would
allow libraries to impose a 1% use tax on sales of recreational cannabis.
seeks new board member
Aptakisic-Tripp Elementary School Dist. 102 in Buffalo Grove is looking
for someone to fill a vacancy on the school board.
The board of education on Jan. 27 accepted
the resignation of board member Suzann Audi, who is moving out of the district.
The school board is seeking candidates to
fill the vacancy from Feb. 24 through April 2021. Candidates must be a United States citizen; be
at least 18 years of age; be a resident of Illinois and the district for at
least one year preceding the appointment; be a registered voter; not hold
another incompatible public office; and not have a prohibited interest in any
contract with the district.
Interested residents should email a letter of
interest to board President Ellyn Ross at eross@d102.org by Friday, Feb. 7. They should include why they are interested in
serving on the board and what contributions they have made to the Dist. 102
Board interviews for the vacancy are
tentatively scheduled for Feb. 10 and Feb. 13.
District chief named to state post
Adriane Johnson, president of the
Buffalo Grove Park District Board of Commissioners, has been selected chairman
of the Illinois Association of Park Districts. She is also is also a member of the
Buffalo Grove Board of Fire and Police Commissioners.
BGPD to offer home safety
tips at seminar
Think you need to invest a ton of
money to deter criminals and keep your home safe?
A program sponsored
by the Buffalo Grove Police and the Vernon Area Pubic Library will provide easy
ways you can make your house, condominium or apartment more secure and less
attractive to criminals.
The free program is scheduled for 1 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 20 at the
Library, 300 Olde Half Day Road.
Certified Law Enforcement Security Assessment Specialist and Buffalo
Grove Police Officer Matthew Mills will provide tips on what makes a home less
attractive to burglars. Video doorbells, home security systems, landscaping and
lighting will be just a few of the topics discussed, along with plenty of
opportunity for questions and answers.
Registration is available online at vapld.info, by telephone at (224) 543-1485, or in person at any service desk in
the Vernon Area Public Library.
Student Voices
Here are links to the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo
Grove high schools.
Buffalo Grove High School Charger
Stevenson High School Statesman
Wheeling High
School Spokesman
Got News?
If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue
or other community organization, please submit news, information and story
ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com. Articles should include a contact
name email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome. They
should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted
above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.
Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
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