Jul 8, 2024

Thefts surge / 'Weight' and see / Jazz band to perform

 Buffalo Grove police reported a recent rash of thefts from both businesses and residences, including the following:

Groceries taken – An employee at Woodman’s market contacted police to report three separate retail thefts by the same offender. According to a report, a male was observed walking out the store with approximately $25.39 worth of unpaid merchandise in June. Seemingly undaunted, he returned three weeks later where he reportedly was spotted walking out of the store with $47.91 worth of unpaid merchandise. But wait, there’s more. Possibly guessing that three’s the charm, police say the guy returned the next day. Store officials, to no surprise, recognized him and observed him leaving with $26.22 worth of unpaid merchandise. exited the store and entered the same vehicle he was spotted getting into the previous two times. This time, however, he was apprehended. Police say the total amount of goods swiped during his three visits was $99.52. And this shouldn’t come as a surprise, but the man was charged with three village ordinance violations for retail theft along with trespass warning.

            In addition to three-time Freddy, Woodman’s also reported that store officials observed two subjects shopping in the store. They reportedly placed various items into a shopping cart and proceeded to a register where they were observed scanning and paying for only a few food items from the cart and walking past the final point of purchase without paying for the remainder of the merchandise. They reportedly loaded the merchandise into a vehicle, and exited the premises. The value of the loss was not reported.

Liquor swiped – Police were summoned to Walgreen’s, 15 N. Buffalo Grove Rd. after store employees reported a theft from the store’s liquor department. Reports say a subject walked to the alcohol section of the store, and placed an unreported amount of alcohol inside a green bag. He then walked towards the front of the store and past the last point of sale. The value of the loss was not reported.

Clothing stolen – In a second incident, police say two unknown female subjects who appeared to be shopping, were walking through the Discovery Clothing store at 1309 W. Dundee Rd. Both women walked out of the store empty handed and went to their vehicle for approximately five minutes before returning inside the store. One of the women reportedly left the store in a hurry with keys in her hand. She then, police say, pulled her vehicle in front of the store. The second subject rushed out of the store, got into the passenger side of the vehicle and fled in an unknown direction at approximately. A description of what was taken and the value was not reported.

Package thefts – A resident in the 100 block of Old Barn told them that FedEx delivered a package to his house containing and that an unknown male subject wearing a maroon sweatshirt, blue jeans, and white slippers took the box and left on foot southbound on Hidden Lake Drive. In a second incident, a resident on Oak Creek Drive said a package that was left for her in the vestibule was missing. No value or contents were reported.

Attempted theft of a what? Officials at a car dealership in the 900 block of west Dundee Road reported that someone attempted to steal the company's golf cart. Police say the ignition appeared to be pulled out from the front console of the cart.

Multiple charges in DUI -- A 24-year-old man from Lexington, Ky. is facing several charges stemming from a stop for suspected DUI. According to reports, officers observed a vehicle traveling westbound on Dundee Rd. at 60 miles per hour in a 35-mph zone. The ensuing investigation resulted in the driver being charged with speeding and driving under the influence of cannabis. He was also served with a notice to appear for possession of drug paraphernalia and unlawful use of a weapon, described as a machete.

Criminal damage – Police reported two complaints of criminal damage to property. A resident in the 600 block of Raupp Boulevard reported the rear window of his vehicle was shattered while it was parked in his driveway. In the second incident, a resident in the 200 block of Rosewood Avenue said someone had damaged his flowers, which were located near his garage. Three plants were dug out of the ground, and laundry detergent was poured on several other flowers in the nearby flower pots.

On the traffic beat – Buffalo Grove police reported two additional charges of DUI and one citation issued for driving without a license.


In Other Community News


Truck weight enforcement, water filling on tap

The Combined Area Fire Training facility on Krause Road will add two more functions. In addition to being a regional fire training center, it may soon serve as a truck weight enforcement center and water filling station. The budgeted cost of the project is just over $1.1 million, village officials said.

According to reporting in the Daily Herald, the Buffalo Grove Planning and Zoning Commission gave the nod to the plan. The Village Board is expected to vote on it at its meeting Monday, July 15.

Sewers take up smoking

Sewer smoke testing is set to begin in the Cook County portion of Buffalo Grove. According to village officials, these routine inspections of sewers are necessary to ensure they continue operating properly, and to identify any potential issues such as leaks.

Test smoke is non-toxic, harmless and creates no fire hazard. Smoke should not enter your home or business unless you have defective plumbing or dry drain traps. Additional information can be found here..

Jazz band concert July 11

The Buffalo Grove Jazz Band is presenting a free concert at 7 p.m. on Thursday, at Willow Stream Park, 651 Old Checker Rd. The band will perform a variety of swing, bebop and modern jazz including music by John Coltrane, Glenn Miller, Frank Sinatra. Additional information can be found here.

Cops to target speeders in July

The Buffalo Grove Police Department is participating with 200 local law enforcement agencies throughout Illinois to step up enforcement efforts to reduce speeding during July.

Motorists can expect to see increased patrols watching for speeding and other traffic violations.

During the speeding enforcement blitz, officers will intensify enforcement of posted speed limits.

“Offenders will be stopped and ticketed – especially on Arlington Heights Road, Dundee Road, Buffalo Grove Road and Lake Cook Road where most of our speed-related crashes occur,” said Commander Tara Anderson.

The speed enforcement effort is made possible by federal traffic safety funds administered by IDOT.

Rylko amphitheater dedication set

            The new amphitheater at Mike Rylko Park is scheduled to be dedicated on Aug. 29. Park District officials say work at the park is running on schedule and should be ready for Buffalo Grove Days as planned.

            Buffalo Grove Days are scheduled Aug. 29 through Sept. 2 at Rylko Park, located at 1000 N. Buffalo Grove Road.

Gardens towering over school

School District 21 has installed three aeroponic Tower Gardens along the eastern wall of the cafeteria, serving as part of a pilot project between Community Consolidated School District 21 and food service management provider OrganicLife.

Each tower is made from UV-stabilized, BPA-free, food-grade plastic and employs aeroponics, which is the process of growing plants in an air or mist environment without the use of soil. Each structure can also hold up to 32 plants, but are customizable to add more pods.

Once the school year begins, the aim will be to have the students help maintain the towers and aid in the harvest.

The eventual goal would be to expand these gardens to the two remaining middle schools – Holmes and Cooper – and potentially down the line add them to each elementary school.

Family movie set at Willow Stream Park

“Trolls Band Together” is the featured movie at the Park District’s Movies Under the Stars set for Friday, July 12 at Willow Stream Park, 651 Old Checker Rd.

The free event begins at dusk and features a 40-foot screen and surround sound. Concessions will be available for purchase, or attendees can bring a picnic of their own.

The rain date for the event is July 18. For weather-related updates on the day of the movie, use the Rainout Line app, or call 847-235-6857.

Summer play performances set

Tickets are now on sale for Big Deal Productions presentation of “Something Rotten,” at the Community Arts Center, 225 McHenry Rd.

Performances are at 7:30 p.m. on July 26, 27 and Aug. 2 and at 3 p.m. on July 28, Aug. 3 and 4.

Tickets for this production, rated PG-13, are $21 and can be purchased at this site. For more information, contact Lindsay Grandt at 847.850.2132.


Need a Reason to Celebrate?


July 8

Be a Kid Again Day

International Town Criers Day

National Chocolate with Almonds Day

July 9

National Don't Put all your Eggs in One Omelet Day

National Sugar Cookie Day

Fashion Day

July 10

Don't Step On A Bee Day

National Kitten Day

National PiƱa Colada Day

July 11

Cheer Up the Lonely Day

Free Slurpee Day

National Mojito Day

July 12

Etch A Sketch Day

National Eat Your Jello Day

National French Fry Day

July 13

International Skinny Dip Day

National Barbershop Music Appreciation Day

National Beans ‘N’ Franks Day

July 14

National Be Nice to Bugs Day

National Grand Marnier Day

National Mac and Cheese Day

July 15

Global Hug Your Kids Day

National Get Out of the Dog House Day

National Gummi Worm Day 


Got News?

If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome. They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.

Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

Buffalo Grove News and Info, is locally and independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body. Zoller is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Chicago Headline Club.

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If you want to receive Buffalo Grove News & Information by email, send your email address to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

Jul 1, 2024

Home break-in probed / Local gymnast heading to Olympics / Fourth plans set

Residential burglary – Police responded to the 200 block of LeParc Circle for a report of a residential burglary. The resident said that someone entered their home between approximately11 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. and took various items. Reports did not indicate what was taken or how entry was gained. The investigation is ongoing.

Man charged in DUI-related accident – A Waukegan man faces three charges following a three-car accident at Lake-Cook at Arlington Heights roads in which one of the damaged vehicles was a Buffalo Grove Police patrol vehicle. The man was charged with DUI / Violation for the Third or Subsequent Time, DUI/Alcohol BAC .08 and DUI/Alcohol. He was also charged for driving on a revoked driver’s license.

Retail theft -- Police two people were nabbed as they tried to get past the eagle eyes of the Woodman’s Market loss prevention staff. In the first incident, a security official told police he observed two subjects shopping in the store and placed various food items into a shopping cart before trying to pass trying to leave without paying. That didn’t work. Both persons received a trespass warning and adjudication ticket and to pay restitution to the store.

In a second incident, police reported that a customer wanted to take advantage of the self-checkout by failing to ring up miscellaneous food items totaling $12.96 in value before tax. The customer, reports say, walked past the last point of purchase, leaving the store without paying. The person was issued an adjudication citation and a trespass warning with instructions not to return to the Woodman's Buffalo Grove location.

One crash, three charges -- Police say they reported to the area near Dundee Rd and Golfview Terrace for a report of a property damage crash. Upon arrival, officers spoke to the driver who said he was the driver of the vehicle involved in the crash. Honesty may be the best policy, but driving with an expired registration, failing to reduce speed and driving on a revoked or suspended license is not a good idea.

Toilet trashed -- Police continue their investigation into criminal damage to a portable restroom at Kilmer Park on Golfview Terrace. Reports say someone set off fireworks in a portable toilet, which damaged, among other things, the hand sanitizer dispenser. Reports did not say if the offender made a clean getaway or not.


In Other Community News

Olympics to have BG flavor

            When the 2024 Olympics open in Paris later this month, there will be a local connection. Gymnast Paul Juda, who attended Stevenson High School and trains at the Buffalo Grove Gymnastics Center, will be representing the United States as a member of the men’s gymnastics team. The Center posted “Congratulations Paul Juda on making the USA Gymnastics Olympic Team. Buffalo Grove Gymnastics is proud of your accomplishment. Thank you for (sic) all the coaches that had a part in Buffalo Grove Gymnastics” on its Facebook page after Juda made the team on Sunday.

            For additional information about Juda being named to the team, see this link. To learn more about his background, check out this story.

Fireworks set

Buffalo Grove’s annual Fourth of July celebration will start at 7 p.m. with a performance by the Buffalo Grove Symphonic Band. At Willow Stream Park. Fireworks are set to begin at 9 p.m. Concessions will be available for purchase. Sparklers or alcohol are NOT permitted at Willow Stream Park. For more information, go to this site.

Speaking of the Fourth

            To no surprise, non-emergency village offices will be closed on Thursday, July 4, while waste collection will be delayed by one day for those with regular pickups on Thursday and Friday.

BG Jazz Band performance July 11

The Buffalo Grove Jazz Band will perform a range of swing, bebop and modern jazz favorites, in a free concert at 7 p.m. on Thursday, July 11, 7 p.m. at Willow Stream Park, 65 Old Checker Rd.

Additional information is available here.

BG Road widening remains in County’s plans

            Despite objections by some residents, a proposed widening of Buffalo Grove Road from IL Rt. 22 to U.S. Rt. 45, remains on the docket for the Lake County Transportation Committee according to reporting in the Daily Herald. The project would call for widening the road to two lanes in each direction with a center median. Buffalo Grove Road has been widened from IL Rt. 83 to IL Rt. 22.

Metra parking for Stevenson students goes on sale July 15

An agreement between Metra and Vernon Township is giving Stevenson students an opportunity to purchase parking at the Prairie View Train Station. Students will be able to park only in the east parking lot, the lot closest to Stevenson, off of Prairie Road.

Parking is offered for the entire school year, a half year (August-December and January-May), and through monthly permits.

The purchase of a half-year permit includes one free month of parking, and the purchase of a full year permit includes two free months of parking.

Permit applications and pricing are available online here on the Prairie View Metra Station page under the “community” tab. The application is near the bottom of the page.

Students are urged to apply for the correct permit, as there are separate permits available for Metra commuters. Applying for the wrong permit will delay the processing of a student’s application.

Renovation shuts Vernon Area Library drive-up window

The drive-up window at Vernon Area Public Library is closed during July for work to improve access.

            During construction, reserved library items are available for pickup inside the building. Patrons wishing to pick up reserved items without entering the building may call for curbside service upon arrival.

Also closed during construction is the book return on the exterior wall of the Library. A freestanding drive-up return box is available on the left side of the circle drive near the library entrance. Additional remote return locations are available in The Grove Shopping Center, 197 McHenry Rd., or outside of Sunset Foods, 4190 Route 83 in Long Grove. Materials can also be returned inside the building.

ITPLD changes room reservation procedures

Starting Friday, July 12, the Indian Trails Public Library District will use a new room reservation system called Reserve. With this new system, you will be able to easily see which rooms are available and their amenities.

Study rooms will be available on a first-come, first-served basis on July 10 and 11 while the library switches to Reserve.

Persons who have questions can call 847-459-4100 or email adult@itpld.org.

The Library has these tips on how to use the new system:

·         There are three ways to reserve: Go to this webpage, use the library's mobile app or the kiosk at the library. These will update to the new system on July 12.

·         Choose Booking Type: ITPLD Members OR Other Library Cardholders

·         Choose the room you want to book

·         Choose the time you want to book (Green time blocks are open)

·         Click Reserve Now

·         Type in your library card number and PIN to complete the reservation.

Townhome construction approved

The Village Board has approved plans for 41 townhomes to be built at Route 22 and Prairie Road.

According to reporting in the Chicago Tribune, Projades LLC of South Barrington purchased 4.2 acre-property at 22825 N. Prairie Road in December from Bloom Street Partners LLC, which had approval last August from village leaders to move forward with a rental development.

The approved proposal calls for the units not to be rentals, but available for purchase starting at $550,000. Construction is expected to start in September.

Township plans shredding event

A free shredding event, hosted by the Vernon Township Highway Department, is scheduled from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, July 13, at the Vernon Township administration building, 3050 Main St. Buffalo Grove.

Residents can bring paper items only, such as canceled or unused checks, old insurance policies, bills, medical records, and invoices. Magazines, newspapers, manila folders and binders will not be accepted. Each resident is limited to three medium-sized boxes or bags of paper items. More information is available here.

Township blood drive July 11

            Vernon Township is partnering with State Rep. Daniel Didech (D-59) and the American Red Cross for a blood drive from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursday, July 11, at the Township’s Community Services Building, 2900 N. Main St. Learn more by clicking here.

State reps offer museum passes

            State representatives Mary Beth Canty (D-54) and Daniel Didech (D-59) have “Museum Checkout Cards” that offer free admission to 15 Chicago area museums including the Chicago Botanic Garden, Brookfield Zoom, the Art Institute of Chicago and the Museum of Science and Industry.

            Residents of the 54th district can get more at Canty’s website while residents of the 59th district can email Didech’s office at info@repdidech.com or call his office at (847) 478-9909.


Need a Reason to Celebrate?

July 2

Freedom From Fear of Speaking Day

Made In The USA Day

World Sports Journalists Day

July 3

Air Conditioning Appreciation Day

International Drop a Rock Day

National Chocolate Wafer Day

July 4

Independence From Meat Day

National Barbecued Spareribs Day

National Caesar Salad Day

July 5

National Apple Turnover Day

National Bikini Day

National Graham Cracker Day

July 6

International Kissing Day

National Fried Chicken Day

Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day

July 7

Build A Scarecrow Day

National Dive Bar Day

National Day of Rock ‘n’ Roll

July 8

Be a Kid Again Day

National Chocolate with Almonds Day

National Ice Cream Sundae Day


Got News?

If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome. They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.

Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

Buffalo Grove News and Info, is locally and independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body. Zoller is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Chicago Headline Club.


Subscribe by email

If you want to receive Buffalo Grove News & Information by email, send your email address to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...