Car stolen – A resident of the 800 block of Essington
Lane told police that his car, a 2016 Honda CR-V, was stolen out of his
driveway on Dec. 9. It was found Dec. 13 in North Chicago.
Vehicle burglary -- Police report that a person
having dinner at MOD Pizza returned to his car to find the front passenger side
window of his car smashed out and his MacBook Air missing.
Criminal damage -- Police responded to a call of a
suspicious person at 915 W. Dundee after a person said he observed two unknown people
wearing all black and black ski masks. Responding officers found multiple
windows damaged and the front double glass doors were pried open.
In Other Community News
A holiday angel
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BGPD Sgt Doug Shipman and Officer Greg Hill are shown with the anonymous gift giver. |
It was another successful year for the Toys for Tots campaign at the Buffalo Grove Police Department. The village reported that more than 20 boxes of gifts were collected for the program, an annual event coordinated nationally by the United States Marine Corps.
And while many residents donated, there’s one who, for the third year in a row, “out did herself” according to one department staff member.
But the cops don’t know who she is. Or if they do, they’re not saying.
The unidentified woman makes and packages gifts for kids (as pictured) and brings them to the department without any fanfare – just a desire to help underprivileged kids have a great holiday.
Blood Drive Dec. 29
Vitalant will hold a blood drive from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 29 at the Buffalo Grove Fire Department’s Training Room, 1051 Highland Grove Drive.
Persons interested in donating can schedule an appointment at this link.
Survey lauds safety, cops
A recent survey of residents gives high marks to the Buffalo Grove Polic Department and overall safety in the village.
Survey results showed that 95 percent of the respondents 1,500 residents surveyed said they feel safe in their homes or businesses, and 91 percent believe it is safe walking in their neighborhoods. Additionally, 87 percent of the respondents feel the overall performance of the Buffalo Grove Police Department meets their expectations.
The survey was mailed to 1,500 Buffalo Grove residents and received a 20-percent response rate. The full report is available here.
National traveling exhibit comes to the Raupp Museum
American Farmer celebrates the living spirit of our heartland, through the faces and voices of the people who keep it alive. Featuring 45 full-color and black-and-white portraits and interviews with farmers across the United States—from cattle ranchers to strawberry growers—American Farmer tells the honest and inspiring stories of the true stewards of our land. This is a program of ExhibitsUSA, a national division of Mid-America Arts Alliance and The National Endowment for the Arts. The exhibit is on display at the Raupp Museum, 901 Dunham Lane through March 16. Learn more here.
The museum also has a variety of online exhibitions, featuring stories about Buffalo Grove and its residents, using objects from the collections. New exhibits are added every 2 months. Online exhibits can be found using this link.
Quiet returning to crossings
Routine train horns to be silenced within one week.
The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has determined that all crossings in the Lake County Quiet Zone are compliant with the new federal quiet zone regulations, and the Quiet Zone has been reinstated.
Routine train horn sounding are expected to be silenced at these crossings by Dec. 20. While routine horn sounding at crossings will be silenced, residents may still hear horns from time to time. Train engineers have the discretion to do so for safety purposes.
Apply for the 2024 Maker in Residence
The Indian Trails Public Library District is offering The Maker in Residence program for the summer of 2024.
The program is designed for residents who are creative or “crafty and like sharing your love of creating art with others.
As a Maker in Residence, residents will
• Complete a project to be exhibited at the Library at the completion of the residency. A community-centered exhibit is encouraged.
• Have a six-week paid residency in the library’s Launch Pad, working on their craft in the space.
• Offer workshops for library members.
• Have access to the Launch Pad equipment and staff assistance.
Applications are due by February 5, 2024 and can be submitted by using this link.
Doggone good protection
The Buffalo Grove Police Department’s K9, Mac, will receive a bullet and stab protective vest thanks to a charitable donation from non-profit organization Vested Interest in K9s, Inc. Mac’s vest is sponsored by Vested Interest in K9s, Inc.
Mac is a two-year-old sable German shepherd who joined the Buffalo Grove Police Department in June of this year. His handler is Officer Shannon McMillon, who has been a member of the Buffalo Grove Police Department since 2014. Mac supports the Police Department in the field by performing narcotics detection, tracking and locating criminal suspects and missing persons, and conducting searches in different environments
New traffic pattern on Aptakisic Road
Construction continues on Aptakisic Road from IL 83 to Buffalo Grove Road as the road is being expanded to five lanes, and gaps in the bike path and sidewalk are being filled.
Eastbound traffic has been shifted north onto the new pavement to allow work on the south side of Aptakisic Road. This traffic pattern will remain in place until summer 2024.
Crews are currently installing storm sewer and working on traffic signal foundations. Residents can learn more by visiting the project website.
Arlington Heights Road work set
The Lake County Division of Transportation is gearing up to reconstruct Arlington Heights Road from IL 83 to Lake Cook Road, starting in 2024.
The project is needed to replace pavement that has reached the end of its useful life. Drivers should expect to see crews out this winter conducting necessary work such as utility relocation and tree clearing in preparation for the construction season. Information about the project is available here.
Another holiday, another enforcement
The Buffalo Grove Police Department is partnering with the Illinois Department of Transportation in a “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” and “Drive High. Get a DUI.” enforcement campaign that runs from Jan. 2.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System, in the United States in 2021, a total of 13,384 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes involving an alcohol-impaired driver. On average, more than 10,000 people were killed in alcohol-related crashes each.
The holiday enforcement campaign is administered by IDOT with federal highway safety funds managed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
BGPD to get updated Tasers
Buffalo Grove police will have a safer way to deal with confrontations according to reporting in the Daily Herald. The Herald reports that the Village Board approved the purchase of updated Tasers at its Dec. 4 meeting. In a memo to the Board, Police Chief Brian Budds noted that the new model “has superior features and will equip the police department with additional advanced public safety tools and data transparency.”
Coming soon
Want more news and information about Buffalo Grove? It’s coming soon as Buffalo Grove News and Information will introduce in-depth reporting by BGNI’s reporting staff, a forum for readers and residents and stories from area high school journalists.
These new features will be linked to the regular postings on BGNI.
Happy Holidays
Happy New Year from the staff and management of BGNI. As of now, we’re taking a few days off and will Jan. 2, if not before, with more news of Buffalo Grove.
Need a Reason to Celebrate?
If the holidays aren’t enough, here are some other occasions.
Dec. 18
Answer The Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day
Wear a Plunger on Your Head Day
Dec. 19
National Heroes and Heroines Day
Dec. 20
Dec. 21
Dec. 22
Dec. 23
National Christmas Movie Marathon Day
Dec. 24
Dec. 25
Besides the obvious...
Dec. 26
Dec. 27
National Make Cut-Out Snowflakes Day
Dec. 28
Dec. 29
Dec. 30
Falling Needles Family Fest Day
Festival of Enormous Changes at the Last Minute
National Resolution Planning Day
Dec. 31
BGNI is also available online at this site.
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In case you didn’t know…
Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently and locally produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body. Zoller is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Chicago Headline Club.