Burglary investigations – Buffalo Grove police report they are investigating two break-ins to buildings. Reports say officers responded to a residential burglary in the1400 block of Oxford Drive. The homeowner said someone entered his home between 2:30 and 10 p.m. on Nov. 22 and stole various items. Police did not say what was taken and that the investigation is ongoing.
Police also report they are investigating a burglary at 80 W. Dundee Rd. Reports say officers responded to and found the door of the business' glass door was shattered at approximately 2:30 a.m. on Nov. 26. They say no one was found inside and that the investigation is ongoing.
Wallet taken -- A woman told police that while she was eating Panera on Deerfield Parkway, said her wallet was taken from her purse. The woman said it appeared some credit and debit cards were missing.
Met her old lover in the grocery store -- Police responded to Woodman’s Market, 1550 E Deerfield for a report of battery. Reports say a woman told she had an altercation with a former acquaintance. The woman reported she was pepper sprayed in the face by the man during this altercation. The man was arrested and charged with battery to cause bodily harm. Police did not say if the snow turned into rain.
In Other Community News
Rohrman property redevelopment gets green light
The Village Board Monday night approved recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission related to the former Rohrman properties that pave the way for the project to move forward.
Redevelopment plans are anchored by a 50,354 square foot Tesla Sales, Service, and
Delivery Center, low footprint retail and a 197-unit apartment complex on the 16-acre site.
Nearly 50 residents of the Mill Creek subdivision whose homes border the site attended the meeting to voice their displeasure to the project, most of which focused on the proximity and height of the four buildings planned for the development. They contend that planned landscaping will not offer privacy due to the height and selection of the trees. Several residents told the Board that when they built or purchased their homes more than 30 years ago, they were told there would be no development near them because of storm retention plans.
In addition to the zoning changes, also approved were preliminary and final development plans; a special use for a planned unit development; a special use for sale and lease of motor vehicles, including outdoor display of vehicles, and warranty repair work and other repair services as accessory uses; variations from the development, zoning and sign ordinances as outlined in the attached staff report; and a uniform sign package. Coverage from The Daily Herald is here.
Rylko Park renovations underway
The massive renovation at Mike Rylko Park is in high gear. The Park District reports that The existing playground next to the Spray ‘N Play and softball fields have been removed and parking is not allowed at the park until August of 2024.
Park officials say that provisions are being made so the annual Buffalo Grove Farmers Market will be held at the site.
The trail the runs between the softball fields and the Spray N Play is closed for the duration of the project. A fence is in place around the construction site.
The Daily Herald reported that according to the plan, a focal point would be a plaza that will include a variety of seating options, as well as shade structures that will encourage community use. The centerpiece of the plaza will be an amphitheater northwest of the existing baseball fields. It would, according to plans, include an amphitheater building, a covered stage, and a variety of seating areas. The amphitheater building will be 16¼ feet tall, while the roofline will extend to up to 24 feet at its highest point. The seating area directly in front of the stage will accommodate approximately 155 people. The lawn seating area is 38,535 square feet) and could potentially accommodate an estimated 3,800 people.
The plan’s original budget was $6 million, however bids came “a lot higher” than expected, according to a Park District official, so only the amphitheater and event shelter will be built at the current time. These projects carry a $3.2 million price tag. The Park District has received more than $3 million in grants for the project from the state and village.
The Park District plans to solicit bids for the Spray ‘N Play and playground portions of the project “in late winter or early spring.” However, with the start of construction, in addition to the parking lots at Rylko Park being closed, the Spray ‘N Play will be closed for the 2024 season.
Chat with the chief, board president
Residents can join Police Chief Brian Budds and Village President Eric Smith for coffee and conversation from noon to 2 p.m. on Thursday, December 14 at Original Bagel & Bialy, 105 McHenry Road. Residents can learn more about what's happening around the village and share any questions or concerns. Conversations do not have to be delicate or extra lean.
Chanukah party set
Northwest Suburban Chabad is sponsoring two Chanukah events on Sunday, Dec. 10. A menorah car parade begins at 3:30 p.m. at Chabad, 16296 W. Aptakisic Rd. Interested participants should respond to this link.
The parade is followed by a Chanukah bowling party from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Lakeside Recreation Center, 900 S. Lake St., Mundelein. In addition to bowling, there will be a toddler Chanukah zone, latkes, donuts, chili and laser tag. Persons interested in attending should make a reservation at this link.
Flu shots available at fitness center
The Buffalo Grove Park District’s Fitness Center will host a flu shot clinic with CVS Pharmacy from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 14.
Anyone can come to the Fitness Center as long as they have an appointment. Register in advance via the QR Code here, and be sure to bring your insurance card with you to the appointment. For more information, contact Carol Lucido at 847-353-7520.
Canty hosting ‘Cocoa & Chat’
State Rep. Mary Beth Canty is hosting ‘Cocoa & Chat; at Coco & Blu Café, 12 S. Dunton in Arlington Heights from 2 to 3:30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 11. Canty’s district includes portions of Buffalo Grove.
First responders bring holiday cheer
Members of Buffalo
Grove Police and Fire departments teamed up for their seventh annual “Shopping
with Heroes” event on Saturday, Dec. 2
Police officers and firefighters assisted 11 deserving children in shopping for gifts for themselves and their families at the Target, 1400 W. Lake Cook Road in Wheeling.
The volunteer police officers and firefighters spent time shopping with the youth, encouraging the selection of both educational items and their desired gifts. Following, they used the reminder of the gift cards to shop for the children’s families and loved ones.
The children then gathered at the Police Department for gift wrapping, pizza and treats. This event was possible thanks to donations from the Buffalo Grove Police Department, Target, the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council and other donors.
Schakowsky calls for hostage release, end to Mideast violence
U.S. Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-9) is calling for the immediate release of all remaining hostages captured by Hamas and a negotiated end of the war that sets the stage for a democratic sovereign Palestinian state living side-by-side in peace and security with a democratic Israel:
In a statement released Dec. 5, Schakowsky said, "Now is the time for the Administration and our allies in the international community to build on their diplomatic efforts and facilitate a permanent and durable negotiated peace to end the war that started on October 7, with Hamas’s brutal terrorist attack. This agreement must be one that secures the release of all remaining hostages held by Hamas, leads to the removal of Hamas from operational control of Gaza, ends the violence against Palestinian and Israeli civilians, and allows for the influx of humanitarian assistance that is necessary to end the suffering in Gaza and rebuild its devastated areas.”
Cops gobble up 61
The Buffalo Grove Police Department issued 61 citations from 45 traffic stops during its Thanksgiving safety campaign. Included in the 61 citations were 29 were for seat belt violations, 10 for distracted driving with cell phones, two for uninsured motorists and nine for speeding.
The focused enforcement effort is made possible by federal traffic safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation and is part of the statewide “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” and “Click It or Ticket” campaigns.
Congratulations to…
Buffalo Grove Police officer Ashley Krozel who is now Sgt. Ashley Krozel. She was promoted last month.
Need a Reason to Celebrate?
Dec . 8
Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day
Dec. 9
International Anti-Corruption Day
Dec. 10
Festival for the Souls of Dead Whales
Dec. 11
If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome. They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.
Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
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In case you didn’t know…
Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently and locally produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body. Zoller is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Chicago Headline Club.