Nov 18, 2022

Fraudulent sale / Planners like Rylko redo / Schneider seeks holiday cards

 Fraudulent sale -- A resident told police that he paid $950 for an iPhone 14 Max Pro that ended up being an Apple product counterfeit. The man told police that he noticed the phone for sale on Facebook Marketplace and contacted the seller via Facebook Messenger. The man described the seller as a black female, approximately 5 feet, 2 inches tall and 110 lbs. Reports say the sales transaction took place in the parking lot of the Chase bank located at 850 S. Buffalo Grove Road. Police advised the man of the increase in fraud and in scams and advised him to meet potential sellers outside of a police station for his safety and to possibly deter would-be offenders.

Cops quell bus fight -- Police were summoned to the area of Busch and Deerfield parkways for a report of a fight on a PACE bus. The driver of the PACE bus radioed PACE dispatch requesting they call 9-1-1 in regard to a fight on the bus. The driver also told PACE Dispatch that one of the passengers needed an ambulance.

According to reports, one passenger said he was on the bus when it stopped to pick up another passenger who stated was having issues paying for the bus fare and it was going to make him late to the train station.

The second passenger said that after he got on the bus, they had a verbal argument. The passenger said he didn't wish to pursue the matter and refused to be seen by fire department paramedics and that he was only interested in getting to the train station to catch the last train for the night. I spoke with ·about his account of the incident. He stated after he got on the bus started an argument. According to the second passenger, the first passenger walked up to him and they started fighting. He declined to provide additional details and told officers he was not hurt and refused any medical attention.


Phone swiped -- A customer at the Dunkin’ at 1649 Old McHenry Road, told police that an unknown person, described as a white woman in her mid-30s, stole her phone from the wireless charging station. The woman said the offender was the only person inside the store at the time the crime occurred and she witnessed her walk several times as she talked on her cell phone which she found to be suspicious behavior.


Sleazy rider -- Police report that they pursued a person with a backpack and helmet riding a dirt bike at a high rate of speed with no license plate westbound on Dundee Road near Golfview Terrace. Despite activating police vehicle emergency lights, the motorcycle did not pull over or slow down. Officers notified dispatch about the fleeing dirt bike.


In Other Community News


Planners like Rylko revamp plans

            As reported here last week, the Planning and Zoning Commission was set to discuss $6 million in additions and revamping of some facilities at Mike Rylko Park. The Commission did so on Nov. 16 and apparently liked what it heard and saw. According to reporting in the Daily Herald, the planning czars gave the proposal a thumbs up and moved its recommendation to the Village Board. The Herald’s Steve Zalusky reported that the current plan calls for “a new amphitheater, a large, covered event space, renovation and expansion of the Spray 'N Play facility, and reconstruction of the playground area.” While a formal timetable for the project has not been announced, park officials says one possible scenario is for construction to start after Buffalo Grove Days in 2023, with completion in time for Buffalo Grove Days in 2024.

Holiday closures, schedule changes

Village Hall will be closed Thursday and Friday November 24 and 25 for the Thanksgiving holiday. In addition, Waste Management’s garbage collection will be delayed by one day next week for those with regular pickups on Thursday and Friday.

Cops hope to gobble up offenders

The Buffalo Grove Police Department (BGPD) along with other Illinois law enforcement agencies will be working around the clock to make sure Thanksgiving holiday travelers are buckled up and driving safely by participating in “Click It or Ticket” enforcement from Nov. 18 – 28.

The program focuses on drivers and passengers who are not wearing a seatbelt.

The Police Department offers the following tips for residents who may celebrate the holiday period with alcohol or other impairing substances:

·         Plan for a sober ride home before you go out.

·         If you’ve been drinking or using marijuana or other drugs, call a taxi, take mass transit, or call a family member to get you home safely.

·         Use your favorite ride-share service, such as Uber or Lyft, or use public transportation.

·         If you see a drunken driver, pull over safely and call 9-1-1.

The Thanksgiving enforcement effort is made possible by federal traffic safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation. 

Corrected information about ITPLD’s “One Book, One Community” open house

The Indian Trails Public Library has announced the 2022-2023 One Book, One Community (OBOC) book: The Bohemians by Jasmin Darznik.

Interested readers can kick off this year's OBOC program by visiting our open house from noon to 2 pm. on Sunday, Dec. 11 and not Dec. 4 as reported here last week.

Now in its seventh year, One Book, One Community (OBOC) is a partnership among Cook Memorial, Indian Trails and Vernon Area public library districts to encourage dialogue and build community through a shared experience of literature. Members can join in book discussions, attend relevant programs and attend an author event on Sunday, Feb. 26. Participants can register for OBOC programs and enjoy music and refreshments. Free copies of the book will be distributed while supplies last. Registration is not required. You can learn about The Bohemians at this link.  

Schneider announces holiday card competition, collection

U.S. Representative Brad Schneider (IL-10) has launched the "Holiday Cards for Heroes" program for the 2022 holiday season. He also announced the opening of his annual competition to design his office's holiday card.

For the "Holiday Cards for Heroes" program, Schneider invites Tenth District constituents to drop off holiday cards for military service members at Congressman Schneider's District Office in Lincolnshire through Tuesday, December 12th. Please do not put the cards in sealed envelopes. Last year, Schneider's office collected and distributed more than 650 cards with help from the United Service Organizations (USO).

A drop box for cards will be outside Congressman Schneider's District Office at 111 Barclay Blvd., Suite 200, in Lincolnshire.

Schneider’s seventh annual holiday card design competition, gives elementary school students in the Tenth District a chance to submit artwork to be featured on the cover of Congressman Schneider's office Holiday Card. This year's theme is "Home for The Holidays." Participants are encouraged to express what this phrase means to them through their card design.

Students may submit their entries by email to All submissions are due by Monday, Dec. 9. The winner will be announced by early December.

For additional information, call (847) 383-4870. 

Be careful how you leave leaves

Curbside collection of leaves and landscape waste by Waste Management ends the week of Dec. 12.

Residents are reminded that leaves cannot be raked into the street as doing so can clog storm drains and cause flooding. Residents who don’t feel like bagging their leaves can mulch them using a lawnmower or move leaves to garden beds.


Happy Thanksgiving!

The staff and management of Buffalo Grove News and Information will be following the three C’s next week – Cooking, Carving and Consuming – and will be taking the week off.  Barring any major breaking news, BGNI will return the week of Nov. 28.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Need a reason to celebrate?


Nov. 19

Family Volunteer Day

National Have A Bad Day Day

International Men’s Day

National Adoption Day

National Carbonated Beverage With Caffeine Day

World Toilet Day


Nov. 20

Future Teachers of America Day

International Hug a Runner Day

Name Your PC Day

National Pay Back Your Parents Day


Nov. 21

National Red Mitten Day

National Stuffing Day

Odd Socks Day


Nov. 22

Go For A Ride Day

Love Your Freckles Day


Nov. 23


Eat A Cranberry Day

National Espresso Day

National Jukebox Day

What Do You Love About America Day


Nov. 24

In addition to Thanksgiving, it’s also…

D.B. Cooper Day

National Day of Mourning

National Dog Show Broadcast

National Family Health History Day


Nov. 25

Blasé Day

Buy Nothing Day

Flossing Day

National Play Day with Dad


Nov. 26

Good Grief Day

National Anti-Obesity Day

National Cake Day


Nov. 27

National Bavarian Cream Pie Day

National Craft Jerky Day

Turtle Adoption Day



Got News?

If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to

Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.

Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to

Subscribe by email

If you want to receive Buffalo Grove News & Information by email, send your email address to 

In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.

Nov 11, 2022

Man nabbed for possessing swiped stuff / Hearing set on Rylko revamp / Budget presentation set

Stolen property bust -- Police responded to the 900 block of Chaucer Way for a report of subjects in the area, possibly going through vehicles parked in driveways. Police spotted Sam Gruszecki, 18, of Glenview, and found that he was in possession of stolen property from vehicles. He was arrested for possession of stolen property.

Suspicious activity reported -- A resident who lives in the 200 block of Palmgren Court told police that she observed an unknown person with a flashlight looking into her vehicle which was parked in the driveway of her home. Reports say responding officers watched the video and confirmed the resident’s suspicions. Nothing was reported missing from the vehicle.

Speeder flees police --  Police report that they pursued a gold-colored Toyota Camry with dark tinted windows traveling southbound on Buffalo Grove Road and Bernard. Police reports say that despite being followed by a police car with its emergency lights activated, the vehicle disregarded the red light at Dundee Rd and drove southbound on Buffalo Grove Road. Reports say the unknown driver continued southbound on Buffalo Grove Road at a high rate of speed. Reports say when officers lost sight of the vehicle, they ended their pursuit.  Police say a motorist traveling northbound on Buffalo Grove Road told police she saw a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed southbound on Buffalo Grove and drove through a red light at Hintz Rd with its lights off. Wheeling police were notified. 

In Other Community News 

Rylko redo?

            Three months after it presented ideas to the Village Board about jazzing up Mike Rylko Park, the Park District will reportedly have a chance to present its ideas to the Planning and Zoning Committee when it meets at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 16.

            Plans presented to the Village Board in August showed several additions to Rylko Park including, according a pre-application memo to the Board, a permanent venue for community festivals (such as Buffalo Grove Days), community celebrations, civic meetings, rallies, concerts, and theater programming.

According to the plan, a focal point would be a plaza that will include a variety of seating options, as well as shade structures that will encourage community use. The centerpiece of the plaza will be an amphitheater northwest of the existing baseball fields. It would, according to plans, include an amphitheater building, a covered stage, and a variety of seating areas. The amphitheater building will be 16 ¼ feet tall, while the roofline will extend to up to 24 feet at its highest point. The seating area directly in front of the stage will accommodate approximately 155 people. The lawn seating area is 38,535 square feet (.88-acres) and could potentially accommodate an estimated 3,800 people.

Rylko Park is also the site of the Buffalo Grove Farmers Market. Details about the plan, as reported in the Daily Herald, can be found at this link. 

Budget hearing Monday night

            The village will formally present its proposed 2023 budget at a special meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 14 in the Jeffrey Braiman Council Chambers at Village Hall. Details about the budget can be found here. Residents not interested in the budget may want to watch Monday Night Football which pits the Washington Commanders against the Philadelphia Eagles. The Eagles are a 10-point favorite.  Speaking of favorites, the Budget will be up for approval at the Village Board’s Dec. 5 meeting. If you must know, the Monday night game on Dec. 5 is New Orleans at Tampa Bay. Tough choice.

Changing of the guard at the P.D.

            Friday, Nov. 11 marked the end of the career for Buffalo Grove Police Chief Steve Casstevens. His replacement, Brian Budds, was sworn in Nov. 7. The Daily Herald’s Steve Zalusky profiles both the retiring Casstevens (at this link) and also takes a look at Budds’ plans (at this link). 

ITPLD plans “One Book, One Community” open house

The Indian Trails Public Library has  announced the 2022-2023 One Book, One Community (OBOC) book: The Bohemians by Jasmin Darznik.

Interested readers can kick off this year's OBOC program by visiting our open house from noon to 2 pm. on Sunday, Dec. 4.

Now in its seventh year, One Book, One Community (OBOC) is a partnership among Cook Memorial, Indian Trails and Vernon Area public library districts to encourage dialogue and build community through a shared experience of literature. Members can join in book discussions, attend relevant programs and attend an author event on Sunday, Feb.  26. Participants can register for OBOC programs and enjoy music and refreshments. Free copies of the book will be distributed while supplies last. Registration is not required.  You can learn about The Bohemians at this link. 

Beth Am food pantry open Sunday

            Congregation Beth Am’s food pantry will be open from noon to 2 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 13.  The pantry is open to the public regardless of religious denomination. Beth Am is locate at 1370 Abbott Court in Buffalo Grove. Alternative pick-up time are available by calling (847) 383-5017. 

Winter memberships available at WJ Golf

WJ Golf, located inside the Arboretum Golf Club at 401 W. Half Day Road has indoor winter golf memberships available. Find pricing and more information here. 

Speaking of golf…

The Park District’s golf dome is now open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Located at 801 McHenry Road, the golf dome’s season runs through April 8.

It includes a 75-yard indoor driving range and putting green. Professional instruction from Park District staff golf professionals and group classes is available.  For more information, visit or call (847) .353-7575.


Need a reason to celebrate?


Nov. 12

American Fancy Rat & Mouse Day

Chicken Soup for the Soul Day

National Happy Hour Day

National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day


Nov. 13

National Hug a Musician Day

Sadie Hawkins Day

World Kindness Day – Just one day?


Nov. 14

Loosen Up Lighten Up Day

National American Teddy Bear Day

National Pickle Day

Operating Room Nurse Day



Day of the Imprisoned Writer

I Love to Write Day

National Clean Out Your Fridge Day

Pack Your Mom's Lunch Day – Dads starve.


Nov. 16

Clarinet Day – Somewhere Benny Goodman is smiling.

Have a Party with your Bear Day

National Button Day


Nov. 17

National Hiking Day

National Homemade Bread Day

National Take a Hike Day

National Testosterone Awareness Day


Nov. 18

Housing Day

Mickey Mouse Day

Mickey Mouse’s Birthday

Minnie Mouse's Birthday

World Vasectomy Day

Got News?

If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to

Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.

Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to

Subscribe by email

If you want to receive Buffalo Grove News & Information by email, send your email address to 

In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.

Buffalo Grove says goodbye to Casstevens

A fond farewell. With his wife by his side, Steve Casstevens bids goodbye after nine years as Buffalo Grove Police Chief during a send off Friday afternoon.

Past and present.  Steve Casstevens 
chats with Brian Budds, 
Buffalo Grove's new police chief.

Bye Boss. Steve Casstevens gives a 
farewell embrace to Village Manager Dane Bragg. 

Village President Beverly Sussman and her husband, Marty, say goodbye to Steve Casstevens.

Sgt. Meaghan Hansen says goodbye
to outgoing Police Chief,
 Steve Casstevens.

The last exit. Steve Casstevens is Escorted
by Buffalo Grove police cars.

Nov 7, 2022

New Police Chief sworn in


New Police Chioef Brian Budds talks with Trustee Joanne
Johnson, Village Manager Dane Bragg and Trustee Eric Smith
during a reception prior to Monday's meeting.

Brian Budds is sworn in as  Buffalo Grove 
Police Chief by Village Manager Dane Bragg.

New Buffalo Grove Police Chief Brian Budds is congratulated 
by his wife, Jeannie

Retiring Police Chief Steven Casstevens receives 
congratulations  from Village Board President 
Beverly Sussman.

Steven Casstevens is shown with State Sen. Julie
Morrison who presented a proclamation for his 
46 years in law enforcement.

In addition to Chief Brian Budds, several other officers
were promoted including Lt. Michael Rodriguez  
who became Deputy Chief. 
Other promotions included Robert Broussard
 to  Lieutenant and  Kurt Lowenberg to  Sergeant.

Nov 4, 2022

Budget released / New top cop to be installed / Coat drive starts

Editor's note:  Weekly police reports were not available at distribution time.

Village unveils 2023 budget

Touting a second year without an increase in village property taxes, the Village Board will have a public hearing on the proposed 2023 budget at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 14. According to information released by the village, the budget cites the village’s AAA bond rating, continued progress on capital reinvestment and strongly funded pensions. Additionally, village officials note that the proposed budget includes a Continued focus on strategic goals as well as “special initiatives” that include strategic planning and village branding.

The complete budget can be found here.

            The Nov. 14 meeting is a budget presentation only. Board action on the budget is scheduled for the Dec. 5 Board meeting.

New police chief reception, installation Nov. 7

            Brian Budds, Buffalo Grove’s new police chief, will be installed during the Village Board meeting on Monday, Nov. 7.  A meet-and-greet reception for Budds is scheduled for 7 p.m.  Budds replaces Steve Casstevens who is retiring as of Nov. 11. The complete agenda for the Nov. 7 Board meeting can be found here. 

Retirement sparks Didier’s closing

After decades as an icon in Buffalo Grove, Didier’s is ending all retail sales, which will include its popular PumpkinFest. Want more details? Check out this report in the Daily Herald. 

Fire officials get international status   

Buffalo Grove Fire Chief Mike Baker and Battalion Chief Shawn Collins have successfully completed the process for the professional designation of “Chief Fire Officer” (CFO).  The Center for Public Safety Excellence’s Commission on Professional Credentialing conferred the CFO re-designation to Chief Baker and CFO designation to Battalion Chief Shawn Collins. Chief Baker and Battalion Chief Collins are part of the 1,764 CFOs worldwide and the 123 CFOs in Illinois.

The Chief Fire Officer Designation is a voluntary program designed to recognize individuals who demonstrate their excellence in seven measured components including experience, education, professional development, professional contributions, association membership, community involvement and technical competencies. 

Mental illness workshop set

School District 21, in partnership with National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), is offering a workshop on mental illness.

            Open to all parents and guardians, the workshop is scheduled from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 9 at London Middle Schools, 1001 W. Dundee Rd. in Wheeling.

Wednesday, Nov 9 @ 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM 

The workshop will address a variety of topics including, Signs and symptoms of mental illness, data on how mental illness affects youth and personal perspectives on the experience of living with mental illness

            Information is available at these links: English flyer and Spanish flyer.

Childcare for children ages 3-10 will be provided. 

Cops collecting coats

Residents who have new or gently used coats and other cold weather gear, can bring them to the Police Department, 46 Raupp Blvd.  Items are being collected until February and will be donated  to the Midwest Veterans Closet. 

Toys for Tots collection underway

            The Marines are not only for a few good recruits, but toys as well. The annual Toys for Tots collection is underway in the Police Department lobby. New, unwrapped toys are being collected until Dec. 9. The Police Department is at 46 Raupp Blvd. 

40 ticketed during traffic crackdown

            The Buffalo Grove Police Department issued 26 seat belt and child safety seat citations in addition to 14 citations for speeding, distracted driving and other traffic violations during the recent Halloween traffic safety enforcement campaign from Oct. 16 through 31.

The initiative was funded in part by federal highway safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation and is part of the statewide Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over and Click It or Ticket campaigns. 

Shredding event Nov. 5

Residents who have documents with personal information that need to be safely and securely destroyed can bring them to the Metra Parking Lot, 825 Commerce Court, from 9 a.m. until noon on Saturday, Nov. 5 and have the shredded free. A list of accepted documents and other information can be found here. The event is sponsored jointly by The Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County and the village of Buffalo Grove. 

Beauty and the Beast at ASHS

Beauty and The Beast will be performed at Adlai E. Stevenson High School this month. Performances will be at 7p.m. on Nov. 18 and 19 and at 2 p.m. on Nov. 20.

Ticket information is available here.

All performances are at the SHS Performing Arts Center.



Need A Reason To Celebrate?


Nov. 4

Fountain Pen Day -- And how many people still have one?

Love Your Lawyer Day

National Day of Community Service

National Waiting for the Barbarians Day


Nov. 5

Gunpowder Day

Gunpowder Day

National Bison Day

National Chinese Take Out Day


Nov. 6

Daylight Savings Ends  -- Remember, spring ahead, fall back.

Dog Film Festival

National Nachos Day

National Saxophone Day


Nov. 7

Color the World Orange Day

National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day

National Programmatic Advertising Day

Notary Public Day


Nov. 8

Election Day – Need we say more?

International Day of Radiology

National Cappuccino Day

National Harvey Wallbanger Day


Nov. 9

British Pudding Day

Chaos Never Dies Day

Go to an Art Museum Day

National Fried Chicken Sandwich Day


Nov. 10

Area Code Day

International Accounting Day

National Vanilla Cupcake Day

Sesame Street Day


Nov. 11

National Education Day

National Origami Day

National Sundae Day



Got News?

If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to

Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.

Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to

Subscribe by email

If you want to receive Buffalo Grove News & Information by email, send your email address to


In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.

Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...