Editor's note: Weekly police reports were not available at distribution time.
Village unveils 2023 budget
Touting a second year without an increase in village property taxes, the Village Board will have a public hearing on the proposed 2023 budget at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 14. According to information released by the village, the budget cites the village’s AAA bond rating, continued progress on capital reinvestment and strongly funded pensions. Additionally, village officials note that the proposed budget includes a Continued focus on strategic goals as well as “special initiatives” that include strategic planning and village branding.
The complete budget can be found here.
The Nov. 14 meeting is a budget presentation only. Board action on the budget is scheduled for the Dec. 5 Board meeting.
New police chief reception, installation Nov. 7
Brian Budds, Buffalo Grove’s new police chief, will be installed during the Village Board meeting on Monday, Nov. 7. A meet-and-greet reception for Budds is scheduled for 7 p.m. Budds replaces Steve Casstevens who is retiring as of Nov. 11. The complete agenda for the Nov. 7 Board meeting can be found here.
Retirement sparks Didier’s closing
After decades as an icon in Buffalo Grove, Didier’s is ending all retail sales, which will include its popular PumpkinFest. Want more details? Check out this report in the Daily Herald.
Fire officials get international status
Buffalo Grove Fire Chief Mike Baker and Battalion Chief Shawn Collins have successfully completed the process for the professional designation of “Chief Fire Officer” (CFO). The Center for Public Safety Excellence’s Commission on Professional Credentialing conferred the CFO re-designation to Chief Baker and CFO designation to Battalion Chief Shawn Collins. Chief Baker and Battalion Chief Collins are part of the 1,764 CFOs worldwide and the 123 CFOs in Illinois.
The Chief Fire Officer Designation is a voluntary program designed to recognize individuals who demonstrate their excellence in seven measured components including experience, education, professional development, professional contributions, association membership, community involvement and technical competencies.
Mental illness workshop set
School District 21, in partnership with National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), is offering a workshop on mental illness.
Open to all parents and guardians, the workshop is scheduled from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 9 at London Middle Schools, 1001 W. Dundee Rd. in Wheeling.
Wednesday, Nov 9 @ 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
The workshop will address a variety of topics including, Signs and symptoms of mental illness, data on how mental illness affects youth and personal perspectives on the experience of living with mental illness
Information is available at these links: English flyer and Spanish flyer.
Childcare for children ages 3-10 will be provided.
Cops collecting coats
Residents who have new or gently used coats and other cold weather gear, can bring them to the Police Department, 46 Raupp Blvd. Items are being collected until February and will be donated to the Midwest Veterans Closet.
Toys for Tots collection underway
The Marines are not only for a few good recruits, but toys as well. The annual Toys for Tots collection is underway in the Police Department lobby. New, unwrapped toys are being collected until Dec. 9. The Police Department is at 46 Raupp Blvd.
40 ticketed during traffic crackdown
The Buffalo Grove Police Department issued 26 seat belt and child safety seat citations in addition to 14 citations for speeding, distracted driving and other traffic violations during the recent Halloween traffic safety enforcement campaign from Oct. 16 through 31.
The initiative was funded in part by federal highway safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation and is part of the statewide Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over and Click It or Ticket campaigns.
Shredding event Nov. 5
Residents who have documents with personal information that need to be safely and securely destroyed can bring them to the Metra Parking Lot, 825 Commerce Court, from 9 a.m. until noon on Saturday, Nov. 5 and have the shredded free. A list of accepted documents and other information can be found here. The event is sponsored jointly by The Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County and the village of Buffalo Grove.
Beauty and the Beast at ASHS
Beauty and The Beast will be performed at Adlai E. Stevenson High School this month. Performances will be at 7p.m. on Nov. 18 and 19 and at 2 p.m. on Nov. 20.
Ticket information is available here.
All performances are at the SHS Performing Arts Center.
Need A Reason To Celebrate?
Nov. 4
Fountain Pen Day -- And how many people still have one?
National Day of Community Service
National Waiting for the Barbarians Day
Nov. 5
Nov. 6
Daylight Savings Ends -- Remember, spring ahead, fall back.
Nov. 7
National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day
National Programmatic Advertising Day
Nov. 8
Election Day – Need we say more?
International Day of Radiology
National Harvey Wallbanger Day
Nov. 9
National Fried Chicken Sandwich Day
Nov. 10
Nov. 11
If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome. They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.
Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
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In case you didn’t know…
Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.