Aug 28, 2024

Liquor store burgled / BG Days set / Contested Board race looms

Retail burglary – Police report that officers responded to an alarm at Dev Liquors, 1170 McHenry Road. Upon arrival, reports say officers observed two vehicles pulling out of the parking lot. Officers pursued the vehicles at a high rate of speed on McHenry Road, but, say reports, were unable to apprehend them. Reports say the front window of the store was smashed and items inside were in disarray.

Retail theft – Police were summoned to Woodman’s Market, 1550 Deerfield Pkwy. in response to a complaint of a person stealing items. Police did not identify the person nor the items taken. The department did, however, say the person was charged with retail theft and criminal trespass to “real” property.

Theft – A couple having dinner at Flambe Indiana, 1155 McHenry Rd. apparently didn’t like the restaurants’ smoking policy. Police say the couple entered the restaurant, and ate dinner. After finishing their dinner, the man lit a cigarette and when asked to step outside to smoke, he and his female companion obliged, but didn’t return. They also did not pay their $36 dinner tab. For the record, since Jan. 1, 2008, indoor public places and places of employment in Illinois are smoke-free.

Motor vehicle burglary – A resident 1100 block of Johnson Drive reported to police that someone broke into his car, a 2015 Subaru. Reports say “several items” were taken, but police declined to list what was taken or the value of the stolen property.

Bike stolen – but found! – A resident of the Fireside Terrace Condominiums told police that his bicycle was taken from the back patio of their condo. But there’s good news. Reports say the responding officer “drove around the complex and located the bicycle.” For whatever reason, reports did not say where the bike was found.

Package swiped – A resident in the 200 block of Brunswick reported to police that a package was apparently stolen by a man posing as a resident. Reports are sketchy and do not indicate what was allegedly stolen and from what delivery service.


In Other Community News

Annual BG Days festival starts Thursday

The annual Buffalo Grove Days festival kicks off Thursday, Aug. 29 and runs through Labor Day, Sept. 2 at Mike Rylko Community Park.

The event will feature five days of food, music and fun for all ages and abilities. The festivities get underway on Thursday, Aug. 29 with a dedication of the new amphitheater and pavilion at Mike Rylko Community Park at 5:15 p.m. That will be followed by the Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove’s Bingo Night at 6:30 p.m. Find more information is available at this website. A full schedule can be found here.

Contested Village Board election ahead?

            With longtime volunteer Paulette Greenberg saying she’ll seek a seat on the Village Board in the April 2025 election, it looks like four people will be vying for a spot on the dais. Greenberg told the Daily Herald that she’s running because “If you’re a trustee, you get to help make the decisions for the community. I want to be a part of it,” she said, adding she would aim to bring more affordable senior housing into the village.” Also running are current Board Members Denice Bocek, Joanne Johnson and Lester Ottenheimer III.

New bids eyed for Spray ‘N Play

            The Park Board Aug. 26 heard new options for the expansion of the Spray ‘N Play water play area at Mike Rylko Park. The new options followed a report at the Board’s Aug. 12 meeting by Laurie Hoffman, Planning And Development Manager, that bids for the original plans were higher than expected. The bids ranged from $2,312,611.74 to $3,120,665. In her memo to the Board, Hoffman noted that “The budget for this project as approved by the Board was $ 2,118,453.83”.

            Hoffman told the Board at its Aug. 26 meeting, “To have the Spray N’ Play operational for Summer 2025 and provide a dedicated concession space for the Amphitheater, the staff is looking to descope the project and issue for bid later this fall.” The estimated cost for the “descoping” is $1,778,419.40, which includes an “alternate shade structure.” Information about the original bids and the revised costs can be found in the Board packets at this site.

Village Board plans special meeting

            The Village Board will hold a “special meeting” at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 4 in the Braiman Council Chambers.  In accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act, the meeting will be closed to the public as the entire agenda will focus on property acquisition. No action will be taken.

Library Board member checks out

            Indian Trails Public Library District trustee Erin Hauck has stepped down from the board effective citing a new job and personal issues. She joined the board in 2022. The Daily Herald reports that the remaining trustees will appoint someone to fill her seat until the spring 2025 election.

Baker named grand Marshal

The Grand Marshal of this year's BG Days Parade is former Buffalo Grove Fire Chief Mike Baker who retired this year after 45 years of service in the fire industry, including the past 10 years with the Buffalo Grove Fire Department. The Buffalo Grove Days Parade begins at noon on Sunday, Sept. 1 on Buffalo Grove Road and Deerfield Parkway. Additional information is available at this link..

Amphitheater dedication Thursday

The new and pavilion at Mike Rylko Community Park, 951 McHenry Road, will be dedicated at 5:15 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 29.

The amphitheater is located north of the Spray ‘N Play and east of the Fitness Center. The Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove’s annual Bingo Night at BG Days is also scheduled for Aug. 29. It begins at 6:30 p.m.


Looking for a Reason to Celebrate?


Aug. 28

Crackers Over The Keyboard Day

National Bow Tie Day

Race Your Mouse Around the Icons Day

Aug. 29

Individual Rights Day

International Cabernet Day

National Sports Day

Aug. 30

Frankenstein Day

International Cabernet Sauvignon Day

National Toasted Marshmallow Day

Aug. 31

Eat Outside Day

Love Litigating Lawyers Day

National South Carolina Day

Sept. 1

American Chess Day

National No Rhyme Nor Reason Day

National Pet Rock Day

Sept. 2

Bison-ten Yell Day

Pierce Your Ears Day

Mouthguard Day


Sept. 3

National Welsh Rarebit Day

Skyscraper Day

Telephone Tuesday

Sept. 4

Eat an Extra Dessert Day

National Macadamia Nut Day

National Wildlife Day

Sept. 5

National Cheese Pizza Day

National Be Late for Something Day

National Shrink Day




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Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome. They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.

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Buffalo Grove News and Info, is locally and independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body. Zoller is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Chicago Headline Club.


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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...