Two face drug charges -- Two 31-year-old Buffalo Grove men face a variety of drug-related and traffic charges following a traffic stop for an expired license plate. According to police reports, one man, the driver, was charged with Possession with Intent to Manufacture/Deliver Controlled Substance, Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, and Driving with a Suspended or Revoked Driver's License. The second man was charged with Possession with Intent to Manufacture/Deliver Controlled Substance, Possession of Controlled Substance, and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
Bike swiped -- A resident in the 300 block of Didier Court told police his daughter’s bicycle was taken from the front of his house. The value of the bike was not reported.
Retail theft – Not a bad week for Woodman’s – only one report of someone trying to sneak by the self-checkout lanes. In this case, police say a Wheeling woman was nabbed trying to swipe $343 worth of groceries from the store.
Criminal Damage – A resident in the 1100 block of Johnson Drive, reported to police that someone broke the front passenger side window of his vehicle.
Burglary from car – A resident of the 1150 block Johnson Drive told police that someone broke into his car. Police did not report what was stolen.
In Other Community News
Property tax hike hinted
As village staff begins preparation of the village’s 2025 budget, Finance Director Chris Black told the Board that one option could be a 1.9 percent increase in the village’s property tax levy.
Trustees, noted The Daily Herald, were “leery” of the proposal – which is an understatement.
The general feeling of Board members was they wanted additional information as to the need for an increase, which would be the first in five years. One village official told BGNI that they didn’t think the Board would approve an increase.
Details of Black’s Board report can be found here.
Annual Bill Reid Award presented
Paul Zucker was presented with the
2023 Bill Reid Community Service Award at a recent Buffalo Grove village board
meeting. Zucker is shown here receiving the award from Buffalo Grove Rotary President Lisa Siwek.
The annual award recognizes long-term contributions to the village of Buffalo Grove and is presented by the Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove.
Zucker is an original member of the Buffalo Grove Emergency Management Agency, volunteering since its inception in 1987. He has created communications systems for emergency vehicles in Buffalo Grove and surrounding communities, and has crafted countless emergency plans. (Article from the Daily Herald)
Event to celebrate India’s independence
The Lake County Indians Association (LCIA) is hosting an India Independence Day celebration from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Aug.7 at Peterson Park, 16652 N Buffalo Grove Rd.
The free event will include cultural performances, food and a variety of family-oriented activities.
Additional information is available on the LCIA’s Facebook page.
Lake County road project info. available
The Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT) has launched a new interactive dashboard displaying the more than 300 projects in its 2024-2029 Transportation Improvement Program that was recently adopted by the Lake County Board.
The program is designed to maintain more than 900 lane miles of county highways, increase driver and pedestrian safety, improve mobility and reduce carbon emissions. This program is updated annually to show the projects planned in the current year and the next five years. More information is available here.
Dist. 21 science classes to climb the wall
When school dist. 21 announced in June that three aeroponic Tower Gardens along the eastern wall of the cafeteria, staff saw an opportunity to integrate a project by food service management provider OrganicLife into the curriculum.
According to Astrid Rodrigues, director of teaching and learning for science and social studies, science teachers at London Middle School are “excited for these installations”.
Rodrigues says teachers plan to “involve students in this project as it gives them the opportunity to determine and observe the optimum environment for plants to grow, and it also closely aligns with the district's Earth Science Power Standards.
“We hope that this initiative will spark student interest in growing and harvesting live plants, as well as develop an appreciation and passion for STEM subject areas."
As previously announced, each tower is made from UV-stabilized, BPA-free, food-grade plastic and employs aeroponics, which is the process of growing plants in an air or mist environment without the use of soil. Each structure can also hold up to 32 plants, but are customizable to add more pods.
The district said learning about aeroponics will extend beyond the classroom as, the district notes, students help maintain the towers and aid in the harvest.
The district plans on monitoring the project with the intent of expanding the aeroponic gardens to Holmes and Cooper middle schools.
Auditions for two plays set
Big Deal Productions is holding auditions for two plays on Monday, August 19 and Tuesday, August 20 at the Community Arts Center.
Auditions are scheduled for Finding Nemo, Kids! from 6 - 8 pm. Performers must be in grades 2 – 4. Callbacks will Thursday, Aug. 22
Audition appointments can be reserved via the link below or at this link or at Performances are scheduled for Nov. 15, 16, 17, 22, and 23. For more information, contact Ann Marie Shipstad-Schwartz at 847-850-2152.
Auditions are also being held for Big Deal’s Fall presentation Frozen, Jr. These auditions, while held on the same days as those for Finding Nemo, will be from 6 - 9 p.m. Performers must be in grades 5 – 8. Callbacks are Thursday, Aug. 22. For information about audition preparation, go to this link.. Audition appointments can be made at this link or at
Performances are scheduled for Oct. 25 – Nov. 3. For more information, contact Lindsay Grandt at 847-850-2132.
Need a reason to celebrate?
Aug. 13
Aug. 14
Aug. 15
National Lemon Meringue Pie Day
Aug. 16
Aug. 17
Aug. 18
Aug. 19
Aug. 20
National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day
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Buffalo Grove News and Info, is locally and independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body. Zoller is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Chicago Headline Club.
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