A 25-year-old Grayslake woman was
arrested and charged with one count of criminal trespass to a building and one
count of criminal damage to property after she allegedly climbed over a storage
unit and entered it through the top to gain access to property after management
put its own lock on the locker due to nonpayment. The woman, Ariel Barr, 25,
said the locker was rented by a friend and told police that once she was in the
unit, she used a wrench to remove bolts that were securing the latch and lock.
Police were called
to the business after an employee told Barr that the unit was on the delinquent
list and she was not on file as an authorized user. She is scheduled to appear
in Lake County Court on Aug. 5.
• Tires stolen -- Twenty seven
used racing tires were reported missing from a business in the 1200 block of
Busch Parkway on July 23. The tires, worth between $10 and $15 each, were
stored in an outside pick-up area where they are picked up by a reseller.
• At least someone is using the course
-- Two residents reported their vehicles were damaged by errant golf shots near
the Arboretum Golf Club. One shot
damaged the door of one car while another resident said his vehicle had a golf
ball shaped dent in its window.
• Vandals damage vehicle -- A
resident in the 600 block of Trace Drive reported that the front passenger
window and rear window. The resident
said the car had been parked in the spot for a few months due to a coolant
leak, but that was unrelated to the damage.
And now,
the excuse of the week: Police say a
driver who was stopped for a traffic violation said he was not wearing his
seatbelt because he was grabbing for his Red Bull.
County mulls traffic plans in view of Rt. 53 extension demise
The Illinois
Tollway announced recently that it will not complete the environmental impact
statement (EIS) for the Tri-County Access (TCA) Project, formerly known as the
IL Route 53/120 Project. The EIS was intended to be a comprehensive regional
study conducted by the Illinois Tollway to evaluate potential environmentally
and fiscally responsible solutions to ease regional traffic congestion in Lake,
northern Cook and eastern McHenry counties.
Lake County will
continue to advocate and work closely with the Illinois Department of Transportation,
municipal, township and State elected officials to improve traffic congestion
based on priorities identified in the Lake County State Highway Consensus Plan.
The Lake County Board reaffirmed its commitment to addressing traffic
congestion relief by adopting an updated strategic plan at its July board
The plan continues
the emphasis on strategies and actions the County will take to support a
sustainable transportation system. Learn more.
Schoenhoft named to Chamber post
The Buffalo Grove Lincolnshire
Chamber of Commerce (BGLCC) has a new executive director, Susan (Suzi)
Schoenhoft. To learn more about her background and experience, New
Chamber Executive Director.
BGHS alum makes $1 million donation – to thank a teacher
When it comes to thanking a
teacher, Stephen Yacktman, a 1988 graduate, went above and beyond as detailed
in this
report and coverage.
Cops have busy July 4th
The Buffalo Grove
Police Department has released the results for the Independence Day holiday
period enforcement.
Police made one
impaired driving arrest and issued 159 seat belt citations during the ‘Drive
Sober or Get Pulled Over’ and ‘Click It or Ticket’ safety campaigns. Police
officers also arrested one driver for driving with a revoked driver’s license,
wrote 32 distracted driving violations and 20 citations for speeding.
Law enforcement
agencies throughout Illinois participated in this statewide effort to get drunk
and drugged drivers off the roads and to encourage seat belt use. Buffalo Grove
Police joined forces with more than 160 other state and local law enforcement
agencies conducting the crackdown, which featured high-visibility enforcement
combined with a variety of outreach activities, including a media campaign.
The recent law
enforcement effort was funded by federal traffic safety funds administered by
the Illinois Department of Transportation as part of the statewide “Drive Sober
or Get Pulled Over” and “Click It or Ticket” programs.
State Rep. Didech hosting youth program
Illinois State Rep. Daniel Didech
(D-59), of Buffalo Grove, is hosting a forum for local high school and
college-aged students who want to share their thoughts on the future of the
state and country by participating in his first Youth Advisory Council meeting
at 2:30 p.m. this Saturday, July 27, at the Vernon Area Library, 300 Olde Half
Day Road, Lincolnshire. More information is at Didech
youth meeting
Gaming growing in suburbs
More suburbs, including Buffalo
Grove, are allowing video gaming. The impact is covered in this
report from Pioneer Press.
Village finance reports available
The Village has
issued its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), Popular Annual
Financial Report (PAFR) and Annual Treasurer's Report for the fiscal year
ending December 31st, 2018. These financial statements can be found here;
physical copies are available at Village Hall during normal business hours.
The CAFR is the
annual audited financial statement for the Village. The PAFR is a summary of
the CAFR, designed to be more easily read by the general public.
Contact the
Finance Department with any inquiries by calling 847-459-2500 or emailing bgfinance@vbg.org.
Increased rainfall topic of Lake County program
Over the last few years, Lake
County has been experiencing more frequent and stronger rainfall events, and as
a result, the precipitation has broken records, caused millions of dollars in
damage to properties, and obstructed the lives of Lake County residents and
visitors. The Lake County Stormwater Management Commission invites individuals
interested in hearing more about how increased rainfall is impacting Lake
County to attend the public information meeting on Aug. 8. Find
out more here.
Village offering ways to receive information
The Village is
offering several ways for interested persons to get village news. In addition
to print newsletters are delivered to residents and local businesses six times a
year, there are a variety of social media channels,
and an emergency
notification system available.
Interested? Just click on one of the links for more information or to register.
National Night Out Aug. 6
The National Night Out is Tuesday, Aug. 6. Residents can join the Buffalo Grove Police
and Fire Departments, along with Village staff at Willow Stream Park, 651 Old
Checker Road in Buffalo Grove. Hosted by the Buffalo Grove Park District, the
event runs from 5 to 8 p.m. includes games, free food, giveaways and live music
from Motown Nation. In the event of inclement weather, call the Buffalo Grove
Park District rainout hotline for more information at (847) 235-6857.
Got News?
If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or
other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas
to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com. Articles should include a contact name
email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome. They should
be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above.
All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.
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