Dec 20, 2022

Racial graffiti / Board race set / Caffeine with the Chief

Racially fused vandalism incidents reported -- Police responded to the 1200 block of Gail Drive for a report of vandalism. A resident reported to police she saw racial epithets spray painted on a walking path near her home. Police report there are no suspects at this time. In a second similar case, police responded to the 700 block of Chaucer Way for a report of vandalism. As in the case on Gail Drive, a resident told police that she saw obscene images and racial epithets spray painted on a sidewalk near her home. There are no suspects in either incident at this time.

If the boot fits -- An employee at Rogan’s Shoes, 1300 W. Dundee Rd. told police that she noticed an Africa-American a male wearing a light green jacket, khaki color cargo pants, dark-rimmed eyeglasses, a blue Chicago Bears baseball style hat, and a grey and blue shirt walk out of the store with a shoe he did not pay for. It’s important to note that only one shoe was reportedly taken. The employee told police that the man walked around the store while appearing to be on the phone, placed a winter boot down his pants. Reports did not say what size the boot was or how big the man’s pants were. The employee told police she asked the man if he needed any help, but he turned around and did not say anything, placed a shoe on the shelf, walked around the store again for a short amount of time with the employee keeping surveillance on him. Reports say he then walked out the front door and walked towards a nearby grocery store. The employee found the box where the shoe was taken from along with the matching left shoe. Police canvassed the area, but did not find anyone wearing one boot or who had a pronounced bulge in his pants.

Battery charges filed -- A 70-year-old Roselle man, Tadeusz Kocaj, was charged with one count of battery after he allegedly grabbed a woman in a dispute over a parking space in the 700 block of Corporate Grove Drive. No injuries were reported.


In Other Community News

Uncontested field for Village Board races

Trustee Eric Smith is the only candidate for Village Board President in the April election. In addition to Smith’s solo candidacy, longtime Village Clerk, Jan Sirabian, who has held the post for 43 years is the sole candidate for that post.

There are three candidates for three spots on the Village Board; incumbents David Weidenfeld and Gregory Pike and first-time Board candidate Frank Cesario. Cesario is currently a member of the Planning And Zoning Commission.

The deadline for filing for April election was Monday, Dec. 19.

Another holiday, another crackdown

See something red twinkling in your rear-view mirror?

Chances are it’s not a low-flying Rudolph, but rather a Buffalo Grove police officer.

That’s because the Buffalo Grove Police Department is partnering with the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to remind motorists about the dangers of impaired driving. From December 16 through January 2, law enforcement across Illinois will step up enforcement efforts with the high visibility “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” and “Drive High. Get a DUI.” traffic safety campaigns.

“We want everyone in our communities to enjoy the holidays without worrying about the dangers of impaired drivers,” Sergeant Tony Turano says. “During the campaign, you can expect to see extra safety patrols. We will show zero tolerance for alcohol and drug-impaired driving to help ensure everyone makes it to and from their holiday festivities safely.”

Revelers should plan for a sober ride home and remember these tips:

* Designate a sober driver or plan to use public transportation or a ride- sharing service to get home safely.

* If you see an impaired driver on the road, pull over and dial 9-1-1.

* Have a friend or family member who is about to drive impaired? Take the keys away and make arrangements to get them home safely.

* Always wear your seatbelt.

The holiday enforcement campaign is administered by IDOT with federal highway safety funds managed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Candy canes are not accepted as bail.

Have coffee with the top cop

            Want a break from the holiday excitement? You can have a cup of Joe with Buffalo Grove Police Chief Brian Budds from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursday, Dec. 29 at The Continental Restaurant, 788 S. Buffalo Grove Rd.

            Coffee and pastries will be provided along with the opportunity to chat with Budds who took the reins of the Police Department in November.

First responders host “Shopping with Heroes”

The Buffalo Grove Police and Fire departments hosted their sixth annual ‘Shopping with Heroes’ event Saturday, Dec. 10 at the Target store in Wheeling.

The event was made possible thanks to donations from the Police and Fire Departments, along with donations from the ‘Temple Chai Guys’ men’s group from Temple Chai and other donors.

The departments identified 16 local children in need to provide gifts for – children who had faced personal or financial family hardships. Police officers and firefighters volunteered their time to shop with the youth. The children were guided to choose educational items along with their other desired gifts, with the remainder spent on gifts for family members.

After shopping, the children were brought back to the police station for gift wrapping, pizza and treats. The treat bags and wrapping paper were all donated by Target.

Volunteers wanted for new committee

Volunteers are being sought to help envision the future of both current and prospective community events in Buffalo Grove. Depending on their interest, residents can help in the planning and execution of the 2023 BG Days and/or support the growing potential for more community events throughout the year. Interested residents can apply here.

Chamber set for 2023

The Buffalo Grove Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce has announced its 2023 board. The chamber serves area businesses.


Happy Holidays!!

            The staff and management of Buffalo Grove News and Information wishes you a Happy Holiday season no matter what you celebrate – Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, etc. We’ll be taking a break and will return after the revelry.

            In the meantime, take a break to think about the less fortunate, victims of senseless violence and discrimination, including the people of Ukraine.


Need other reasons to celebrate?

Bored with the traditional holidays? Here are some other festivities for you…


Dec. 20

Go Caroling Day

National Sangria Day

Dec. 21

Don’t Make Your Bed Day

Humbug Day

Dec. 22

National Cookie Exchange Day

National Date Nut Bread Day

National Short Person Day

Dec. 23

National Christmas Movie Marathon Day

National Pfeffernusse Day

Dec. 26

National Candy Cane Day

National Whiners Day

 Dec. 27

National Fruitcake Day

Visit the Zoo Day

Dec. 28

National Call a Friend Day

National Chocolate Candy Day

Pledge of Allegiance Day

Dec. 29

National Pepper Pot Day

Still Need To Do Day

Dec. 30

Festival of Enormous Changes at the Last Minute

National Bicarbonate of Soda Day

Dec. 31

Make Up Your Mind Day

National Champagne Day

Jan. 1

Happy New Year!

Commitment Day

Copyright Law Day

National Bloody Mary Day

National Shepherd Day


Got News?

If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to

Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.

Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to

Subscribe by email

If you want to receive Buffalo Grove News & Information by email, send your email address to 

In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.

Dec 12, 2022

Bank robbery probe continues / Candidate filing begins / SAFE-T Act forum topic

 Investigation into bank heist continues – Buffalo Grove police are working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) following an armed robbery Dec. 10. According to a press release, the robbery occurred at the Bank of America, 55 W. Lake Cook Road at around 12:15 p.m. The release said two individuals were allegedly involved and last seen fleeing the property in a white Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Auto theft probe continues -- Police are continuing their investigation into the theft of a 2018 Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG that was reportedly stolen from CDE Collision Repair, 920 Deerfield Parkway for a report of a stolen vehicle. Reports say several subjects entered the garage of the facility and drove the car out of the garage. Police say the investigation is ongoing.

Health Club thefts – Buffalo Grove Police report four incidents of theft from Sky Fitness, 1501 Busch Parkway. In one case, a person told police someone removed two credit cards from his wallet that was in his locked locker. A second person told police that two credit cards and approximately $200 in cash were taken from his wallet while he was at Sky Fitness. In a third case, a person told police that someone stole credit cards out of the victim's purse while it was stored in a locker. A fourth person filed a similar report saying that the day after he was at the Club, he received a fraud alert for his credit card. stating his card had been used at the department store. He contacted the store and advised them of the fraud and then discovered his credit card and card had also been taken. The person told police that he believes they were taken while he was at Sky Fitness on Dec. 1 between 4 and 6 p.m. The other three reported thefts occurred Nov. 29.

Probe into residential burglary continues – The investigation continues into a burglary from a home in the 1100 block of Greenridge Road. The victim told police that an unknown offender entered the residence and stole personal items from the home on Nov. 29.

Catalytic converter swiped – It’s bad enough if you have a catalytic converter stolen from your car, but two? If you have a Toyota Tundra it’s possible. Police report that a person told them two of the four catalytic converters on her Toyota Tundra were stolen as it was parked in the south parking lot of Twin Groves Middle School.

DUI leads to four chargesA Prospect Heights man faces four charges after a traffic stop. Police say Angel Medina, 20, was observed traveling westbound on Lake Cook Road in his Jeep Compass at reported speed of 72 MPH in a 45 MPH zone. Medina was stopped for speeding, but reports say, further investigation revealed Medina was showing signs of alcohol impairment. He was charged with Aggravated DUI- Violation for the Third or Subsequent Time, Aggravated DUI- During Period When Driving Privileges Revoked or Suspended, DUI - Under the Influence of Alcohol, and DUI - Alcohol Concentration 0.08 or More.

A “brewhaha?” -- The hotel manager at the Sheraton Four Points, 900 W. Lake-Cook Rd., reported to police that an unknown person broke the beer tap at the bar during the overnight hours. The beer tap had been forced open, and beer had been spilled over the bar and onto the floor. A person was questioned by police, but denied damaging the beer tap.

Sweet theft – Police report that an unknown man allegedly stole an ice cream and candy bar from the Walgreens at 15 N. Buffalo Grove Road. Reports did not indicate the kind of candy bar or flavor of ice cream.


In Other Community News

Memorial service for victims set

A public memorial service for three of the five persons found slain Dec. 1 will be at the Buffalo Grove Community Arts Center, 225. McHenry Road. The service is scheduled to begin at 12:30 p.m. Full details can be found in this Daily Herald Report.

Candidate filing begins

Petition filing for Residents seeking elected village offices began Monday, Dec. 12 and will continue until 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 19 at which time a lottery will be held and the list of candidates announced.

Village positions to be decided in the April 4 election include Village Board President, Village Clerk and three trustee positions.

According to reports in the Daily Herald, “Only village Trustee Eric Smith submitted nominating petitions to seek the village president's post in April. Two-term incumbent Village President Beverly Sussman announced in August she would not seek another four-year term.

Incumbent village trustees Gregory Pike and David Weidenfeld joined planning and zoning Commissioner Frank Cesario in filing to run for trustee. Three of the village board's six trustee seats will be at stake on Election Day.”

Yard waste collection ends this week

Curbside collection of leaves and landscape waste by Waste Management ends this week. Residents are reminded that leaves cannot be raked into the street as doing so can clog storm drains and cause flooding.

‘Rally for Love’ to honor Club Q victims

An event recognizing the victims of the Club Q shooting in Colorado Springs, Colorado, will be held Tuesday, Dec. 13 from 6 – 8 p.m. at the Vernon Township community services building, 2900 N. Main St., Buffalo Grove. The event, “Rally for Love,” is hosted by State Rep. Daniel Didech and State Sen. Adriane Johnson.

Featured speaker will be 18th District Lake County Board member Sara Knizhnik. She is chair of the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Gun Violence Prevention Initiative.

Chanukah events set

Northwest Suburban Chabad is planning several Chanukah events on Sunday, Dec. 18 including a menorah parade, beginning at 3:45 p.m. and Chanukah Bowl beginning at 7 p.m. Information about both events can be found here.

Donate cold weather wear

New and gently used coats and other cold weather gear are being collected until the end of March in the Police Department lobby, 46 Raupp Blvd. All items will be donated to the Midwest Veterans Closet.

Old park, new name

Green Lake Park is now officially Reiner Park in honor of longtime Park Board Commissioner, Dr. Larry Reiner. A new sign has been installed; and, there will be a park dedication in the spring.

Village Manager gets contract extension

Buffalo Grove Village Manager Dane Bragg will be around for four more years. The Village Board Dec. 5 approved a four-year contract extension that, among other things, gives him an annual 3% salary increase which tops out at $325,000. According to reporting in the Daily Herald, Bragg’s current salary is $292,097.

Town hall to address SAFE-T Act

State Rep. Daniel Didech, Lake County State's Attorney Eric Rinehart and Lake County Board member Sara Knizhnik will host a town hall meeting from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 15 to discuss the SAFE-T Act and its implementation in Lake County. The forum will be at the Vernon Township community services building, 2900 N. Main St., Buffalo Grove.

Email or call (847) 478-9909 for more information. Persons not able to attend the event can email Didech to set up a time to talk about their questions or concerns.

Indoor farmers market

An indoor farmers market is available at the Vernon Township Community Services building, 2900 N. Main St. through April. The market is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

A variety of produce and other items are available, The next market, according to its Facebook page, is Sunday, Jan. 8, 2023.

ITPLD offers finals night study

Two finals night study sessions are scheduled at the Indian Trails Public Library, 355 Schoenbeck Rd.

They will be from 5 – 8 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 17 and Sunday, Dec. 18.

The extended hours are for high school students only. The library will remain open later to get students through finals preparation As a limited number of computers will be available, personal devices are encouraged. Snacks will be provided. No registration required.

Kids concert at Library

A concert featuring “Little Miss Ann” is scheduled for 11 a.m. on Dec. 17 at the Indian Trails Library, 355 Schoenbeck Road.

Sing, dance and rock out with Ann Torralba, best known as Little Miss Ann, and a guest fiddler for an interactive concert for families. Free tickets distributed 30 minutes before the program.

Need something to celebrate?

Dec. 13

National Cocoa Day

National Cream Cheese Frosting Day

Pick A Pathologist Pal Day

Dec. 14

Martyred Intellectuals Day

National Bouillabaisse Day

Roast Chestnuts Day

Dec. 15

Bill of Rights Day

Lemon Cupcake Day

National Cupcake Day

National Re-Gifting Day

National Cat Herders Day

Dec. 16

Barbie And Barney Backlash Day

National Chocolate Covered Anything Day

National Ugly Sweater Day

Stupid Toy Day

Dec. 17

Festival of Winter Walks

National Device Appreciation Day

National Maple Syrup Day

Dec. 18

Answer The Telephone Like Buddy The Elf Day

Bake Cookies Day

National Crime Junkie Day

Wear a Plunger on Your Head Day

Dec. 19

National Hard Candy Day

National Oatmeal Muffin Day

Look for an Evergreen Day




Got News?

If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to

Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.

Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to

Subscribe by email

If you want to receive Buffalo Grove News & Information by email, send your email address to

In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.

Dec 2, 2022

“To the little kiddos who left too early” / Budget up for approval / Webinar on antisemitism

“To the little kiddos who left too early”
 As the investigation into the apparent murder-suicide of five people continues, neighbors express grief and shock as investigators try to figure out what led to the deadly event. Buffalo Grove Police Chief Brian Budds called the scene “horrific.” Details about the investigation are being kept under wraps.  The Lake County coroner has completed autopsies on all five victims and reports that all five victims died from “sharp-force injuries.”

Board meeting Monday

The Village Board meets at 7:30 p.m. Monday at Village Hall 50 Raupp Blvd. Among the items the Board is expected to vote on is the 2023 Budget, which, according to the Countryside Reminder calls for a 6.6 percent increase, but does not increase the village's portion of property taxes.

Village mulls community event coordination

            In an apparent effort to streamline community events, the Village Board will consider creation of a Community Events Committee (CEC) to oversee events that are under the auspices of the village.

            In a memo to Village Manager Dane Bragg, Brett Robinson, administrative services director and Jessie Brown, administrative services manager, noted that creation of the committee would allow “for significantly more flexibility being able to plan community wide events in addition to Buffalo Grove Days.”

            It’s likely that the CEC would lead to the elimination of the current Buffalo Grove Days Committee which has coordinated the event for, according to longtime volunteer and chair Paulette Greenberg. The village is actively recruiting for residents who want to be members of the CEC on the village website. Information is available here.

            Creation of the CEC is one of several items on the agenda for the Dec. 5 Board meeting that address events. The biggest focus is on Buffalo Grove Days which, according to Mike Skibbe, deputy village manager/director of Public Works, who is staff liaison to Buffalo Grove Days, was a success in 2022. The event, he notes in a report to the Board, finished with a $30,040.15 for the village. The 2022 was a partnership between the village and Park District.

            A series of memos of understanding regarding partnerships, funding and the role of the Buffalo Grove Community Foundation are scheduled to be discussed as part of “Special Business” at the meeting. Full details can be found in the agenda packet for Monday’s meeting at this link.

Rough waters ahead for Cook County property taxes?

            A report by the Better Government Association hints that “Assessor Fritz Kaegi says a new round of tax assessments shows his policies are working. But the picture for north-suburban homeowners is more complicated.” The BGA report says that Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi’s reassessment notices have made their way into every mailbox in Chicago’s north and northwest suburbs, which are undergoing a review for the first time since 2019. They point to a relative cooldown from Kaegi’s previous pummeling of commercial landlords while homeowners are on track for more heartburn. The BGA’s report can be found here.

Blood drive Dec. 3

A community blood drive is scheduled this Saturday, Dec. 3, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Alcott Center, located at 530 Bernard Drive. Appointments are available and walk-ins are also welcome. You can schedule an appointment using this link.

Surge of antisemitism webinar topic

Indian Trails Public Library is co-sponsoring a webinar at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 12 about the rise of antisemitism in the United States.

The presentation will feature Sarah van Loon, regional director of the American Jewish Committee, in conversation with Jason Marck of WBEZ-AM. There will be time for questions following the presentation. The event will be recorded and available through YouTube for those who cannot participate live.

The webinar is a partnership by the Cook Memorial, Deerfield, Ela Area, Evanston, Glencoe, Highland Park, Indian Trails, Lincolnwood, Skokie, Vernon Area, Wilmette, and Winnetka-Northfield District public libraries. Registration should be completed before Dec. 12 by using this link.

Dist. 21 plans seminar on stress, anxiety

School District 21, in partnership with YWCA, is offering a stress & anxiety workshop to support family wellness.

            Topics scheduled to be covered include tools for managing stress during the holidays, and coping skills to support a child's development

            Two sessions of the seminar are available on Dec. 13. The first is from 9:30 – 11 a.m. and the second is from 6 to 7 p.m.

All sessions will be in room 213 at the Hawthorne Early Childhood School 200 Glendale Street, Wheeling.

Evening childcare will be provided. Information is available at these sites: English Workshop English flyer / Spanish Workshop Spanish Flyer.

Registration can be completed by using this this link.

ITPLD offers winter reading challenge

The Indian Trails Public Library District’s Youth Winter Reading Challenge is underway. Participants can read or be read to for any 15 days and for any amount of time. Intended for Birth-Grade 8. Register at the Youth Services Desk, or call the Library at (847) 459-4100 or register through the Beanstack App.

Free Holiday concert Dec. 4

The Buffalo Grove Symphonic Band's free annual holiday concert at the St. Mary Parish, 10 N. Buffalo Grove Road, at 4 p,m. this Sunday, Dec. 4. More details are available at the Symphonic Band's website.

Park District offers kids’ holiday shopping

Do your kids want to do holiday shopping? Children will be able to shop at the Alcott Center, 530 Bernard, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Dec. 6 and Dec. 7 and shop with one of the Park District’s holiday helpers. Gifts will range from $3 to $8 and will be wrapped and ready to go. For more information, contact Brian O’Malley at (847) 850-2146.

Peter Pan dance performances set

The Park District is presenting a Peter Pan dance production Dec. 9, 10, and 11 at the Community Arts Center, 225 N. McHenry Road. This brand-new dance production, performed by participants in the Park District’s dance program, includes traditional roles, such as Peter Pan, Wendy, Tinkerbell, Captain Hook, the lost boys, pirates and mermaids.

The story will be told through dances of all styles, including ballet, tap, jazz, acro and contemporary. Performances will take place at 7 p.m. on Dec. 9, at 3 and 7 pm on Dec. 10 and at 3 pm on Dec. 11.

All tickets are $15, plus a $1 ticketing fee.

Cops gobble up offenders

Buffalo Grove Police made 92 traffic stops resulting in 58 citations during a traffic safety campaign from November 18 to 28 as part of the “Click it or Ticket” and “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” mobilization conducted by Buffalo Grove Police along with other state and local law enforcement agencies across Illinois to reduce crashes and their resulting injuries and fatalities. 

            Police report that during the campaign, made 92 traffic stops resulting in

·         34 seat belt citations

·         1 child car seat citations

·         1 DUI arrest

·         1 suspended/revoked license arrest

·         21 speeding citations

This year’s numbers show a dramatic increase over enforcement during the same time period in 2021 when there were 34 traffic stops that resulted in 20 citations.

The Thanksgiving enforcement effort was made possible by federal traffic safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation. The next enforcement campaign, which will focus on the winter holidays, is scheduled from Dec. 17 through Jan. 5.

Vernon Twp. Community Mental Health Board seeks board members

Vernon Township officials are seeking applicants to serve on its 708 Board.

The Board is named for the Illinois House of Representatives Resolution 708 that created a board structure to respond to the local mental health, substance use disorder, and developmental/intellectual disability needs of their communities.

These volunteer boards are appointed by Township Supervisors, under the Illinois Community Mental Health Act (405 ILCS 20) and are accountable to the citizens of their community.

Interested persons can apply at this link.

Applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 5.

Food pantries still need help

            Area food pantries continue to have a need for donations. According to the Daily Herald, the Northern Illinois Food Bank, among the state's largest, is serving about 440,000 people per month, up from 310,000 per month last year, said Maeven Sipes, the food bank's chief philanthropy officer.

Did you ever wonder?

Why do the streets look strange in the winter…

            Sure, it may have been 50-plus degrees, but that didn’t stop Public Works, affectionately known as “DPW,” to prepare for snow and ice. This village dispatched its anti-icing trucks that carry tanks of a special mixture of materials that, when sprayed in lines on the roads, help prevent the bond of snow with pavement.

Rest assured, it’s not the only thing DPW does to clear snow, but it is one of the more unique techniques as described by snow removal czar Tyler Ankney in this video.


Need a reason to celebrate?

Dec. 3

Candle Day

Let’s Hug Day

Make a Gift Day

National Green Bean Casserole Day


Dec. 4

Cabernet Franc Day

Extraordinary Work Team Recognition Day

Global Fat Bike Day

International Cheetah Day

National Cookie Day

Dec. 5

Bathtub Party Day

National Blue Jeans Day

National Communicate with your kids days

Dec. 6

Mitten Tree Day

National Gazpacho Day

National Microwave Oven Day

Put on Your Own Shoes Day

Dec. 7

National Cotton Candy Day

National Letter Writing Day

Dec. 8

Lard Day

National Brownie Day

Dec. 9

International Anti-Corruption Day

National Pastry Day


Got News?

If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue, mosque, mahjong club or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to

Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome. They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.

Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to

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If you want to receive Buffalo Grove News & Information by email, send your email address to


In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.

Cops probe burglary, felony theft / AAA rating / Blood drive Saturday

  Residential Burglary -- A resident in the 40 block of Sunridge Ln. told police that his home was ransacked. Reports say an undisclosed am...