Police Reports
In light of several reports from
residents about phony tax returns filed in their name, the Buffalo Grove Police
Department offers these tips:
** Plan ahead and
file your taxes as early as you can
** Remember, even
with the COVID-19 Economic Impact Payments the IRS will not be calling you for
any of your financial, banking, or personal information. They won't be emailing
you, texting you, or inviting you to a Zoom meeting either.
** Check your
credit report at least twice a year
** Shred any
paperwork with personal information on it prior to disposing of it
** Stay vigilant
with on-line security. This includes
updating passwords, only logging into bank and financial accounts over secure
wi-fi networks, and not clicking on links in suspicious e-mails.
** Only buy gift
cards for gifts; never use gift cards as a form of payment. This applies to the IRS, any other government
agency, any utility company, and any law enforcement agency.
One ringy,
dingy – Police were summoned to Woodman’s after a woman reportedly tied up
the phone at the customer service counter. Reports say the woman asked to use
the phone to call for a ride. However, she continued to use the phone because,
police say, the calls would not go through “…due to the subject's inability to
remember the phone number she was trying to call.” When the woman was told she
could not continue tying up the phone, she began yelling at a customer service
staff member, calling her rude. A manager intervened and tried several times
calling the number for the woman, but was unable to complete the calls, which
again led to the woman yelling at employees. The manager told her she was not
welcome back into the store, to which the woman reportedly started yelling at
the manager saying she was going to (ready?) call the corporate officers and
get him fired. Given the woman’s lack of ability to make a phone call, the
manager’s job is probably safe. For a long time.
Cops nail
offender – Police responded to a report that a nonessential business was open.
Their investigation found that there were at least two people getting their
nails done at two different stations at the Amoveo Med Spa. Police told the
patrons and employees they had to leave. Reports did not say if the patrons
were getting a basic, French, or Paraffin manicures. The report was filed.
Wire stolen –
Representatives of an electrical contractor reported to police that 250 feet of
cable they had installed was missing. The value of the 2.0 gauge was $300.
Stimulus check
theft – A resident told police she received a phone call from someone
claiming to be from the government and wanted her Social Security number to
process her stimulus check. The woman told police she complied not realizing it
was a scam.
Car theft – An
employee at the Jewel on McHenry Road reported that his car was stolen from the
lot while he was working. The man said in addition to the car, his FOID card, concealed
carry license, a debit card and passport. There was no firearm in the car. If
you want to know, yes, the car was unlocked. And by the way, the keys were in
the car as well.
Doggone it – A
resident in the 500 block of Thornwood Drive told police his upstairs neighbor
brushes her three dogs on her balcony and the throws clumps of hair on to his
yard. Police left phone messages for the neighbor, but indicated they had not heard
from her. She was probably walking her dogs.
Speaking of
dogs – Police received a complaint that a “doggy daycare” facility was
operating. When police arrived, they found a man sitting at the front desk
while a dog was being groomed. The owner said she was grooming her dog and the
man was a relative. The woman said she had a license to operate the business,
but did not show it to police.
Quick change
drinker – Employees at Woodman’s said a couple purchased five bottles of
“high end” liquor. Reports said the couple put down $900 in cash, but the
grabbed some of it when the clerk wasn’t watching. At the end of the day, the
register was $400 short.
Community News
Board approves new contract for fire fighters, paramedics
fighters and paramedics will receive pay increases with the approval of a
new contract. Th agreement, which runs from May 1, 2020 through April 30,
2021, was approved by the Village Board at its meeting on Monday, April 20.
Board proclaims May 10-16 Police Week
Village Board April 20 approved a resolution proclaiming May 10-16 “Peace
Officers Week”. The week will be highlighted by observance of Peace Officer
Memorial Day on May 15. The resolution states that “…it is important that all citizens know and
understand the duties and responsibilities of their police department, and that
the members of our police department recognize their duty to serve the people
by safeguarding life and property, by protecting them against violence or
disorder, and by protecting the innocent against deception and the weak against
oppression or intimidation.”
“Haymarket Affair” topic of Library program
The Indian Trails Public Library is sponsoring an Illinois
Labor History Society presentation on the Haymarket Affair, a bombing that took
place at a Chicago labor demonstration in 1886.
Participants will learn how this event inspired an
international holiday and about the memorial to the martyrs at Forest Home
Cemetery in Forest Park, Illinois.
Registration with a valid email address required
through Zoom. To register, click here. You will receive an email confirmation from Zoom
with instructions on how to join the program.
Library sets June 2 due date for
The due date for
all items checked out from the Indiana Trails Public Library is June 2. While
the Library says it hopes to have staff back in the building before then, no
items will be due before June 2. If the
library remains closed longer, library staff will adjust due dates.
Drive-bys, fire station tours suspended
Requests for Police and Fire
Department personnel to drive-by a resident’s house for a special event, such
as a birthday, are on hiatus due to the increasing COVID-19 cases in Buffalo
Grove. The Fire Department is limiting personnel and equipment to essential
travel only.
Also shelved for the time being are tours
at the fire stations, attending block parties and interacting with residents.
Student Voices
Here are links to the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo
Grove high schools.
Buffalo Grove High School Charger
Stevenson High School Statesman
Got News?
If you have news about your club,
school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news,
information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com. Articles
should include a contact name email and phone number. Commentary articles are
also welcome. They should be limited to 350 words and should include
contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style,
spelling, and libelous content. Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be
sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
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