Apr 13, 2020

Fights, thefts, virus-related complaints keep cops busy

Police Reports
** Maybe they should have stayed inside -- Police were summoned to the 100 block of Armstrong regarding a report of a fight involving two men.  At least that’s what they thought.
While responding, police were told that the subjects were (ready?) intoxicated friends and were now separated.
But as it has been said – But wait, there’s more.
When police arrived, they located one of the men shirtless in the apartment lobby. He told police that he and his friend, (remember, they’re friends) had an argument over a female in the apartment; and their “mutual intoxication” exacerbated the argument. The man told police that he and the other man two ended up outside in the parking lot where began physically struggling with each other. They said no punches were thrown.
Police questioned the other man and the two damsels in distress who corroborated the first man’s story. One man was given a ride to the police department to wait for a friend to pick him up. Reports do not indicate what happened to the other man the two women.  Maybe they were trying online dating.
**  Reckless driver causes multiple accidents -- Buffalo Grove police were one of four departments responding to an aggressive driver whom they say caused several accidents.
The incident reportedly began when officers received reports of a vehicle traveling eastbound on Lake-Cook Road and was “was all over the road and driving on the median.”
As officers searched for the vehicle, one officer, reports say, noticed a vehicle fitting the description quickly “blow past” him in the curb lane and then make a quick lane change into the median lane without signaling.
The vehicle, police say, was being operated in a reckless manner, by someone they say “clearly didn't care or was unaware,” or appeared to not care, that he drove past a marked squad car.”
A second officer reported that the vehicle ran a red light and caused a crash at the intersection of Lake Cook Road and Lexington Drive and fled the scene.  As Buffalo Grove Police continued their pursuit, they observed the vehicle traveling eastbound in the westbound lanes and went across all lanes of traffic before getting back into the eastbound lanes at the intersection of Portwine and Lake-Cook roads.
The vehicle was reportedly involved in a second accident, this one on Lake-Cook Road near the I-294.
At this point, the Deerfield and Bannockburn police departments and the Illinois State Police arrived on scene and assisted with shutting down traffic and handling the crash report.
** Gift cards, cash taken – Residents in the 300 block of Chicory Lane reported that more than $400 in assorted gift card and $15 in cash was taken from a vehicle parked in their driveway.  Reports say the vehicle was unlocked.
** Employee sprayed during workplace dispute – Police were summoned to a business in the 900 block of Commerce Drive after an employee altercation. Reports say a female employee was upset because was upset about employees congregating around her work area. An argument allegedly ensued between them and the female employee was asked to leave work for the day. During the altercation, the female employee reportedly sprayed the other employee in the face with disinfectant spray. Reports say she left the business for the day and admitted that what she did was “wrong”.
** He’ll have some explaining to do – Police responded to a report of a theft from a motor vehicle parked at a business in the 300 block of Hastings Drive.  According to reports, the victim told police he took his wedding ring off and put it in the storage slot below his car radio before going into work. When he returned to his vehicle, the ring was missing. He told police that he did not lock his vehicle. The ring was described as white gold containing six to eight diamonds with two gold stripes. Nothing else was missing from the vehicle or appeared disturbed. The man’s wife was not available for comment -- which is probably a good thing.
** Theft from liquor store -- An employee of a liquor store in the 1100 block of north Old McHenry Road reported a couple allegedly stole two bottles of liquor; a one-liter bottle of Johnny Walker Red Label and a one-liter bottle of Jack Daniel's Jack Fire. Apparently, this is deemed essential material.

COVID-19 related reports
** Order refused from ungloved employee -- A Deerfield woman called Buffalo Grove police to complain that employees at the Potbelly sandwich shop, 800 N. Milwaukee Ave., tried to hand her to her without wearing gloves and she refused to accept it.
When she mentioned it to the employee, the woman was offered a cash refund, but the woman would not accept cash especially since the employee who was handling the cash wasn't wearing gloves either.
According to reports, the employee handling the money became agitated and yelled "I hope you die" and then coughed in the direction of the customer. The woman was planning to call Potbelly’s corporate office.
Reports say the officer tried to call the store twice, but there was no answer.
**  Dental office warned – An anonymous complaint to village officials led to a warning for a local dental practice. Police reports said the initial complaint alleged that the office was doing nonemergency procedures, a violation of the state’s stay-at-home-order.  When police stopped by the office, they discovered only one patient, whom they were told was there for an emergency visit, getting a dental cleaning prior to the emergency treatment. Police reports say officers told the office management that if the practice continued their business license could be in jeopardy. 

Community News

Ambulance runs limited to NWCH, Condell
In order to allow Buffalo Grove ambulances to be available sooner to respond to the next medical emergency, the Buffalo Grove Fire Department will only transport patients to Northwest Community Hospital in Arlington Heights and Advocate Aurora Condell Medical Center in Libertyville.
Due to the village's emergency level III response to the pandemic crisis, Illinois law, and the best interest of the community, ambulances transport will only be made to the hospitals closest to village limits. Patients who are in stable condition and able to make decisions during a medical emergency and want to go to another hospital, are encouraged to contact a private ambulance company to transport them to their hospital of choice.

Campaign aimed at support for local businesses
The village has started BG Delivers; a campaign aimed at encouraging ongoing support for Buffalo Grove restaurants and residents who need assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Information, including a map and listing of local restaurants that are open for pick-up and delivery, can be found here.

Townships offer services for seniors
Both Wheeling and Vernon townships are offering services for senior citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic and the stay-at-home period.  Lake County residents are served by Vernon Township, and Cook County residents by Wheeling Township. Information about resources and contact information for assistance, are available by clicking on the township name. Residents can click here for additional resources.

Sussman message highlights “positive” efforts
Village Board President Beverly Sussman posted a message prior to the holiday weekend addressing the COVID-19 pandemic and the work the village staff has been doing. The message can be found here.

Fire Department video addresses COVID-19
            If you think you have COVD-19, the Buffalo Grove Fire Department has developed a video that tips and guidelines.

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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...