Apr 23, 2020

Village mandates face coverings, masks

If you are over five years of age and engaging in an essential activity in Buffalo Grove, you need a face covering effective 11:59 tonight.
Village President Beverly Sussman issued an executive order today that requires the use of face coverings over the nose and mouth for all individuals five years of age and older who are engaged in essential activities. Sussman's message can be found here.
According to the order, essential activities include shopping for groceries and medications home goods.  Also deemed essential are visiting healthcare professionals and utilizing public transportation.
The order also requires employees of essential businesses that are open to wear face coverings while at work. Businesses are required to refuse admission or services to anyone not wearing a face cover.
Restaurants can continue to provide curbside pickup, drive through or food delivery only. Customers are not allowed to enter any dining establishment to pick up food.
            The village will deliver signs stating “entrance prohibited without face covering” to all essential businesses that are open to be posted at their locations.
The village is proactively working with stores and offices to minimize the number of patrons inside essential businesses at any one time and is encouraging the placement of trash receptacles at cart corrals for the disposal of face coverings and gloves.
            Face coverings will not be required when individuals are outside and observing a safe social distance from others, as well as when they are operating or riding in a vehicle, or while in their own residence.
            For individuals who do not have access to a face mask, sufficient face coverings can be created with materials in the home. A video on how to make a face cover can be found at www.vbg.org/facecover. Homemade face coverings should securely cover both the nose and mouth, and be secured with rubber bands, hair ties or ear loops around the ears. Coverings should have multiple layers of fabric that do not obstruct breathing and can be washed and dried in a traditional washer and dryer, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
In accordance with the village code, Buffalo Grove Police and the Community Development Department can enforce the order. Penalties will include a citation with fines of up to $750, and individuals as well as businesses that violate the order can both be cited.
            “This executive order is part of the village’s ongoing efforts to protect our essential workers from COVID-19 exposures, in addition to protecting the health and safety of our entire community,” Village Manager Dane Bragg said. “We wish we did not have to order these measures, but preventing the spread of COVID-19 remains a high priority in Buffalo Grove.”
            The full executive order, frequently asked questions, and a video from Emergency Management Agency Director and Fire Chief Make Baker regarding the order, can also be found at www.vbg.org/facecover.

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