Dec 23, 2020

Domestic battery, parking space mediation keep cops busy

A Buffalo Grove man was charged with two counts of domestic battery following an altercation during which the man allegedly threw a loaf of partially frozen bread at his girlfriend. Reports say the man left the house and was eventually located in Vernon Hills.

** Space cadets – Police were summoned to Woodman’s, 1550 Deerfield Pkwy. to mediate a parking space dispute. Seriously. According to reports, a driver pulled around two other drivers to grab a space they were waiting for. Reports do not indicate how two cars would fit into one space. What reports do indicate is that the driver of one of the two cars originally waiting for the vehicle to pull out approached the driver of the car that pulled into the space. Reports say the driver of the parked car opened a door of the vehicle, allegedly striking the other driver. The plot thickens. According to reports, the man grabbed the female driver of the now parked car and began, note reports, “yelling at her, demanding to know why she had done what she had done.”

            The woman said she cut around the other two cars because she was in a hurry and denied striking the man. Neither party said they were injured but just wanted to document the incident. Seriously.

            To put everyone’s mind at ease, reports not that the woman was “admonished to park more carefully” and the man was “admonished not to lay hands on people in

the future.”

            And in the spirit of the holidays, police report that “All was calm upon our departure.”

** Guess they didn’t open wide enough – Police were notified about what attempted to be a break-in to a storage shed behind a dental office in the 1500 block of north Arlington Heights Road. The shed is used to store non pharmaceutical supplies. Police were working to get to the root of the problem.

** Unemployment scam continues – Buffalo Grove police say they have received another 35 reports of people notified about bogus unemployment scams involving the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES).




Five file for April trustee race

            Five residents are seeking three openings on the Buffalo Grove Village Board in the April 6 election.

            Candidates who filed by the Dec. 21 deadline include incumbents Joanne Johnson, Lester Ottenheimer and Andrew Stein.

            They are being challenged by Mike Terson and Gowri Magati. Terson was a trustee from 2011-2015 and challenged Village Board President Beverly Sussman for the top spot in 2019. Magati is a 16-year resident of the village who has not held any previous village position.


Casstevens reflects on year as head of IACP

            Buffalo Grove Police Chief Steve Casstevens had an interesting year as president of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. He reflected on the year with the Daily Herald..


Holiday schedules announced

            Village Hall will be closed Thursday, Dec. 24 and Friday, Dec. 25 in observance of Christmas. Normal business hours will resume Monday, Dec. 28. They are 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Waste Management has also set a holiday schedule. Due to the holiday, the Waste Management pickup schedule will also be adjusted. Collection will occur as normal on Dec. 24. Residents whose garbage and recycling are normally picked up on Fridays will instead have their collection on Saturday, Dec. 26. Visit for more information.


Blood drive Dec. 31

The Fire Department will host a blood drive from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m Thursday, Dec. 31. at Fire Department headquarters, 1051 Highland Grove Dr. Appointments must be scheduled in advance. To schedule an appointment, please call (877) 258-4825 or visit and use the group code 041D.


Happy Holidays!!!

From the staff and management of Buffalo Grove News and Information.

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Dec 15, 2020

Two-month investigation leads to multiple assault charges

A two-month investigation led to a Wheeling man being charged with four counts of aggravated assault and one count of battery following an incident in October. Police say the man, Michael Groffman, 55, was charged after he allegedly drove his car toward landscapers as they worked at Chicago Jewish Funerals, 195 N. Buffalo Grove Rd. Reports say the landscapers were working in the rear parking lot cleaning leaves when an unknown vehicle and driver drove fast toward them. Reports note that the driver allegedly yelled critical remarks about the landscapers’ heritage and called them foul names. Reports say one worker was struck by the car, but was not injured. One of the workers was able to get a picture of the car, but not the license plate. However, police were aided in their investigation from surveillance video from a nearby business.

** Domestic battery – A Buffalo Grove woman was charged with two counts of domestic battery after an altercation with her son. Police say Jacqueline Savitsky, 58, allegedly kicked her son’s closed door for more than a half hour. Once the son, 18, came out of the room, reports say Savitsky grabbed him and during the ensuing struggle scratched him on both arms. Reports say that charges were not initially filed as both Savitsky and her son, say reports, agreed to stay away from each other for the evening of the situation. However, about 90 minutes later police were summoned back to the residence. Reports say Savtisky began following her son around the house allegedly yelling and swearing at him.

** Man faces burglary, theft charges – A 35-year-old, Bartlett man was charged with burglary and two felony counts of theft after he allegedly tried to steal drugs from the Jewel-Osco at 79 N. McHenry Road. Reports indicate that the man, Ryan Paul Marshall, was observed by loss prevention personnel at the store piling medications into a shopping cart and then trying to conceal them in his coat. Police say the estimated value of the items was $900. Police also discovered that Marshall had two “active arrest warrants, one for heroin possession and another for a parole violation.

** Frisbee fracas -- Police were summoned to a residence in the 400 block of Gardenia Lane as tensions between neighbors escalated because of a Frisbee that landed in a yard. Apparently, the neighbor who called police is distraught because she thinks the neighbor is purposely holding on to the wayward Frisbee because of previous disagreements. But in this season of love and joy, this report has a happy ending. The caller told police that while she was talking to them – the Frisbee came flying back into her yard. Peace on Earth and good will to all Frisbee throwers.

** Holiday cheer? -- It appears from police reports that holiday greetings between people often begin with the letter “F” – but not as in Frosty the Snowman or Fa-la-la-la-la. Use your imagination. In one report, a resident called and said his neighbor began yelling at him using language not suitable for a Hallmark card. The caller did not have an idea what prompted the outburst except for the fact that there has been an “ongoing civil issue” for about a year. According to reports, police suggest both neighbors just ignore each other. Sounds like a good idea. If there’s a bright side to this case, both neighbors will have one extra holiday card.

** More holiday cheer – A plumbing contractor working in a condo parking garage told police he was setting up to do some work when a resident wanted to move his car. Reports say the contractor told the resident he could not move his car because he could not drive over the hoses. The contractor told police the condo association notified residents of the work and that cars needed to be moved ahead of time. It seems as though the resident did not get the message and, say reports, told the plumber “[non holiday word] you, I’m leaving.” Reports say that things heated up and when the resident started to move his car, the contractor pulled out his cell phone to record the incident. The contractor said the resident backed into him and then began to drive forward. The contractor told the resident stop to prevent him from running over the sewer equipment and placed his hands on the front the resident’s car. Reports say the resident began to intermittently accelerate his vehicle shouting "[non holiday word] you," from the car. More non-holiday exchanges were made before police arrived. No charges were filed.

** COVID violation – Police responded to a “confidential caller” regarding apparent violations to the state’s mandate about indoor dining. Reports say a restaurant in the 2700 block of north Main Street had 17 customers inside the restaurant. Reports note that six were in the billiard area sans masks while there were three eating and drinking in the bar area sans masks while another eight were sitting on the patio. They, however, were wearing masks. Rest assured; all staff members were wearing masks.

** A clip off the old block? – Police were summoned to a barber shop in the 0 -100 block of south Buffalo Grove Road in response to an altercation between a customer and a barber. Reports said the customer was not happy with the haircut and when he went to pay for it, the barber threw the money on the floor. But wait, there’s more. Reports say the customer alleged that the barber “spit in his mouth and punched him in the mouth.” The barber told police the incident stemmed from the customer not willing to wear a mask while in the barber shop. The customer then allegedly left without paying at which time the barber followed him into the parking lot in an attempt to take a picture of the customer’s license plate so he could call police. Reports say the barber told them that the customer paid for the haircut but then threw the change in the ground and spit at the barber and punched him in the face. Next case, your honor.


Community News

 Cops Zoom in to ‘shop with a cop’

The Buffalo Grove Police Department hosted its 4th annual ‘Shop with a Cop’ event Saturday, Dec. 12, at Target in Wheeling.

But with a pandemic-induced twist.

In previous years, police department employees were assigned to children and paired up to shop together at the store.

This year, however they had to Zoom in.

Officer Amy Cholewa distributes
gifts to her assigned family.

Members from the department utilized Zoom to meet with their designated families to shop digitally, and then gathered the items prior to meeting the kids face-to-face at Target, where the gifts were given to the children along with wrapping paper and goodie bags on behalf of Target.

“It was important to the department to play a part in keeping everyone safe, while still getting the chance to meet the children in person,” Deputy Police Chief Michael Szos said. “Our goal was to give the kids something festive to look forward to, and I believe that was achieved.”

The department’s Officer MAP Union #672, the “Chai Guys” men’s group from Temple Chai in Long Grove and the Wheeling Target, along with other generous community members who donated money and time made this event possible.

BG student’s art graces Schneider’s cards

Artwork by Polina Proskournia, of Buffalo Grove, a 4th grade student at Kildeer Country School was the winning design for U.S.Rep. Brad Schneider's 2020 holiday card. According to Schneider’s office, the card includes a message “Her beautiful artwork shows that, despite the cold, there are many safe ways we can enjoy the outdoors in the winter. Polina’s imagination brings to life this year’s theme of “Winter Wonderland” and hopefully inspires all of us to look forward to the coming snow!”


A plea for pot?

Village officials continue their quest for the sale of recreational marijuana at Sunnyside, 830 Milwaukee Ave., the Cresco Labs-owned dispensary at , according to the Daily Herald, sending “a letter pleading with Gov. J.B. Pritzker to help secure a state license allowing a medical marijuana dispensary in the village to offer recreational pot as well.”

 Director of recreation and facilities named

Erika Strojinc is the new director of recreation and facilities for the Buffalo Grove Park District. She replaces Bill Heider who recently retired after serving in that role for six years.

Strojinc, a graduate of Buffalo Grove High School, first started with the Park District as a part time employee in 1999 as a high school student working for the Clubhouse program. She was promoted to fulltime recreation specialist with Clubhouse in 2005, and to recreation supervisor in 2008, where she oversaw programs such as day camps, early childhood classes, youth and adult programming, Safety Town, birthday parties, special events, and internships.

She was again promoted in 2014 to superintendent of recreation, where she managed a variety of recreational programming until 2018, when she transitioned into her most recent role of being in charge of the Community Arts Center.

Village mulls aid for businesses

The Village Board discussed ways to help local businesses during its Dec. 7 meeting. The focal point of a potential financial aid package would be locally owned restaurants in Buffalo Grove.

Village announces staff changes

            Mike Skibbe has been named director of Public Works following the retirement of Mike Reynolds. Other changes in Public Works include Kyle Johnson, being named, assistant director while Village Engineer Darren Monico will take on new responsibilities to support the department. Additionally, Brett Robinson, formerly the Purchasing Manager, is the new Administrative Services Director

Park commissioner obtains top certification

            Park Commissioner Tracy Bragg has reached the level of Master Board Member by the Illinois Association of Park District’s (IAPD) Board Member Development Program. There are three levels in the IAPD’s program, each based on a number of earned Board Development Units. They are Notable Board Member, Distinctive Board Member and Master Board Member. Units can be accumulated through committee involvement, attendance at educational workshops, volunteer activities, meeting attendance, participation in special events and other activities on the local, state and national levels.


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 Updated at 5:10 p.m., Dec. 15 for corrections. 

Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...