Jan 23, 2023

Cops busy with weapon charges, retail thefts / D102 bond issue / County tax refunds

 Drug, weapon charges follow traffic stop – A traffic stop for a missing rear license plate lot resulted in a Michigan man being charged with Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapon, Manufacture, Deliver, Possession with Intent to Deliver Cannabis- more than 30 grams but less than 500 grams, and Possession of Cannabis- more than 30 grams but less than 1OO grams.

Reports say Police observed a car driven by Ryan McDonald, 22, of Albion, Michigan, traveling eastbound on Dundee Road near Weidner Road when they noticed the missing light. Officers stopped the vehicle and met with Ryan. During the course of the traffic stop, officers found that and was in possession of an illegal amount of cannabis, as well as a fully loaded handgun

Rash of retail thefts at Woodman’s -- Four shoppers at Woodman’s Market, 1550 E. Deerfield Parkway apparently thought self-checkout meant self discount.

            Police were summoned to the store four times recently in response to store security nabbing four shoppers who decided to either bypass the checkout lanes, or did not scan their entire order.

            In one case, officers met with a woman who allegedly stole $37.83 worth of consumable goods by placing them in her purse and leaving the store without even attempting to pay for her purchases. She received an adjudication ticket and a trespass warning.

In a second case, a 45-year-old Hawthorn Woods man tried to make off with what was described as a “cart filled with items.” Reports say Aidas Gemskis left the store without paying for his order which totaled $395.80. He was charged with retail theft.

Police report that in a third case, officers were summoned to the store responded to the listed location for a reopening of retail theft from earlier in the day. Reports note that the shopper originally stole $37.03, but returned some of them totaling $24.36. He did not return $12.67 worth of items. Apparently, the shopper didn’t understand the concept of shoplifting and adjudication tickets. Police say he received an adjudication ticket on Dec. 1 for leaving the store without paying.

Reports say that after officers talked to him, he seemed to understand that he needs to appear for an adjudication hearing. Officers also told him that he would be arrested for trespassing if he returned to the store.

But wait, there’s more. In a fourth incident, store security contacted Buffalo Grove police after they observed a female shopper stop scanning merchandise at one of the self check out stations. Reports say store security stopped the woman in the parking lot, describing her as “cooperative.” Reports say she had a receipt showing 56 items had been sold for a total of $140.20. But things didn’t add up.

Reports say store security told police the shopper had 108 items in her shopping cart totaling $395.73. She was issued an adjudication ticket for local ordinance retail theft along with a trespass warning and told she was no longer welcome at the Woodman's.

Criminal trespass to vehicles -- A resident in the 1200 block of E. Deerfield Parkway reported to police on Jan. 11 that she found the inside of her vehicle had been ransacked. Reports say the resident said the incident occurred while the vehicle was parked near the entrance to her apartment building.

In a second incident, a resident in the 100 block Windbrooke Drive told police, also on Jan. 11, that she left her vehicle parked in the parking lot of her residence on Jan. 10 and when she returned, she noticed the contents from her glove compartment and center counsel were strewn about her vehicle.

She also noticed that the trunk had been broken into and the contents were in disarray.

There were no signs of forced entry and nothing was missing from her vehicle.

            Police reported a third incident of burglary to motor vehicle after officers on patrol noticed a car’s interior light on. Upon checking, they found that the vehicle had been broken into. Reports say the vehicle’s contents were in disarray.

Argument leads to battery charges -- A discussion about the exchange police became heated and led to battery charges filed against a 48-year-old Wheeling man. Reports say Jose Arteaga, Jr was charged after an argument in Dollar Tree Store, 1212 W. Dundee, spilled into the parking lot.

Reports say Arteaga thought a female employee was being rude during his explanation of the policy. Police reports say when Arteaga told the clerk she was being rude, the argument reportedly escalated until he pushed her. The clerk filed charged. Meanwhile, police say the store manager told police she heard the verbal altercation, but both parties were exiting when she came to the front of the store.

In Other Community News

Library hosting “Memory Café”

An event individuals with memory loss and their caregivers, Memory Café will be held at 2 on Thursday, Jan. 26. Each Café will feature an activity and socialization. This month's theme: Chair Yoga. Registration and additional information is available here. The Library is located at 355 Schoenbeck Rd., Wheeling,

Wetlands restoration begins

A restoration project in the Mirielle Park wetland has started. The park is located at 2236 Avalon Dr.

The village’s forestry section is restoring the wetland by clearing the undesired and dead woody underbrush. It will be replaced with native and desired woodland and wetland species.

This work is scheduled to take several weeks throughout the winter. Additional information is available here.

D102 seeking funds

Residents of Aptakisic-Tripp School District 102 may be paying more than $450 a year for building upgrades and new classrooms.

According to the Daily Herald, the D102 Board has authorized a $49 million bond issue be placed on the April 4 ballot.

More information is available here.

Public Works cited

The American Public Works Association (APWA) Chicago Metro Chapter - Lake Branch presented three awards to the Buffalo Grove Public Works Department.

They include:

·         Project of the Year in Environment - Less than $5M: Cambridge Lift Station Reconstruction

·         Exemplary Performance in Journalism

·         Young Leader of the Year Award: Chris Krase

Additional information about these awards is available here.

Spring program guide available

The Park District’s Spring 2023 program guide is now available at bgparks.org. Residents can check out the variety of programs and events planned for the upcoming season. In-district registration is open and can be done in person, online, by mail, by fax or via the drop box located outside the Alcott Center, 530 Bernard Blvd. For more information, visit bgparks.org.

Interim duo leading D214

            Two longtime school administrators are leading Dist. 214 while it looks for a replacement for superintendent Dave Schuler who is leaving the post Feb. 24. According to the Daily Herald, “District 214 Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning Laz Lopez and retired Community Unit District 300 Superintendent Ken Arndt will share responsibilities overseeing the state's second-largest high school district until a new schools chief is in place this summer.”

Indian Trails Library lists upcoming programs

The following programs are scheduled at the Indian Trails Library, 355 Schoenbeck Rd., Wheeling.

Adult Programs

• January 22, 1 pm - Dorothea Lange: Photographer & Activist (Offsite)

• January 24, 2 pm - Robberies, Holdups, and Shootouts: True Crimes of Lake County

• January 24, 7 pm - The Art of Maynard Dixon (Virtual)

• February 1, 10 am - Using a Mouse/Typing

Youth Programs

• January 21, 11 am - Super Saturday: T-Rexplorers Dinosaur Discovery

• January 24, 6:30 pm - Family LEGO Club (Ages 5+)

• January 25, 4:30 pm - Spin Art (Grades 6-8)

• January 27, 6 pm - Dumpling Day (Ages 3+)

• January 31, 7 pm - Dungeons and Dragons (Grades 6-12)

• February 1, 7 pm - Trivia Night: Know Your Logo (Grades 9-12)

Cook County issuing tax refunds

            Cook County homeowners who overpaid their property tax bill last year can expect to receive automatic refunds over the next three months.

Over $47 million in overpaid property taxes will be refunded to more than 53,000 county homeowners according to the Chicago Sun-Times. The automatic refunds are for property owners who overpaid on their 2021 first installment taxes, which were due in the first half of 2022. More details available here.

Sheriff elected to state board

Lake County Sheriff John D. Idleburg has been elected to a leadership position with the state agency that oversees how police agencies in Illinois hire and train law enforcement officers. Idleburg will serve as vice chairman of the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board. The 14-member panel sets the standards for the education and training officers receive.


Looking For A Reason To Celebrate?

Jan. 24

Belly Laugh Day

Change a Pet’s Life Day

International Mobile Phone Recycling Day

National Beer Can Appreciation Day – Full or empty?

Talk Like a Grizzled Prospector Day

Jan. 25

National Fish Taco Day

National Irish Coffee Day

National IV Nurse Day

Jan. 26

Clashing Clothes Day

Dental Drill Appreciation Day – Just don’t watch Marathon Man

National Peanut Brittle Day

National Spouses Day

Jan. 27

National Big Wig Day

National Chocolate Cake Day

National Fun at Work Day

Thomas Crapper Day – Flushed with pride.


Local Quilt Shop Day

National Kazoo Day

National Pediatrician Day

Rattlesnake Roundup Day

Jan. 29

National Carnation Day

National Corn Chip Day

Big Schools Birdwatch

Jan. 30

National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day – Bet you can’t just pop one.

National Croissant Day

National Draw A Dinosaur Day

Yodel For Your Neighbors Day – Keep your windows closed.


Got News?

If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue, mosque or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.

Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

Subscribe by email

If you want to receive Buffalo Grove News & Information by email, send your email address to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.

Jan 16, 2023

Felony charges for truck driver / Aptakisic reconstruction / Benefit concert

Truck driver faces felony drug charges – A 31-year-old Plainfield man was charged with DUI-drugs and two Class Four felony charges for drug possession after a witness contacted the police to report a  semi-truck swerving and striking curbs while being driven northbound on McHenry Road near Buffalo Grove Road. Police responded to the area, found the semi-truck and made a traffic stop at which time they found that Luis Berrios was showing signs of impairment. During their investigation, officers found controlled substances inside Berrios’ semi-truck.

Woodman’s hit by retail thefts – A man received an adjudication ticket for retail theft after he was caught trying to swipe $60 worth of goods from Woodman’s Market, 1550 Deerfield Parkway. Police say the items, which were recovered, included broccoli, cauliflower, Tater Tots and a bottle of rum.

            In a second incident, police were called to the store on a report of a woman suspected of shoplifting. According to police, a store security officer stated that while he was monitoring their surveillance cameras, he observed a woman acting suspiciously while inside the store. Reports say the employee observed her as she was at the self check out and noted that she scanned some items in her cart but not others.

Reports say after the woman completed her purchase she began to leave the store but was stopped by store security. Store officials said the woman had $199.47 worth of items, but admitted she didn't pay for all the items in her cart and apologized for her actions. She received an adjudication citation and a trespass warning.

Speaking of Woodman’s  -- Police report that they were summoned to the store by management who said three men vandalized a restroom. Reports say a subject entered the bathroom, knocked the soap dispenser off the wall, drew something on a stall door, ate half a candy bar and disposed of the rest on the floor, and then left the store. Once outside, reports say the person threw a bag of salt on the ground. The damage was estimated at less than $500.

Theft up in smoke? – Police report more than $50 worth of Nicorette was stolen from the Walgreens at 15 N. Buffalo Grove Rd.

Mailbox blown up – A resident the 400 block of Mayfair lane told police she heard an explosion the night of Jan. 7 only to find the next morning that an unknown person  blew it up with an explosive device. She told police there were no other unusual occurrences. No other damage reported in the area.


In other Community News

Aptakisic Road work set

Major reconstruction of Aptakisic Road between Buffalo Grove Road and Ill Rt. 83 is expected to begin this year, according to Marah Altenberg, Dist. 19 Lake County Board member

In an email to constituents, Altenberg said the project includes widening the road to five lanes, which includes a center turn lane. Plans also include a multi-use path on the north side of the roadway and a sidewalk on the south side. The bike path and sidewalk will connect up with existing bike paths that go north and south on Buffalo Grove Road and to the west towards downtown Long Grove.

King Day schedules

Village Hall will be closed Monday, January 16 in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Waste Management will operate on a regular schedule, so residents should leave their bins out as usual.

Benefit concert set

The Buffalo Grove Park District will present  a performance by “The Four C Notes,” a group that recreates the music of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons from 6 to  9:30 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 21 at the Community Arts Center, 225 N. McHenry Rd.

            Tickets are $65 per person, and includes food from BBQ on Wheels, one drink ticket, dancing and the concert.

Proceeds benefit military families and families in need to participate in Park District programming. For more information, contact Brian O'Malley at (847) 850-2146.

“Valentines for Vets” underway

Congressman Brad Schneider (IL-10) is sponsoring the seventh annual Valentines for Vets," a program to collect and distribute Valentine's Day cards to local veterans.

Constituents of all ages can participate by dropping off cards in a drop box at Schneider's Lincolnshire office. 111 Barclay Blvd, Suite 200, Lincolnshire, by Friday, Feb. 10.

There is a drop box outside the front door of the district office. For additional information, call (847) 383-4870.

Movie music topic of program

JCC Chicago will present “Movie Music Memories 2” at noon on Thursday, Jan. 19 as part of its CJE Senior Life Community Days series. The program, featuring John LeGear, is from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Vernon Township Community Services Building, 2900 N. Main Street. The program includes a complimentary lunch.

LeGear produces and presents multi-media American history and film history shows at public libraries in Chicagoland and at community colleges throughout Illinois.

Registration is required and is available at this link.


Need a Reason to Celebrate?


Jan. 16

Appreciate a Dragon Day

International Hot and Spicy Food Day

National Fig Newton Day

National Without a Scalpel Day – DIY surgery?

Jan. 17

Benjamin Franklin Day

Ditch New Year's Resolution Day

National Bootlegger’s Day

National Hot Heads Chili Day

Jan. 18

Museum Selfie Day Just don’t spend 10 minutes posing in front of an exhibit.

National Gourmet Coffee Day

National Peking Duck Day

National Thesaurus Day

Weedless Wednesday

Jan. 19

Brew a Potion Day

National Popcorn Day

Women’s Healthy Weight Day

World Quark Day

Jan. 20

International Day of Acceptance

International Fetish Day

National Cheese Lover's Day

National Coffee Break Day

National Penguin Day & Penguin Awareness Day

Jan. 21

Grandma's Day

International Sweatpants Day

Mariachi Day

National Cheesy Socks Day

National Hugging Day

One-Liners Day – I tell you, no respect!

Jan. 22

Come in From the Cold Day

Grandpa's Day

National Answer Your Cat's Questions Day  -- Good luck with this.

National Hot Sauce Day

Jan. 23

Community Manager Appreciation Day

Measure Your Feet Day – Seriously?

National Handwriting Day – No texting!

National Pie Day


Got News?

If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue, mosque or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.

Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

Subscribe by email

If you want to receive Buffalo Grove News & Information by email, send your email address to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.

Jan 6, 2023

Cops investigate residential, business burglaries / Payment fees jump / Book sale set

Residential burglaries – Buffalo Grove police are investigating three recent residential burglaries. The first occurred on Dec. 23, in the 1900 block of Beverly Lane. The residents told police the home was apparently burglarized sometime between Dec. 21 and 23. Police confirmed forced entry was made to the house and personal items were taken.

A second burglary, this one in the 2500 block of Ferndale Court, occurred Dec. 30. The victim told police someone entered his garage and stole personal items.

The third reported burglary was reported Dec. 30 in the 2500 Waterbury Lane. The victims told police that someone used forced entry to enter the home between 3:30 and 7:55 p.m. Personal items were reported stolen. Police did not list what was stolen in all three burglaries.

Retail burglaries – Police are continuing their investigation into a burglary at Al and Al Liquors, 400 Dundee Road. Police reports say officers responded to a burglary alarm at which time they discovered forced entry to the front door of the business. Further investigation revealed several unknown subjects entered the store and stole liquor and tobacco products.

In a second incident, police say while on patrol, officers observed the storefront window of Smokey’s Discount Tobacco. Further investigation revealed an unknown subject entered the store and stole numerous tobacco items. This investigation is ongoing.

Possession of controlled substance – Police responded to the 100 block of Buffalo Grove Rd. on Dec. 30 for a report of suspicious vehicles. Police met with a subject, identified as Dmytro Shymko, 20, of Vernon Hills, who was seated in a 2017 Infiniti. Police report that further investigation revealed that Shymko was in possession of controlled substances, described as hallucinogens. Shymko was charged with one class four felony count of possession of a controlled substance.

Motor vehicle burglary – A resident came to the police department to report her purse and wallet were stolen from her unlocked vehicle while it was parked in the 100 block of north McHenry Road. The items were taken from the front passenger seat.

Theft from building – A resident at 5 Villa Verde, told police she received an email from FedEx that her package containing a protein powder valued at $97 was delivered to the entrance of her apartment building. However, when she went to retrieve the package, it was not there.

Ranch dressing, pickles and tomatoes damaged – Police were summoned to Woodman’s Market after store personnel alerted them to two people, described as “a younger white male white and a white female entered the store. While they were in the store, they took a bottle of ranch dressing and smeared it on a shelf. They then picked up a pickle jar and smashed it on the ground. After that, they took two tomatoes and stomped on them. The estimated total value of the items taken is approximately $5-$6. The couple left in what police describe as a “darker Honda Civic”. The salad bar was not damaged.

Retail theft up in smoke? – It appears that three women are bent on giving up smoking. Reports say police were summoned to the Walgreens at 1225 W. Dundee Rd., on Dec. 28, after store personnel observed “three heavy-set black females” taking three bags worth of Nicorette from store shelves without paying for them. An employee told police she saw the females putting the boxes of Nicorette into their bags and heard one of them say they were not going to pay before walking out of the store with the items. She told police the three left in a red Honda Civic. The value of the loss was $1,507.93.

Motor vehicle theft – A resident in the 100 block of Buckingham lane, contacted police that her Volkswagen was taken from the driveway of her home in the early morning hours of Dec. 30. The vehicle was later recovered in Waukegan and towed back to Buffalo Grove.

Cops whip into action – Officers responded to the Walgreens at 15 N. Buffalo Grove Rd. on Jan. 1, in response to a retail theft. Items reported taken included bottles of Reddi Whip and other merchandise. The store manager showed officers the video footage of the theft, which showed two individuals exiting a silver BMW sedan with only a partial license plate as the first two letters of the plate had duct tape put over them.

According to reports, “the footage shows a white female (with black hair, wearing a white puffer jacket with a fur hood, black pants, black boots, with a black purse) and a white male (wearing a light gray sweatshirt, black pants, and black shoes) entering the store at approximately 0022 hours. The two individuals placed whipped cream bottles and other unknown merchandise into the female's bag.”

The two left the store at approximately 12:28 a.m. and drove southbound on Buffalo Grove Road Estimated value of the items taken was $56.85. If you’re scoring at home, note that this theft occurred 28 minutes into the new year, which means this couple either had a miserable New Year’s Eve, or had a craving for either hot chocolate or Irish coffee.


Community News and Notes

By Joe, it’s “Coffee With the Chief”

           Residents had their first chance to have coffee with new Police Chief, Brian Budds, Dec. 29. The first of what Budds hopes will be quarterly events, was held at the Continental Restaurant.  In addition to promised pastries and coffee, Continental owner Pete Panayiotou provided a complimentary buffet.

            In an unrelated gesture, Panayiotou also provided meals to all shifts at the Police Department on Christmas Day.

Golf dome open for walkers

Residents interested in walking during inclement weather can walk inside the Park District’s walking hours inside the Golf Dome, 801 N. McHenry Rd. Walking hours are from 9 to 10 a.m. Mondays-Fridays. There is no charge. Hours are underwritten by Culver's of Buffalo Grove.

Christmas tree collections

Residents can place two Christmas trees at the curb for free collection on their waste pickup day through Jan. 13.

Guidelines for collection are:

*        All decorations, stands, etc. must be removed.

*        Must be free of snow/ice for curbside disposal.

*        Do not place trees in plastic bags.

*        Must be placed on the parkway.

*        Must be under six feet in length.

Payment processing vendor to increase fees

Residents who pay village utility (water and sewer) bill on the village website using the “Make a One Time Payment” option or in person at Village Hall with a debit or credit card, will pay more. According to village, the vendor used to process these types of utility bill payments is increasing its convenience fees from $1.80 per transaction to $3.50 per transaction, beginning Jan. 1. To avoid this fee increase, residents can use one of the other payment options available to you:

*        EZ-Pay (automatic draft) - No transaction fee

*        Online payment via user profile (utility account) - $2 fee per transaction

*        Electronic payment directly from your bank - No transaction fee

*        Check payment (in-person, by mail or Village Hall drop box) - No transaction fee

*        Learn more about this change here.

Traffic enforcement results announced

Buffalo Grove police issued 22 citations during the recent “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” enforcement campaign from Dec. 16, 2022 through Jan. 2, 2023.

The enforcement campaign focuses not only on impaired driving, but also other traffic safety violations.

This year’s holiday crackdown resulted in 15 seat belt violations, one speeding, two distracted driving and four other traffic citations during the focused traffic campaign.

The holiday enforcement campaign is administered by IDOT with federal highway safety funds managed by NHTSA.

Volunteers wanted

Interested in helping envision the future of both current and prospective community events in Buffalo Grove? You can help in the planning and execution of the 2023 BG Days and/or support the growing potential for more community events throughout the year by serving the new Community Events Committee. The application can be found here.

Used book sale set

The Indian Trails Public Library District will host a book sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 14. The Library is located at 355 Schoenbeck Rd. in Wheeling.

Gently used books and media will be available in in the Lake Cook Room. The used book sale is hosted by the Foundation for the Indian Trails Library and all proceeds benefit the library.

Book sales are also scheduled for

*        Saturday, April 29

*        Saturday, July 8

*        Saturday, Oct. 14

Library kicks off 20 for 2023

The Indian Trails Public Library District has launched its 2023 reading challenge. Participants need to read 20 books from now through Dec. 31. Participants can read whatever books they like, or follow the Library’s suggested categories. Receive raffle tickets as you go for chances to win a grand prize.

Interested readers can register online or at the Adult Services desk, (847) 459-4100, ext. 3. Readers can also register and track their progress on Beanstack. Paper logs are also available at the Adult Services Desk.

Illinois libraries present Inciting Joy with Ross Gay

The Indian Trails Public Library District is hosting a conversation about joy with best-selling essayist and award-winning poet Ross Gay at 7 p.m. on Jan. 11. Information and registration is available here.

Outdoor ice rink available

Weather permitting, ice salting is available at Willow Stream Park ice skating rink. For updated information on when the rink is open or closed, go to bgparks.org.

Summer 2023 camp guide now online

Information about Park District summer camps is now available online at this site. Registration is open to all. For more information, visit bgparks.org or call (847) 850-2100.

Movie music topic of program

JCC Chicago will present “Movie Music Memories 2” at noon on Thursday, Jan. 19 as part of its CJE Senior Life Community Days series. The program, featuring John LeGear, is from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Vernon Township Community Services Building, 2900 N. Main Street. The program includes a complimentary lunch.

LeGear produces and presents multi-media American history and film history shows at public libraries in Chicagoland and at community colleges throughout Illinois.

Registration is required and is available at this link.

Need a reason to celebrate?

Jan. 7

Harlem Globetrotter’s Day – Sweet Georgia Brown

I’m Not Going To Take It Anymore Day

National Bobblehead Day

National Pass Gas DayThis is real


Jan. 8

National Bubble Bath Day

National Man Watcher's Day

National Snuggle a Chicken DayHope for foul weather

Jan. 9

Balloon Ascension Day

National Apricot Day

National Clean Your Desk Day

National Law Enforcement Appreciation DayJust one day?

No Pants Subway Ride Day

Jan. 10

National Houseplant Appreciation Day

National Shop For Travel Day

Peculiar People Day


Jan. 11

Cigarettes are Hazardous to Your Health DayThey need a day for this?

International Thank-You Day

Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day – Essential skill.

National Girl Hug Boy Day

National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day – Seriously?

No Longer New Year's Day – This is breaking news?


Jan. 12

Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day

National Kettlebell Day – Takes a weight off your shoulders.


Jan. 13

Make Your Dream Come True Day

National Blame Someone Else Day

National Rubber Ducky Day – Thanks, Ernie!


Jan. 14

Feast of the Ass Day – Celebrate at the Donkey Inn?

National Dress Up Your Pet Day – Hello, PETA?

National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day

Organize Your Home Day

Take a Missionary to Lunch Day



Got News?

If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue, mosque or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.

Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

Subscribe by email

If you want to receive Buffalo Grove News & Information by email, send your email address to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.

Cops probe burglary, felony theft / AAA rating / Blood drive Saturday

  Residential Burglary -- A resident in the 40 block of Sunridge Ln. told police that his home was ransacked. Reports say an undisclosed am...