Police probe “ruse burglary” -- Police are continuing their investigation into a “ruse burglary” at a residence in the 400 block of Navajo Trail.
The resident told police three men showed up at the front door of the residence. One of the men convinced the victim to escort him to the backyard leaving the other two subjects. The man, police say, kept the victim occupied with conversation for several minutes. When the subjects left the home, the victim discovered personal items missing from the home.
Honest thieves? -- The store director at Mariano’s told police that a customer alerted employees to two male subjects who walked out of the west side entrance door with a cart full of merchandise that didn’t appear to be paid for. Employees went out to the parking lot and observed two men loading merchandise into the trunk of a black Chrysler 300. The men said the items were not paid for and returned the items. The recovered totaled $793.39 and included various bottles of alcohol, cat litter, paper towels, and toilet paper.
Wallet swiped – A woman told police that while she was shopping at Mariano’s, she left her wallet, which was within her purse. in the shopping cart and walked away from it. She told police that when she returned to the cart, her wallet was missing from her purse.
In Other Community News
Public safety open house set
The Village is hosting a Public Safety Event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 17 at Fire Station 26, 1051 Highland Grove Drive.
The free event is open to the public and features family-friendly fire and police department vehicles, activities and demonstrations.
The Fire Department will showcase several apparatuses, subject to availability, including “MobileComm,” the tower truck, ambulances and the Utility Terrain Vehicle (UTV). Crews will conduct a vehicle extrication drill at noon followed by a live fire/sprinkler demonstration at 1:00 p.m. The Fire Department will also host a kids combat challenge, and children can take photographs with firefighters.
The Police Department will have a squad car on site as well as a prize wheel. McGruff will also be making an appearance.
Groundbreaking for The Clove Sept. 22
A groundbreaking ceremony for The Clove will be held at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 22. Event details will be available at www.vbg.org/theclove.
Residents who want to receive updates on The Clove by email, can click here or text THECLOVE to 22828. You can find the latest update on The Clove at this link.
Students gets taste of the Board
Students from Buffalo Grove and Stevenson high schools received a crash course in municipal government this past Monday with Village Clerk Jan Sirabian and Deputy Village Manager Chris Stilling. Students toured the Village campus and met various staff and Village Board members. They then conducted a mock board meeting where they received firsthand experience prioritizing the community's needs and allocating tax dollars.
Ultimately the mock board approved the Fire Department's request for an underwater rescue communications unit to replace the dive team's outdated equipment. View the meeting video here.
Cops cite 50 during enforcement
Buffalo Grove Police issued 50 traffic citations during the Labor Day weekend safety campaign. Of those, 27 seat belt citations were written. Of those, 13 occurred during nighttime hours. One arrest occurred for the offense of driving while license was suspended, and one warrant arrest was made thanks to the traffic safety campaign stop.
The enforcement period, which ran from Aug. 19 to Sept. 6, is made possible by federal highway safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
Village Board meets Monday night
The Village Board will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 19 at Village Hall. The meeting will also be available to view on Facebook.
Stormwater management topic of seminar
Lake County’s Stormwater Management Commission will host a free workshop for property owners, or homeowners associations responsible for maintaining detention ponds, wetlands and/or natural areas.
Participate in person or online, and learn about subdivision stormwater features, maintenance and resources available - including grants and other funding opportunities. The workshop will take place at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 20. Information about meeting location, additional details and registration (required): are at this link. This program is open to all residents, regardless of their county of residence.
Shredding event scheduled
The Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC) is partnering with the village of Buffalo Grove to host the annual Document Destruction Event on Saturday, November 5 from 9:00 a.m. to noon for at the Metra parking lot at 825 Commerce Court.
Residents can bring up to six file-size boxes or paper grocery bags (no plastic bags) of sensitive paper documents containing personal information such as medical forms, bank statements, retired tax records, financial planning or documents with personal information (address labels are not considered personal information).
Attendees should ensure paper is free of "contamination" including batteries, electronics, medications, sharps, etc. that may pose a health and safety danger to those handling the paper documents. All metal clips, plastic sleeves, folders and binders should also be removed from documents. Small staples are acceptable.
When arriving at a Document Destruction Event, residents should have their ID ready and remain in vehicles— no business, school or institutional documents will be accepted. Workers will remove documents from vehicles and place them in carts which are then emptied into and cross-shredded in the shredding truck. Shredded paper is then transported to a local Materials Recovery Facility (MRF), baled and sold to a paper mill and made into new paper and paper products.
More information on this event can be found on the here.
Need a reason to celebrate?
Sept. 17
International Country Music Day
International Eat An Apple Day
Sept. 18
Hug A Greeting Card Writer Day
Sept. 19
National Butterscotch Pudding Day
National Meow Like a Pirate Day
Sept. 20
International Week of Happiness at Work
Sept. 21
National School Backpack Awareness Day
Telegraph Pole Appreciation Day
Sept. 22
National Elephant Appreciation Day
Sept. 23
National Apple Cider Vinegar Day
National Great American Pot Pie Day
Got News?
If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome. They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.
Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
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If you want to receive Buffalo Grove News & Information by email, send your email address to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
In case you didn’t know…
Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.