Sep 2, 2022

Thieves make off with makeup / Cambridge Commons coming down / School crosswalk concerns aired

 Thieves make off with makeup – Police report that two people stole more than $2,900 of facial products from the CVS Pharmacy, 20 E. Dundee Road. The manager told police that a female came into the store and distracted his employee. As she was distracting the employee, a male came in and went to the facial aisle. Reports say he was in the aisle for approximately five minutes and took several items and placed them into a bag. Once he put the items into the bag, both subjects left the store without paying.

Liquor swiped -- Police report that an unknown male allegedly stole 13 various bottles of liquor valued at $602.63 from the Woodman’s Food Market, 1550 Deerfield Parkway. The man reportedly fled southbound on Milwaukee Ave in a gray four-door Toyota.

“Rude man” irks gas customer -- Police were summoned to the Woodman’s gas station, 1500 Deerfield Parkway, after a woman reported she was confronted by an elderly man, saying he was “very rude and used numerous profanities while yelling at her to move out of his way.”  Reports say the woman told gas station attendant  who came outside to her location and told the man to leave. The woman said she was not injured during the confrontation and provided police with a picture she took of the man’s vehicle and license plate as he left the area. The attendant told police she was going to inform her manager of what had happened because this was the second time she had seen the same subject causing a problem with other customers.

Police were able to locate the man and his vehicle near his residence Police say he acknowledged being involved in the earlier incident at the Woodman's Gas Station. He told police that he yelled at the woman to move because she appeared to be talking on her cell phone when she should have been dispensing gasoline into her vehicle. The man told officers he had been involved in another dispute with a subject at the Woodman's but did not remember exactly what took place. Reports say the man was “admonished for his behavior and issued him a trespass warning.”

Porch theft – A resident on Mill Creek Drive reported to police that a package, delivered by  Amazon, containing ear buds was taken from their front porch.  The value was $50.


In Other Community News


Buffalo Grove Days underway


Just in case you’ve missed the onslaught of posts, news articles, blog posts, etc. – the 2022 Buffalo Grove Days festival is in full gear. The complete schedule can be found here.  One thing not on the schedule is the parade as BG Days officials decided not to have a parade this year due to a lack of participants and in deference to the July 4th tragedy in Highland Park.


Cambridge Commons coming down

            The deteriorating and vacant Cambridge Commons shopping plaza is at the end of its days. Demolition of the eyesore at Buffalo Grove and Dundee roads begins Tuesday, Sept. 6. Village officials have confirmed issuance of a demolition permit. In the meantime, there is no confirmed movement on the fate of the infamous “Rohrman Properties.” Village officials say they continue to have discussions with them about their future plans, but nothing has been submitted to the village regarding future development.


Parents tout need for crossing guards

            Parents in School District 21 are expressing concern over the safety of students who cross Arlington Heights Road at Plum Grove Road. In the meantime, the police department has placed electric signs that instruct drivers to adhere to a 20-mph speed limit. 


Blood drive Saturday

A  Community Blood Drive is set from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. tomorrow, Sept. 3 at the Alcott Center,  530 Bernard Dr. To make an appointment, click here.


Family events set for Sunday

Family Fun Walk and Pancake Breakfast will take place on Sunday, Sept. 4. While there is no cost to attend either of these events, registration is strongly encouraged here. Organizers say there is enough food to serve the first 1,000 people at the pancake breakfast. Funds raised will be donated to the Highland Park Community Foundation's July 4 fund


Holiday closures, trash collection listed

Village Hall will be closed Monday, September 5 due to Labor Day. Normal business hours will resume Tuesday, Sept. 6 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Waste collection will be delayed by one day due to the holiday.


Peter Pan auditions Sept. 11

Auditions for Studio 83’s version of Peter Pan will take place on Sunday, Sept. 11. The story will be told through dance of all styles, including ballet, tap, jazz, acro and contemporary. Audition registration can be done at this link.



Looking to celebrate a special day?

Franchise Appreciation Day

International Bacon Day

National Doodle Day

National Hummingbird Day

World Beard Day


Sept. 4

Eat an Extra Dessert Day

National Pet Rock Day

National Macadamia Nut Day


Sept. 5

Mouthguard Day

National Be Late for Something Day

National Cheese Pizza Day


Sept. 6

Fight Procrastination Day 

Great Egg Toss Day

National Read a Book Day


Sept. 7

Buy a Book Day

Global Talent Acquisition Day

Grandma Moses Day

National Beer Lovers Day

National Feel the Love Day

National Salami Day


Sept. 8

Are You Okay Day

National Ampersand Day

International Literacy Day

National Dog Walker Appreciation Day

National Iguana Awareness Day

Star Trek Day


Sept. 9

Care Bears Share Your Care Day

Colonel Sanders’s Birthday

International Box Wine Day

International Day to Protect Education from Attack

National When Pigs Fly Day

Wonderful Weirdos Day


Sept. 10

Drive Your Studebaker Day

National TV Dinner Day



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In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.

Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...