Apr 20, 2020

Drugs busts, wayward sump pumps spark police activity

Police Reports
**  A Palatine man who was a pharmacy technician at the Walgreens at 15 N. Buffalo Grove Road was charged with three counts of possession of a controlled substance after he allegedly removed pills from customer prescriptions. Police began their investigation after store officials received complaints from customers who said their prescriptions did not have the prescribed number of pills.
            Working with the store’s security agent, Buffalo Grove police report that among the items found in the man’s car were Diazepam, Butalbital/Acetaminophen/Caffeine,
Loratadine and Fluoxetine Hydrochloride. Reports also indicate that police found two pills of CVS Ibuprofen, which was probably not taken from Walgreens.
**  Drug investigation continues -- A Wheeling man may face charges for drug-related offenses after police found him in his car with drug paraphernalia, drugs and various undetermined pills and syringes filled with undetermined substances. Police found the man in his car after receiving a call from an unnamed resident who told them the ma had been in his car for nearly an hour. Reports say the investigation remains open pending crime lab results of items found in the man’s car.
**  Resident bilked out of $71,000 – A Buffalo Grove resident told police that fraudulent activity in her bank accounts have cost her more than $71,000.  Police reports indicate the woman found six unauthorized charges totaling $9,100 in one checking account and $62,000 in 25 unauthorized in another checking account. She is working with her bank in investigating the situation.
**  Leaf blower swiped – Management at a hardware store in the 700 block of south Buffalo Grove Road report that a leaf blower valued at $200 was apparently stolen. Store officials told police a man wearing a face mask was “acting strangely” and told employees he didn’t want to pay $200 for a leaf blower.  A short time later he was not seen in the store. And neither was the leaf blower.
**  Car theft reported – An employee at a business in the 700 block of Corporate Grove Drive reported her car missing. Police reports indicate that the woman had the keys in the pocket of her coat, which she hung in the company’s break room. A similar theft occurred earlier in April from another nearby company.
**  Sort of like trying to drain the swamp – Police met with a resident about what they called an “illegal sump pump contraption” that he had hooked up. The resident told police that his basement had flooded and that he suspected it was due to wetlands that adjoined his property. But wait, there’s more.  According to reports, the homeowner had been told by a village engineer that “the wetlands to the west of the address were not only federally protected, preventing anyone from altering them in any way, but also belonged to a home owner's association to which the resident did not belong.”
            Undaunted, the homeowner told police that he left the “contraption” hooked up as his goal was “…to pump out the wetlands…” The resident agreed to disconnect the “contraption.” The is real, folks – you can’t make this sort of stuff up.
Community News

Village Board to hold virtual meeting Monday
Residents can join the Village Board for a meeting tonight (Monday, April 20). beginning at 7:30 p.m. via Go-To webinar. Individuals can register to participate in this meeting by visiting this link. The Webinar ID is 763-628-955. The agenda can be found here.

Sussman urges residents to wear masks
In a message to residents, Village President Beverly Sussman urges residents to use “…a cloth face cover or mask while you are shopping at essential businesses.   Please follow the recommendations of federal, state, county and local health authorities for everyone’s protection.” Sussman’s complete message can be found on the village’s Facebook page or here.

Park District lauded for financial report
The Buffalo Grove Park District has received a certificate of achievement for excellence in financial reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada for its comprehensive annual financial report. The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting; and, its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management.  This is the 22nd consecutive year the Park District has won this award.

Village seeks help with “BG Delivers”
The village is encouraging residents to support “BG Delivers”, a campaign aimed at encouraging ongoing support for Buffalo Grove restaurants and residents who need assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Full information, including a map and listing of local restaurants that are open for pick-up and delivery, can be found here.

Schneider seeks thank you notes, cards for front line workers
U.S. Representative Brad Schneider (D-10) is inviting constituents of all ages to create and submit notes thanking frontline workers for their incredible service during the COVID-19 pandemic via an online portal he has created.

Top Cop offers two words of advice:  Slow Down
            In a social media post, Buffalo Grove Police Chief Steve Casstevens urged motorists to slow down.  But with good reason. Casstevens posted: “OK everybody, you need to slow down! In the past three weeks, I have never been passed by so many cars doing over 100 mph in my life. Contrary to popular belief, speed limits have not been suspended. You would hate to survive the Covid (sic) virus, only to wind up dying in a high-speed car crash. SLOW DOWN!”

Speaking of Chief Casstevens
Even police chiefs need a break from the grind, especially when it snows in April.

Got News?
If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.  Articles should include a contact name email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content. Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...