Police Reports
Scams reported -- Buffalo Grove police report several cases where residents have been victimized by various scams.
Scams include bogus text messages from someone claiming to be with the Secretary of State’s office and the Small Business Administration. Residents are warned against clicking on any links and providing any personal information.
Tires, rims stolen – A resident in the 1200 block Johnson Drive reported to police that the stock rims and tires from a 2019 Honda Civic were stolen. The thief left the vehicle on top of landscape bricks.
Not a cat fight -- Neighbors argued over where a dog was being walked. All parties agreed not to confront each other in the future. For this they called the police?
Stupid is as stupid does – Buffalo Grove Police issued traffic tickets for the following infractions: Driving a vehicle with an expired registration, driving without a valid driver’s license, and driving under the influence of alcohol and Driving with a suspended driver’s license.
Community News & Notes
Village Board meeting Monday
The Buffalo Grove Village Board will have a regular Board meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. The agenda is found here and the complete board packet here.
Village mulls flag policy
Buffalo Grove is considering a policy flying various flags. The Journal & Topics reports that “The proposed policy states a process would occur where the village would permit other flags to be flown at Rotary Village Green. Under this policy, flags would be flown between 1-30 days.” The policy is on the agenda for Monday’s Village Board meeting.
Special traffic enforcement results
The Buffalo Grove Police Department has announced that 86 citations were issued during the recent Memorial Day Click It or Ticket enforcement period.
For the special enforcement period, which went from May 20 through May 31, there were 55 seat belt violations, seven distracted driving citations, 11 speeding citations and 13 other traffic citations
The Illinois Click It or Ticket campaign is administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation with federal highway safety funds.
Fireworks set for the Fourth
Buffalo Grove will host its traditional fireworks show on the Fourth of July. The show will begin at dusk - approximately 9:20 p.m.
Fireworks can best be viewed from the dedicated drive-in lots behind the Hamilton Partners business park, 1130 W. Lake-Cook Road and from Willow Stream, Mike Rylko and Weidner Parks.
For a map of the viewing areas and more information visit vbg.org/fourthofjuly.
Community blood drive set
The village will host a Community Blood Drive in partnership with Vitalant from noon to 6 p.m. on Friday, June 25 at the Buffalo Grove Fire Department, 1051 Highland Grove Dr. For more information or to schedule a donation appointment, call 877-258-4825 or visit vitalant.org and use group code 041D. Appointments and face covers are required.
Swim lessons available
Private American Red Cross swim lessons are available at the Vernon Township Peterson Park Pool, Vernon Township Peterson Park Pool, 16652 N Buffalo Grove Rd, Prairie View.
Students of any level can sign up with one of our instructors for 30-minute lessons. Private swim lessons can be arranged by calling 847-913-0799.
Library offers summer camp
The Vernon Area Public Library is offering a summer camp that includes a variety of activities. For information go to this link.
Drive-up, building open at Library
The building, new drive-up window and entry are open at the Vernon Area Public Library, 300 Olde Half Day Rd, Lincolnshire. Hours have been extended to 9 p.m. Monday–Thursday
Library offers subscription service
High school age readers can sign up for a High School Subscription Box sponsored by the Indian Trails Public Library District. Each month participants can pick up a selection of books, chosen just for them, based on their interests. Click here for more information.
Summer concert series starts Tuesday
The Park District’s summer concert series begins this Tuesday night, featuring the rock cover band, Industrial Drive! The free concert is from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Willow Stream Park, 651 Old Check Road.
The featured sponsor restaurant that night is Nino’s Pizzeria & Catering. Nino’s will deliver to customers attending the concert. For weather related updates on the day of concerts, use the Rainout Line app, or call 847.235.6857.
Sounds like a doggone good time
The Park District is sponsoring a Bow Wow Dog Expo from 6 - 7:30 pm, Wednesday, June 23 at the Happy Tails Dog Park, 835 Commerce Ct.
The free event will include a variety of vendors, such as dog groomers, an adoption program, pet suppliers, veterinarians and many more. Your dog will also have a chance to meet and mingle with other dogs that speak their own language.
All dogs must have current shots. In case of inclement weather, please check the Rainout Line app, or call 847-235-6857.
Village ranks high on places to live
Buffalo Grove was ranked the 3rd best place to live and 5th best place to raise a family in Illinois by community data aggregator, Niche.com. Buffalo Grove also received an A+ rating, noting low crime rates, a diverse resident base, business growth and quality of life.
Additionally, Niche.com rated Buffalo Grove as the No. 4 place with the best public schools in America. Schools attended by Buffalo Grove students include Adlai E. Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools, as well as elementary and junior high school districts 21, 96 and 103.
Niche.com publishes yearly rankings based on diversity, cost of living, access to amenities, employment statistics, crime rates, housing trends, school rankings and overall quality of life. Data from the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Census, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and other recognized organizations is utilized to rank communities both statewide and nationally. Resident reviews also contribute to Niche.com rankings. For additional information, visit Niche.com by using this link..
Celebratory block party set
This year’s East Beechwood Court block party will be more than neighbors chatting – it is going to be a “Rockin’ Luau and vaccination celebration and is open to the entire community.
The event is scheduled from 4 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, July 3 and will feature live Hawaiian music by Makani and live rock music by Industrial Drive. Organizers are hoping to have appearances by members of the Buffalo Grove Police and Fire departments.
Food will be available for purchase from Dee’s Place Food Truck. Residents are invited to bring a cooler and chairs.
Organizers say there will be “plenty of parking” on Beechwood Road.
The week ahead
Need a reason to celebrate this week? You may want to mark your calendar for these events:
June 21: Go Skateboarding Day, International Yoga Day, National Seashell Day, National Selfie Day
June 22: World Rainforest Day, National Chocolate Eclair Day, National Onion Ring Day
June 23: International Widows' Day, Let It Go Day, National Pink Day
June 24: Celebration of the Senses, Swim a Lap Day, International Fairy Day, National Handshake Day
June 25: National Catfish Day, Take Your Dog to Work Day
June 26: National Chocolate Pudding Day, Great American Backyard Campout
June 27: National Onion Day, Paul Bunyan Day, Log Cabin Day, Descendants' Day
If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome. They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.
Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
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