Mar 13, 2023

Cops probe rash of burglaries / D102 pushing referendum / Impaired driver crackdown

Residential burglaries – Police are investigating three residential burglaries. The first was on the 200 block Pauline Avenue where, police say, thieves forced their way into the home and ransacked the interior. Reports did not indicate what was taken or the value of stolen goods. A second burglary, this one in the 100 block of Copperwood Drive, appeared to mirror the first in terms of entry and ransacking the interior. Police did not indicate what was taken or the value of the stolen items. In both cases the investigations are ongoing. In a third burglary, police report a homeowner found her front door forced open and items taken from the home while she was gone for only three hours. Police did not indicate what was taken. They are continuing their investigation.

Retail burglary -- Thieves made off with nearly 100 cartons of cigarettes and vape cartridges from the Payless Tobacco store, 1169 McHenry Road. Reports say the front glass broke out after the store was closed. Value of the loss was not reported.

Commercial burglary – Police are continuing their investigation into a burglary at a business in the 300 block of Lexington Drive. Reports say the vestibule door was broken in and several undisclosed items were taken.

Car broken into -- Police report that a vehicle was broken into while parked at the Northwest Community Outpatient Center on McHenry Road. The vehicle’s owner said the passenger side door was opened and the center console and glove compartment had been searched.

Car damaged in driveway – A resident on Miller Lane reported that the windshield and two windows on the driver’s side of his car were damaged while it was parked at his residence. There was also damage to the driver’s door frame.

Accident leads to multiple charges – Two persons suffered minor, non-life-threatening injuries and a 31-year-old Wauconda man faces four charges after a roll-over accident at McHenry and Arlington Heights roads. Reports say that when officers arrived, the driver, Andrew J Kaimakis, had a “strong odor” of alcohol on his breath. He was charged with Aggravated DUI resulting in an accident or bodily harm, Driving Under the Influence with a Blood Alcohol Content of more than 0.08, Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, Driving an Uninsured Motor Vehicle, Possession of a Controlled Substance and Disregarding a Traffic Control Light.

Retail thefts continue to hit Woodman’s – Police say there were four incidents involving retail thefts at Woodman’s Market. In the first incident, store security told police a shopper tried to make off with $80. In a second incident, store officials told police a shopper tried to abscond with $500 worth of items. Reports say after speaking with police, the shopper agreed to pay for the items he tried to swipe. In a third incident, police say a customer tried to get a five-finger discount on a 30-pack of Special Export Beer. He apparently has a taste for suds as store officials say he tried to steal beer on Feb. 2, 15 and 24. His latest attempt was March 2. At least he’s consistent. Police report a fourth incident in which a man tried to leave the store without paying for $63 worth of Bounty paper towels and Charmin toilet paper. You could say store security and police put the squeeze on the guy and were quicker picker uppers. No report if the man lived on Whipple Street.

In Other Community News

D102 revving up for referendum vote

            Coming on the heels of four informational meetings, School District 102 is focusing on its bid to pass a $49 million referendum that focuses on upgrading facilities and equipment in the district’s four schools and early learning center. The referendum is on the April 4 ballot.

            According to the district’s referendum website, if approved, funds would be used for safety equipment, HVAC improvements, and other building components such as windows, roofs, sidewalks and restrooms. The website also indicates that if passed, funds from the referendum would also be used for “…renovating instructional spaces, adding science classrooms, STEM labs, and a gymnasium to the junior high school…”

            The district says the cost would be $39 a month for 20 years based on a “median-priced” D120 home with a fair market value of $375,000. That would be a total of $9,360.

            Calling it “an evolving, organic process” the district notes that passage of the referendum would allow the district to move heavily into phase two of the process. The first phase, which addressed space needs and updates, was completed from 2016 to 2018 and was, notes the district, paid for with district funds and what it calls “alternate revenue bonds.” There was no tax increase for the first phase.

            The second phase relies heavily, if not solely, on the successful passage of the referendum. At the present time, the third phase is focused on exploring “programming and facilities” including more STEM labs, language opportunities and “reduced rate or no tuition for kindergarten enrichment.” At the current time, the district is not planning a tax increase to fund the third phase.

Impaired drivers target of St. Pat’s Day crackdown

The Buffalo Grove Police Department is stepping up its traffic safety enforcement through March 19, looking for alcohol and cannabis-impaired drivers as part of a St. Patrick’s Day “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” and “Drive High. Get a DUI” campaign.

            In addition to suggestions about revelers having a designated driver, using seatbelts and calling cabs or ride share services for intoxicated persons, Sergeant Tony Turano notes that persons hosting parties can be held liable and prosecuted if someone they serve is involved in an impaired driving crash.

            The St. Patrick’s Day enforcement campaign is funded by federal traffic safety funds from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and is administered through the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Fire Department cited for excellence

The Buffalo Grove Fire Department received Accredited Agency status with the Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI) for meeting the criteria established through the CFAI’s voluntary self-assessment and accreditation program. Buffalo Grove Fire Department is one of fewer than 325 agencies worldwide to achieve “Internationally Accredited Agency” status with the CFAI and the Center for Public Safety Excellence, Inc. (CPSE).

CFAI’s accreditation model is centered around a comprehensive self-assessment consisting of 250 different performance indicators that cover the span of fire and emergency service operations. Using these indicators, the BGFD assessed its current performance and compared it to industry best practices. Accredited agencies are often described as being community-focused, data-driven, outcome-focused, strategic-minded, well organized, properly equipped and properly staffed and trained.

Chat with the chief

The next “Chat with the Chief” Wednesday, March 22. Enjoy coffee and conversation with BG Police Chief Brian Budds at Deerfields Bakery & Café, 201 N. Buffalo Grove Rd. from 10 a.m. to noon. This is an opportunity for community members to meet and engage with Chief Budds and learn more about the department as well as what's happening in the community.

Six seek four seats in D125

            While the election for village posts are uncontested, there are six candidates who want to be on the Stevenson High School (D125) Board. The Journal & Topics recently profiled them and the Daily Herald announced their endorsements on March 12.

D121 gets grant for “high-impact” tutoring

School District 21 received a $138,444 grant from the Illinois State Board of Education to provide students with additional support and learning opportunities. Read the full story here

Meet a reptile at the ITPLD.

Indian Trails Public Library District will feature “Dave DiNaso's Traveling World of Reptiles” starting at 11 a.m. on Saturday, March 18, 11 a.m. The program, for children ages 5 and older, will offer an up-close, hands-on experience with reptiles and amphibians from around the world with trained professionals. Free tickets will be distributed 30 minutes before the program.

Congratulations to…

            Mike Marquardt who was named the Public Works Employee of the Year for 2022…Brian Spolar named Deputy Chief of the Buffalo Grove Police Department…Congressman Brad Schneider (IL-10) for being named to the House Foreign Affairs Committee for the 118th Congress. This is Schneider’s fourth term on the Committee, previously serving on the Committee during the  113th, 115th and 117th CongressesJessica McIntyre who will become D102 superintendent starting July 1, 2024, replacing Lori Wilcox, who will retire…Lucy Hollowaya sixth-grader at Twin Groves Middle School, who was winner of a student art contest sponsored by the Chicago Sun-Times and media partners WBEZ and Vocalo. Her prize? It is having her drawing turned into a sprawling mural that will be on display at the Salt Shed entertainment venue along the Chicago River on the North Side.

Need a Reason to Celebrate?


March 13

International Every Girls Wins Day

K-9 Veterans Day

National Coconut Torte Day

National Good Samaritan Day

National Napping Day

National Open An Umbrella Indoors Day

March 14

Bake a Pie in Solidarity Day

Dribble to Work Day

Equal Pay Day

International Ask a Question Day

National Organize Your Home Office Day

National Potato Chip Day

National Save a Spider Day

National Write Your Story Day

March 15

Ides of March

Buzzards Day

Everything You Think Is Wrong Day

International Eat an Animal for PETA Day

March 16

Everything You Do is Right Day

Freedom of Information Day

National Panda Day

No Selfies Day

March 17

National Corned Beef and Cabbage Day

World Sleep Day

St. Patrick's Day

March 18

Awkward Moments Day

Goddess Of Fertility Day

National Corn Dog Day

Play the Recorder Day

March 19

National Let's Laugh Day

National Automatic Door Day

National Chocolate Caramel Day

National Poultry Day


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In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.

Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...