Sep 6, 2019

Cops probe fraudulent prescription

A pharmacist at the CVS pharmacy on Dundee Road reported that a man who claimed to be a Chicago resident, used a prescription for Oxycodone which he tried to use at another pharmacy outside of the village. The physician whose name was on the prescription denied writing it and contacted the police.
In addition to fraudulent drugs, employees at the pharmacy also reported getting 10 counterfeit $100 bills. A person was captured on video trying purchase debit reload cards.
Car theft reported – A Wheeling man reported his car stolen from the Shell gas station at the corner of Lake-Cook and McHenry Road on Sept. 2. According to reports, the car was stolen while the man went into the convenience store to buy cigarettes. He left the car unlocked and running while he was inside.  The car was eventually recovered by Lake Zurich police during a traffic stop.  The driver, a McHenry man was arrested by Lake Zurich Police.
Red rover, red rover – have the police come over – An Evanston man became upset with the treatment his dog was receiving for a broken leg at a Buffalo Grove veterinary clinic. The man, police reports say, became upset with the staff and raised his voice and “balled up his fists” while talking to the staff. The clinic told the man they were terminating services for his dog.  The man then apologized and left.  The dog was unavailable for comment.
But did they leave the light on for them? -- Residents in the 600 block of Raintree told police that they suspected someone slept in their backyard the night of Aug. 30. They reported finding several cushions from patio furniture neatly arranged under a tree and that a gate to the yard was open.  They told police the cushions were wet, presumably because the auto sprinkler system turns on between 2 and 3 a.m.  At least that’s what they’re hoping was the cause.
Trash talking -- The owner of property that houses a vacant restaurant on Milwaukee Avenue reported 10 bags of garbage were found on the property.  No offender information was available.
Simple battery – A Buffalo Grove man was “admonished” by police for his actions following a discussion he had with a neighbor about a water leak that got out of hand.  Police reports say the man began yelling at his neighbor who said the man struck him in the face. No charges were filed.
Hold the pickle, hold the lettuce, missing hydrangeas really upset us – A Gurnee woman called police to report that while her car was parked in the Burger King parking lot from 8 to 10:30 a.m., a hydrangea was apparently taken from her car.  The woman said there were only four plants in the car instead of the five she said were originally there. She said she “assumed” the plant was taken while she was in Buffalo Grove.  According to police reports, the woman was “adamant” about the responding officer checking the store’s surveillance “on principle” to see if someone entered her car to remove a single plant.  The store’s manager was unable to fulfill the request.  Reports did not indicate why the woman spend 2½ hours in Burger King.
Stupid is as stupid does – In the last week, Buffalo Grove Police issued four tickets for driving on a suspended or revoked license and one for DUI.

Community News
 Handouts raising questions
Businesses participating in the ‘business fair’ at the recently held Buffalo Grove Days generally don’t generate much interest because of their promotion items.  However, PDI medical marijuana got the ire of some people because, according to a report in The Daily Herald, the firm was handing out logo items to children who were under 21 years of age.  The Herald’s report cites the fact that although the items were not illegal, some people were concerned about the image it conveys about the village and Buffalo Grove Days.
 Parade a BG Days highlight
More than 70 units marked the annual Buffalo Grove Days Parade last Sunday.  Led by Grand Marshal, former Village Board member Jeffrey Berman, the nearly hour-long parade included participation by various civic, religious and governmental groups.
 Got electronics for recycling?
Residents who may want to recycle electronic items and do not want to take advantage of the Waste Management door pick-up program, can participate in an electronics recycling drop-off on Sept. 14.

BGHS alum earns PGA Tour card
Doug Ghim will compete on the Professional Golfers Assn. (PGA) 2019-202 tour, now that he has earned his tour card

Fire Department open house Sept. 14

The Buffalo Grove Fire Department will host its annual Open House from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 14.
Children and families are invited to come out to the Fire Department Headquarters to explore fire trucks, engines and ambulances. Simulated fires, the junior firefighter challenge, a fire extinguisher demonstration, fire pole, and 'jaws of life' demonstration are among the many other planned activities! For more information call (847) 777-6110.

 Residents can join the Community Emergency Response Team
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) will hold its 7-week training course, from 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. on Tuesday nights starting Sept. 24.  Classes will be held at the Fire Department Headquarters, 1051 Highland Grove Dr., and will conclude with a four-hour final exam in early November. CERT members are comprised of village residents and employees, and are trained in basic disaster response skills. To learn more or apply, please contact Emergency Management Agency Coordinator Joe Wieser at (847) 537-0995, ext. 6108 or email
BG police seeking peer jury members
Buffalo Grove Police are seeking young people between the ages of 14 and 18 to participate in the Peer Jury. Youths suspected of committing non-violent offenses can be sent to Peer Jury and assigned community service, essay writing and other tasks as consequences for their behavior. Peer Jury applicants must be able to attend two to three peer jury duties throughout the year. A mandatory orientation will be held at 5  p.m. on Sept. 25 at the Police Department. Contact Officer Ashley Krozel at 847-777-6256 for more information and to sign up.
Farmers Market open Sunday
After a one-week hiatus for Buffalo Grove Days, the Buffalo Grove Farmers Market returns this Sunday, Sept. 8.  The Farmers Market runs through Oct. 13, and is open each Sunday from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at the west side of Mike Rylko Community Park on Ill. Rt. 83 between Buffalo Grove Road and Deerfield Parkway.

Park District sets kite fly
Residents can participate in the Buffalo Grove Park District for its annual Kite Fly from 10 a.m. until noon on Saturday, Sept. 14 at Mike Rylko Community Park, 1000 N. Buffalo Grove Road.
Participants should bring kites, and enjoy a day out in the park, playing and exploring wind and motion. Activities, games, face painting and fun for the whole family will be provided. Small kites will be available for $2, while supplies last.
Touchdown for Troops / Military Appreciation Night Sept. 13
Stevenson High School will honor active and retired military personnel will be honored during the annual Touchdown for Troops/Military Appreciation Night on Friday, Sept. 13 in the stadium. A pre-game ceremony at 7:15 p.m. will honor military members on hand, followed by the varsity football game between Stevenson and Libertyville. Touchdown for Troops/Military Appreciation Night is sponsored by Students Helping Soldiers and Nothing Bundt Cakes.
To help Students Helping Soldiers in its mission of supporting enlisted veterans and their families in the local community, Nothing Bundt Cakes is sponsoring a fundraiser for the club. Purchase a Nothing Bundt Cakes coupon for $22 (includes tax), and use it to buy one dozen bite-sized Bundtini cakes at the Vernon Hills location (701 N. Milwaukee Ave.), and 20% of the sale will be donated to Students Helping Soldiers. Coupons to purchase cakes are available here.
The coupons have no expiration date, but the deadline to purchase them is Friday, Sept. 13. Coupons can be picked up at the Patriot Superstore at the conclusion of the fundraiser.
Fall play set at Stevenson
Tickets for the fall play, The Transition of Doodle Pequeño, go on sale Monday, Aug. 26. Tickets are $6. All tickets are general admission. Tickets are available online Opens a New Window.  and at the Patriot Superstore. The play will be performed at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12, 4:15 and 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 13, and 2 and 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 14. All performances will be held in the Black Box Theatre, by the Sports Center entrance.
The play, which follows the friendship of two boys in southern California, touches on current social issues including immigration, gender identity and bullying. This is a play for audiences ages 8 and older. Parents of children younger than second grade should use discretion.
Gabriel Jason Dean’s play won the 2012 Kennedy Center ACTF Theatre for Young Audiences Award, and the 2011 Aurand Harris Memorial Playwriting Award from the New England Theatre Conference.
SHS theatre teacher Abra Chusid, who will direct the production, was the play’s dramaturg during its creation at the University of Texas. A dramaturg provides research and other support to the playwright.
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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...