Dec 13, 2019

Cops probe scams, inflatable rats

You won, but it will cost you – A resident reported that she was contacted by phone that she won a large sum of money. Congrats, right? But wait, there’s more. The woman was told to go to Target and buy $1,000 in gift cards to pay the taxes.
Missing cash – A Buffalo Grove couple reported an unauthorized withdrawal of $40,000 from their money market account. Police and the bank are investigating. A similar attempt was made on the couple’s checking account.
Bogus calls – A resident reported getting phone calls from a man saying he was from the Social Security Administration. The caller claimed he found the resident’s ID in a vehicle in Texas, which was filled with drugs.
Annoying rodent -- A man who was using an inflatable rat to apparently voice his discontent with a local company, was told he had to move the rat because it was obstructing the view of a nearby intersection.  The man was also requested to move his car off the parkway grass, but he refused, telling police he had a right to park on the grass because it was union business. Seriously.  He received a ticket for parking on the parkway.  The rat was not cited.
Go with the flow?  -- A resident was charged with disorderly conduct after urinating off his balcony.  It was reported the man had done this before.  He admitted it to the infraction saying he had a medical condition resulting from a brain injury. Not sure if he needs a new urologist or neurologist.
Lawn mower theft – A resident was mulching leaves on the parkway when he stopped to get the mower’s bagging attachment.  When he came back, the mower was gone. The leaves, however, were still there.
Lights, camera, complaint -- An employee at a movie theater in the village told police the parents of two children became “irate” after she told the children to stop “messing with a display.” According to reports, the mother allegedly made racial slurs and left after a refund was given. Police spoke to the mother who denied making racial slurs and said the employee was dis respectful to her children. She received a trespass warning and understood they were not to return to the theater.
Stupid is, as stupid does – In the past week, Buffalo Grove police issued three tickets for DUI, two for driving with a revoked or suspended license, one of driving without insurance and one for possession of drug paraphernalia.
And Finally…
From the “You should have thought about that before you left home” department --- A Glenview man was stopped by Buffalo Grove Police and charged with DUI, operating an uninsured vehicle and speeding.  But wait, there’s more.  During the traffic stop, the man asked officers if he could put on his hoodie because it was cold.  No problem. However, according to police reports, the man “brought his hands to the back of his head as to put on a hood, but there was nothing there.” Reports say the man then said “Oh, (expletive), sorry no hoodie.”

Community News
Appellate Court judges to decide pension case
The ongoing battle by the family of Kevin Hauber, a Buffalo Grove firefighter who died of colon cancer at age 51, for his full pension benefits will apparently be decided by three Second District Appellate Court judges, according to the Countryside Reminder. Hauber was a member of the Buffalo Grove Fire Department for 23 years. He died in January 2018.

Parking passes on sale at Village Hall
Parking passes for the Buffalo Grove Metra Station are now on sale at Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. They can also be purchased by mail. Commuters can purchase annual passes for $450 or a January/February 2020 pass for $80. For more information, click here.

Fire Department to host blood drive Dec. 27
A community blood drive is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.  on Friday, Dec. 27 at Fire Department headquarters, 1051 Highland Grove Drive. Walk-ins are welcome but appointments are recommended. An I.D. is required and the entire donation process takes about one hour. To make an appointment, call Vitalant at 877-258-4825 or click here. The group code for donations is 041D.

Lake County Board approves funding for flood-control projects
Lake County residents may soon see some relief from their stormwater issues as the Lake County Board approved additional funding for the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission (SMC) as part of the Fiscal Year 2020 budget. The funds will support multiple projects throughout the county and will have a significant impact in helping to alleviate two of the county’s biggest problems--stormwater runoff and flooding.
Over the past few years, Lake County has experienced stronger and more frequent rainfall, and an increase in flooding.  In 2018, Lake County rivers went above flood stage during six separate storm events, and this year exceeded flood stage seven times.  Because of this, stormwater management projects have become critical. SMC's capital improvement plan will enable SMC to prioritize, design and construct the most beneficial and regionally impactful projects while improving conditions in flood-prone areas. The plan will be focused on three improvement areas: surface water/flood mitigation infrastructure, flooded property buyouts, and stream maintenance.

Student Voices
Here are links to the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools.
Buffalo Grove High School Charger
Stevenson High School Statesman
Wheeling High School Spokesman
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