Dec 20, 2019

Cops nab three BGHS students for pot possession

A report of a car parked with a "large amount of smoke emanating from it" led to the felony arrest of an 18-year-old Buffalo Grove High School student for possession of cannabis. The felony charges were for the 18-year-old was also charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. Police reports say the 18-year-old and two juveniles were parked in a car with tinted windows and told a security office at a shopping plaza that they were having lunch in the parking lot because they did not have a permit to park at BGHS. The security guard contacted police who arrested the 18-year-old.  The two juveniles were turned over to a dean at BGHS who, reports say, found cannabis on one of the juveniles.
Retail theft -- Management at Walgreens, 15 N. Buffalo Grove Road reported the theft of seven to nine bottles of Dove Body Wash (valued at $11.99 each), three to five Aveeno Body Wash (valued at $10.99 each) and an unknown amount of regular Dove Body Wash, valued at 7.49 each.  Suspects were not caught.  They must have made a clean get-away.
Next time, call friendly Bob Adams A Hendersonville, Tennessee woman was charged with two counts of criminal damage to property after she allegedly damaged a car parked in a driveway in the 0-100 block of Fox Court East.  Police say when they arrived the woman approached them and admitted damaging the vehicle. Reports indicate the woman’s speech was slurred and her behavior “aggressive”, but there was no trace of alcolhol.  The woman told police that the resident owed her $6,800 Police contacted the vehicle’s owner who said she has known the woman from Tennessee (Marilyn Phillis Buttitta) for “many years” and she borrowed $6,800 from the woman.  There was no formal contract or repayment agreement. The woman said she has observed a deterioration in the Tennessee woman’s mental health, but fully intended to repay the loan as soon as possible. The Tennessee woman admitted to damaging the car, a 1990 Mazda RX7 with her elbow, feet and a trailer hitch ball.  Reports describe the damage as “substantial.”
The old heave ho?  Police were called to a gas station where a cab driver was having a dispute with a customer over a fare and cleaning fee.  The cab driver said he was owed a $180 far plus cleaning fee. The passenger denied vomiting in the car, although police observed a small amount of vomit in the back seat, on the man’s sweater and on the corner of his mouth. The passenger eventually paid the full amount. He also declined a ride home by police – which is probably a break for the officers.
Package theft –A resident in the 0-100 block of Oak Creek Drive said a package from Amazon was missing from his front door.
Fraud – A resident reported an unknown person used his credit card number and made five purchases totaling $21,610.74.
Trash talkin’ – Police observed a man putting excessive trash in Park District garbage bins at Willow Stream Park.  When asked why he was doing it, the man told police he was throwing his household trash away in the dumpster because it would not fit in the cans at his home, The man apologized and put the trash – all 10 bags of it – back into his car and took it home. At least that’s what he told police.
Stupid is, as stupid does -- A slow week.  Buffalo Grove Police reported one arrest for use of an electronic device while driving, one arrest for operating a motor vehicle with a suspended/revoked license, and one arrest for DUI.

Community News
Plan for recreational pot dispensary stalled

A proposed site for a recreational marijuana dispensary on Milwaukee Avenue did not clear a hurdle at Wednesday’s meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. According to reports in the Daily Herald, the PZC could not agree on a recommendation for the site.

Cops launch holiday DUI, seatbelt crackdown

The Buffalo Grove Police Department is participating in a national enforcement campaign to crack down on impaired and unbuckled drivers through Jan. 2, 2020.
“While parties are an enjoyable part of the holiday season, we urge community members to keep the merriment off the road,” Sergeant Michelle Kondrat says. “If your celebration will involve alcohol, please plan ahead for a sober, designated driver, and remember to buckle up – it’s the best defense against an impaired driver.”
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System, 839 people lost their lives in traffic crashes involving a drunk driver in December of 2018. Throughout the Christmas and New Year’s holidays alone, there were 285 drunk-driving-related fatalities – more than any other time that year.

Fire Department to host blood drive Dec. 27
A community blood drive is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 27, at Fire Department headquarters, 1051 Highland Grove Drive. Walk-ins are welcome but appointments are recommended. An I.D. is required and the entire donation process takes about one hour. To make an appointment, call Vitalant at 877-258-4825 or click here. The group code for donations is 041D.
Chanukah celebration set
A Chanukah extravaganza sponsored by the Northwest Suburban Chabad, is set for 3 p.m. on Sunday at Hawthorn Mall in Vernon Hills. Information is available by email at or by phone at 847-808-7770.

Around Town... 
Get caught up on some local insights from Aileen Simons whose long-running column "News and Schmooze" appears in the Buffalo Grove Countryside.

Village Hall holiday hours set
Village Hall will close early Monday, December 23, 2019 at 4:30 p.m., and remain closed December 24-25 in observance of the Christmas holiday. It will reopen for normal business hours Thursday, December, 26. For the New Year's holiday, Village Hall will be closed on Wednesday, January 1, 2020.

Happy Holidays!!
The staff and management of Buffalo Grove News and Information wishes you a Happy Holiday season.

Student Voices
Here are links to the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools.
Buffalo Grove High School Charger
Stevenson High School Statesman
Wheeling High School Spokesman
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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...