Jun 22, 2020

Woman charged with child endangerment

Buffalo Grove Police noted a slight increase in activity during the past couple of weeks, attributing it to warmer weather and a relaxation of state-mandated restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

            Even with the increased activity, officials say the number of calls is “still not to the level as in past years.”

            Reports made available by the Buffalo Grove Police for the past week include:

            ** Woman charged for leaving children unattended in car -- A 36-year old Deerfield woman faces on charge of child endangerment after police say they responded to a complaint about a child being left unattended in a car at Woodman’s, 1550 E. Deerfield Parkway. Reports say when officers arrived, they found two children, ages 5 and 1, inside the vehicle. Reports say the children were sweating heavily. Police were able to gain access to the vehicle and place both children in an air-conditioned police vehicle.  Paramedics were called to check the children, but they did not transport them to a hospital.

            The children’s mother told police she left the children in the car “because of COVID-19” and brought them with her because the children’s father, reports say, was working at home and “constantly taking phone calls.”

            The woman is scheduled to appear in Lake County Court on June 24.

            ** You are what you do – A Northbrook woman told police her car was damaged by stones coming of a dumpster being transported by a Mundelein waste and recycling company. Police reports say the woman was told by the firm to have her own insurance handle the claim. Police didn’t have much better luck as reports indicate that when officers contacted the firm, they refused to provide officers with information or have the driver come to the station to file a report. Sounds like trash talkin’ from the trash hauler.

** Two reports of deceptive practice – A Buffalo Grove woman reported to police that she wired $173,000 to a paralegal firm that was allegedly handling a home purchase. The woman was contacted by her bank to learn that the email she received was fraudulent. Police reports indicate that the woman was working with her bank to have the wire transfer cancelled. She was also told to contact the FBI in addition to the BGPD. 

            In another deceptive practice complaint, a Buffalo Grove man reported to police that placed an ad for a cardio-fitness machine on an online sales site and received a check for $1,800. While this sounds like a good deal, the man was only asking $250 for the machine which, to no surprise, made him wonder. Police reports say the man was told by the perspective buy to cash the check, keep $450 and return the remainder of the money. The man did not cash the check, nor did he send the item to the buyer, which means he’s not out any money and can still workout at home.

** And they found his luggage tag on the bottom of pile garbage -- Honestly. Police report that a Buffalo Grove man was accused of “fly dumping” after a village employee noticed, say reports, “personal belongings and luggage that were discarded in the village contracted dumpster marked for metal only.” So how did the police know who did it?  According to reports, the employee provided police with a “luggage tag found among the belongings” which included his name, address and telephone of the man who tossed the trash on the fly. But wait, there’s more.

Reports say police contacted the man’s wife who told them she would “inform her husband he needs to come and remove the trash and dispose of it elsewhere.” No reports if he found another pile if garbage in a dumpster or if he was on his way to go fly fishing. And if you must know, according to UrbanDictonary.com, fly dumping is defined as “The act of throwing your garbage in someone else's trash to hide where the garbage came from.” Fact checking is a wonderful thing. 

** Next time let ‘em play through – Buffalo Grove police officers responded to a complaint of four golfers drinking being “disruptive” to other golfers on June 12. According to reports, the foursome was “being loud, throwing golf clubs at other golfers, using profanity and driving their golf carts recklessly. A course ranger reportedly warned them once but they were less than cooperative. A short time later, the subjects were reported to have flipped a golf cart on its side. Reports say golf course management confronted the foursome, but “was cursed at by the golfers.”

When told police were being called, they four fled with their clubs, which was probably a challenging thing to do.

Reports indicate that police found four sets of clubs near the entrance to Willow Stream Park. Police were able apprehend three of the four who were issued trespass warnings. The three nabbed by police were picked up by one of the golfer’s mother, who had to drive from Kenilworth to pick up the three and four sets of clubs.

As for the fourth golfer? He’s a 21-year-old from Winnetka, California (yes, California). The little varmint.

** ID thefts – Police report two cases of ID theft. In one, a resident reported that a Disney credit card was opened in his name with a $300 charge on it. In the second case, a resident reported that an unemployment claim was filed in her name. The woman told police that for some reason, much her mail was being delivered to a house across the street from her home. One of the misdelivered pieces was a letter from the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) that said the woman owed them $2,146.

** Scams reported – A resident said he received a phone call from someone claiming to be from the Social Security Administration who said several large wire transfers were made using his Social Security number. The caller then switched the call to someone claiming to be with the Drug Enforcement Agency who said $230,000 was transferred from Texas to Mexico and then to Columbia.

At this point, the man said he was transferred to someone who said he was with the Department of Treasury who requested that the resident buy gift cards from – remember, this is someone from the Department of Treasury – Mariano’s.

The resident did not give out any personal information.  Reports do not indicate if the ‘Department of Treasury’ wanted coupons as well.

In a second scam, a resident reported that he was contacted by someone claiming to be a Comcast employee who told the resident Comcast had accidentally deposited a $2,320 refund into the resident’s bank account and requested the resident repay Comcast by using – ready – gift cards. Police advised the resident that it was a scam and to monitor his accounts.

** Liquor theft report – A manager at the Jewel contacted police about two people who smelled of alcohol apparently stealing bottles of liquor from the store’s liquor department. The manager was unable to identify exactly what was taken.

** Copper wire swiped – Nearly 500 feet of copper wire was reportedly stolen from a construction site in the 250 block of Aptakisic Road. The wire has a value of $200.

** Hitting the roof – Police nabbed three males who, for lack of anything better to do, climbed on to the roof at Meridian Middle School. No charges were filed.

** Equipment stolen -- Landscape equipment valued at $3,600 was stolen from a contractor’s truck while he did work on Oak Creek Drive. Items reported missing included six leaf blowers and four hedge trimmers. The items were inside a trailer that was unlocked while the crew worked.

** Recycling bin swiped – A resident in the 500 block of Weidner Road reported their recycling bin was stolen. And if you must know, it was full at the time.

** Salad swiped from Bucky’s – An employee at the Bucky’s Mobil station and convenient market reported a theft – not of gas or automotive supplies – but of two Caesar salads and a turkey sub. The salads had a value of $5.49. There was no value placed on the sub. The manager told the police that the individuals suspected of the theft are “regulars” – which you would think would make it easy to apprehend them. Reports did not indicate what kind of dressing was on the salads or if the croutons were regular or premium.

            ** No art with the deal – Police reports say a man was trying to sell art in front of a smoking shop on Buffalo Grove Road. He was asked to leave which he did.  But wait, there’s more.

            ** No art with the deal, part deux – Police reports say a man was trying to sell art in front of a store on Buffalo Grove Road. When police arrived, he was at his car rolling a cigarette with rolling papers he had just purchased from a smoking shop. He was asked to leave, which he did. If you haven’t figured it out yet, it’s the same guy in the previous item. Rather than leave the shopping center, he just moved a couple of stores down to try and sell his art. Seriously.

            ** Suspicious person – A restaurant owner on south Buffalo Grove Road old police he saw a suspicious man peeking in the windows and lurking around the front doors, while the business was closed. After reviewing surveillance video, the restaurant owner told police the man apparently wrote "piss off" on the glass windows, after spitting into his gloved hand.

** Suspicious vehicle – A resident in the 600 block of Caren Drive reported to police that a man knocked on her door and wanted her to open it for unreported reasons. The woman said the man left in a red pick-up truck with gray stripes. Police were unable to locate either than man or the truck.

** Misaddressed – A resident in the 1100 block of Selwyn Lane reported to police that a rather terse note was left by her front door. However, the people mentioned in the note do not live at the residence where the note was left.


Stupid is, as stupid does

            Buffalo Grove police last week issued five tickets for DUI, five tickets to persons driving in a revoked license or not having a valid drivers license, one for not having insurance and one for speeding more than 40 mph over the posted limit.


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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...