Phone scams, pool-jumping skinny dippers highlight police reports

Resident out nearly $30,000 in phone scam – A Buffalo Grove resident told police that he was bilked out of $29,700 through a phone scam.  According to reports, the resident said he was contacted by Norton Antivirus regarding a payment that he needed to pay. Reports say the man was duped into purchasing $21,200 in gift card purchases with another $8,500 withdrawn from his bank account. Once he suspected something was not right, he contacted his bank about the situation and changed his accounts.

Resident out $4,600 – In another fraud case, a resident told police she received a call from a caller claiming to be a an agent with the “Inspector General’s Office” who said the resident’s debit card was found in home raided for drugs in San Antonio, Texas and that there was an “active warrant” out for her arrest. To avoid being arrested, reports say the woman was told to buy $1,200 worth of Target gift cards and provide him the card numbers after her purchase was complete. Reports say that the caller was insistent in staying on the phone with the resident as she made the purchases. She was then told to purchase three Target gift cards from CVS for $400 each, six Target gift cards from Jewel-Osco for $500 each, and a seventh Target gift card from Jewel-Osco for $400. Reports say the resident said she purchased $4,600 worth of gift cards using case multiple credit cards.

At one point, reports say the resident was instructed by the caller to purchase more gift cards. At this point the resident refused and hung up on the caller who had kept the resident on the phone for nearly five hours.

What’s wrong with his picture? – Police were summoned to the Chevy Chase apartment complex for a report of an “intoxicated couple” swimming in the pool, which was closed at 5:15 p.m. on July 9.  Not unusual. The caller told police the couple was skinny dipping. A bit unusual, but not unheard of.  However, as it has been said – But wait, there’s more. A lot more.

            According to reports, employees requested the couple leave, which they did.  Reports indicate that the man who was part of the couple, proceeded to walk back to his apartment without a towel, or for that matter, a swim suit. You get the picture, right?

            But wait, there’s more.  Once back in the apartment, the man’s female accomplice reportedly called the office and, note reports, began yelling obscenities at the office manager.

            Police went to talk with the man, 64, about their behavior and told them that they need to be clothed in the common areas of the apartment complex.

            As for the female part of the duo?  According to reports, the man “stated the female was his daughter.”

            The last two words of the report pretty much sum it up.  Nothing further. Wonder if they were wearing masks?

Bike, shopping cart swiped -- A Buffalo Grove resident reported that his son’s bike, valued at $500 was reported stolen from Woodman’s.  Video surveillance identified three individuals who allegedly stole the bike, but also a shopping cart, valued at $150.

Police were able to track the items to the nearby Extended Stay Motel. Police also found the three individuals who admitted taking the items.  Both Woodman’s officials and the boy’s father declined to press charges as the items were returned.  And if you must know, according to police reports, the bike was left “unsecured.”

Credit card fraud – officials at Banner Plumbing reported to police that they were notified by various cred8t card companies that an individual tried purchasing 186 items totaling nearing $4,800 over an eight-day period. Police tried identifying the person who allegedly was trying to make purchases, but were unable to flush out the details.

Two bikes stolen – A resident in the 200 block of Old Oak Drive reported two bicycles were stolen from a locked storage area in the condominium building in which she lives. The bikes, both 29-inch Cannondale mountain bikes, had a combined value of more than $1,440.

How times have changed – It used to be that people would use a red, VW microbus to transport garbage.  Now they’re using a Lexus – at least according to police reports. That’s because a business owner in the 1600 block of north Buffalo Grove Road reported that someone driving an aforementioned black Lexus, dumped broken shelves and a filled trash bag in the businesses dumpster and drove off. The business owner was able to record the license plate number which enabled police to locate the driver who admitted to discarding the items in the dumpster.  She was not fined $50, but did promise to remove the items. The police report did not include 27 8-by-10 color glossy photographs with circles and arrows describing the crime scene.  It’s a generational thing,

Not pussy-footin’ around – Police received an e-mail complaint about excessive animals at a home in the 600 block of St. Mary’s Parkway. Police found several stray cats in the backyard, but after communicating with the homeowner learned there were eight stray cats outside and another four inside. The resident was informed that, according to reports, would have to “get rid of the stray cats or be part of a trap and release program.”

Fog light covers missing -- A resident in the 700 block of Bernard reported a pair of fog light covers valued at $30 were taken from his vehicle.

Fraudulent purchases – A resident reported that she received noticed of more than $1,700 of purchases to the online shopping site Wayfair. The resident reported that the purchases were apparently paid for by someone who hacked ger PayPal account.

Hose job -- A resident contacted police to report that her neighbor was spraying her with a water hose over the fence. According to reports, the resident said it has been an “ongoing problem between them for years.” What may not come as a surprise is when police discussed the matter with the neighbor, she denied the accusation. Police reportedly offered assistance from BGPD Community Relations Unit to mediate the ongoing issue.

Bogus unemployment claims – Two residents reported to police that they have been notified of phony unemployment claims filed using their respective Social Security numbers. One resident reported that she tried contacting IDES several time, but without any success.

Potted plants pilfered – A restaurant owner in the 700 block of south Buffalo Grove reported that several potted plants were removed from the front of his restaurant where there is an outdoor seating area.  Surveillance video revealed a woman pulling up to the curb, and loading plants into her car.

A scary call – A resident in the 800 block of Lehigh told police they received a call from a neighbor threatening to report her to “a village board" regarding an alleged ordinance violation. Reports did not indicate which village board the caller threatened to report the neighbor to.

No pride in this alleged prejudice – A Deerfield woman contacted police because she thought the attendant at a gas station in the 1500 block of Deerfield Parkway was prejudiced again persons with physical challenges. According to reports, the caller “claimed the attendant at the gas station was being prejudiced against handicapped individuals for not holding the door open for her so she could go inside and get her change. The attendant explained she was unable to open the door for the woman because there was a line of customers.”

Theft from a vehicle – A resident in the 100 block of Columbus Parkway told police someone took about $50 in cash from his vehicle.  Nothing else was taken.  And so you know, the resident said he forgot to lock the vehicle.

Seems like a nice gesture – An employee at the Walgreens at Lake-Cook and Buffalo Grove roads called police about a person who was trying purchase alcohol, There’s both good news and bad news here. The good news is at least the customer was trying to buy the alcohol unlike the last time he was in the store when he, note reports, stole alcohol. The bad news is the police issued the customer an adjudication ticket for trespassing.

Speaking of Walgreens –Police were notified of a man who reportedly stole three bottles valued at nearly $35. Here’s the clincher -- according to reports, the Walgreens employee who contacted police said, according to reports, that she “recognized the subject as a regular customer.”

Stupid is as stupid does – For the week ending July 10, Buffalo Grove Police issued three tickets for DUI, three tickets for driving on a suspended or revoked license, three tickets for driving an uninsured vehicle, one ticket for transporting open alcohol and one ticket for consumption of alcohol by a minor

Quote of the week:  Buffalo Grove Police stopped a man for driving erratically. The officer noted a strong smell of alcohol on the driver’s breath to which the said, "Yea, we're ok. We just came from the beach." This was at Arlington Heights and Dundee roads.

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