Fake unemployment benefit scam continues to hit residents

Police report another 23 reports of residents receiving fake notifications of benefits from the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES).

            Residents receive official looking letters that appear to be from IDES informing them of approved benefits based on previous earnings. It appears that information is obtained from a company’s human resources department or payroll management firm.

            In addition to the letter, a debit card that allegedly contains benefits is sent to the victim. The card, usually a Master Card debit card, is issued by Key Bank of Cleveland, Ohio. Like the letters, information about the debit card appears to be “official.”

            According to a release by the Buffalo Grove Police, residents who receive a letter or debit card from the Illinois Department of Employment Security without filing with the IDES residents are encouraged to:

** Contact IDES immediately at www2.illinois.gov/ides or 1-800-814-0513.  Do not activate the card.

** Monitor your credit through the three main credit bureaus at www.annualcreditreport.com or by calling 1-877-322-8228.

** Notify the Federal Trade Commission to file a complaint at www.ftc.gov or by phone at 1-877-382-4357).

** A real pane – A resident in the 600 block of LeParc Circle told police she found a hole through the first exterior layer of her window, near the front door. Reports say she did not hear anything and did not know who could have done this.

** Trash talkin’ -- Police were contacted by a resident in the 300 block of west Dundee Parkway who said she found a water-logged garbage thrown in her yard. Among the contents were two pieces of paper that had threatening remarks. The woman told police that neither she or her husband have been in their yard recently weeks and have not seen anything unusual prior to this incident.

** Concrete evidence needed? – A resident in the 200 block of Willow Parkway told police three unknown men were trying to get her to step outside while they fixed cracks on her front porch. She told police that one of the men knocked on her door and offered to fix the cracks in her front porch for $49 with a 10-year guarantee. The man said he finished working nearby and had left-over materials which is why the price was so low.

He showed the resident a contract with the name "Blacktop Sealers" at the top of the page. After the woman agreed to let the male work on her front porch, he took the contract back so he can show his partner.

The man insisted the resident lock her door and come out through the garage to supervise them and make sure the work they did was satisfactory. The resident told police she observed the man while sitting in a lawn chair in front of her garage between the front porch of her home and a white pickup truck parked in the driveway. The resident told police that one man remained by the pickup truck the entire time, while two of the unknown males were working on her front porch. She said she continued to keep her sight on the male by the truck as well as the two males working, with one walking back and forth to the truck.

After some time, the two men doing the work told the resident that their coworker has low blood sugar, and they would return in approximately 10 minutes. Brace yourself – they never returned. The woman told police that the men never made entry into her home or her garage.

** Hello H.R.? -- A resident told police that “she thinks” the company she is working for is fraudulent. Astute thinking. She told police that in early October, she applied for a job on indeed.com with the company "Rentwave L.L.C." She said she was contacted by e-mail stating she got the job. She was given on-line training to complete, which she did. She was then told the company wanted to open an office in the Chicago area and they needed laptops. She was also told to purchase several laptops and send them to California for programming. The woman purchased the laptops on her personal credit card for $5,786. She then was instructed to send the laptops to California. She was told the company would reimburse her for the purchase and was given access to their corporate bank account. She was told to transfer the money from the company account to her personal bank account. Guess what? When the resident attempted the transfer but it didn't go through. Her bank advised her the account was closed. She also found out that the alleged ‘corporate’ account was a personal account, not a business account. Undaunted, the woman said she e-mailed her supervisor, who provided her with another bank account number for what was allegedly another corporate account. At this point the woman stated she became suspicious this was a scam and contacted her credit card company. And, surprise, she was advised it was a scam. Plans for the company holiday party are probably on hold.

** Drug theft – Police reports say an unknown woman is suspected of stealing about $100 in over-the-counter drugs from the Walgreen’s at 1225 W. Dundee Rd. Reports say a Walgreen employee said the woman entered the store, selected several over-the-counter medications in lock boxes, and moved to another area of the store which was not being monitored by surveillance cameras. After several minutes, the female subject left the store without any items in her arms, but, as she female walked past the exit, the inventory alarm system rang, indicating she has the merchandise. The woman left the store and got into a car and drove off. Employees were not able to describe the car. Wait, the items were in lock boxes?

** Packages missing -- A resident of the 600 block of Weidner Road told police that she ordered two packages totaling $196, which were scheduled to be delivered by UPS on Oct. 21. She told police that she did not receive her packages and contacted customer service, who told her the packages were delivered on Oct. 21. After several days of no deliveries, she suspected her packages were stolen.

** Traffic busts – The BGPD reported making four arrests for driving on a revoked license, two for driving without insurance, one for driving without a valid registration and one for driving with a revoked registration.

Community News

 ‘Weiner Take All’ to honor first responders, vets, frontline workers


Weiner Take All, 1117 Weiland Road, will say ‘thanks’ to veterans, active members of the military, police officers, fire fighters and other frontline employees from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 8 by giving them a free hotdog, small order of fries and drink. The event is scheduled to correspond with Veterans’ Day, which is Nov. 11


 Public hearing focuses on Bernard Drive reconstruction

Residents had the opportunity to voice their concerns or ask questions about the planned reconstruction of Bernard Drive from Arlington Heights to Buffalo Grove Road during a virtual public hearing Oct. 27.

            Concerns over tree removal, speed limit and the impact on the Buffalo Grove Days parade were raised.

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