Oct 26, 2020

State COVID restrictions to impact Cook County portion of Buffalo Grove

( The Police reports are included with this edition)

 Restrictions spelled out by the announcement by Gov. J. B. Pritzker Oct. 26 that Region 10, which includes Cook County, will have a direct impact on Buffalo Grove.

The Governor's order, which goes into effect at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 28, affects bars and/or restaurants, gaming and casinos, and social gatherings or meetings in the Cook County portion of Buffalo Grove.

The highlights include:

Bars and Restaurants, Gaming and Casinos

** No indoor service is allowed at bars and/or restaurants. 

** Reservations for outdoor service are required.

** Tables outside should be 6 feet apart.

** Outside bar service and dining ends at 11 p.m.

** Multiple parties cannot be seated at the same table.

** Gaming and casinos must close by 11 p.m., are limited to 25-percent capacity and must also follow mitigation guidelines for bars and restaurants, when applicable.

Social Gatherings/Meetings/Social Events

** All gatherings are limited to 25 guests or less, or 25-percent of overall room capacity.

** Party buses are not permitted to transport guests.

In regard to residents attending Village Board meetings in person, Village Manager Dane Bragg said “At this time, we are still planning to allow in-person attendance. We implemented contingency plans for the last Board meeting as we anticipated this was coming.”

At this time, the Governor has not issued mitigation measures for Region 9, which includes the Lake County portion of Buffalo Grove. The measures do not impact schools.

 Community News

Trick or Treat guidelines set

Even though trick-or-treating is being discouraged by the village due to the pandemic, it has issued a series of guidelines. Trick-or-treat hours are 3 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 31. The full list of guidelines can be found


Village honors Rick Kahen

            At its Oct. 19 meeting, the Village Board honored the late Rick Kahen by renaming the Commission for Residents with Disabilities the Rick Kahen Commission for Residents with Disabilities. According to the Daily Herald, Kahen, who died Sept. 4, joined the commission in 1994, two years after it was created. He went on to serve a lengthy tenure as the panel's chairman.

First responders honored



Firefighter/Paramedic Gary Steadman (top photo) was honored with the Firefighter of the Year award. Sergeant Tony Montiel, (middle photo) was named Police Officer of the year while Investigator Brian Hansen received a special commendation.






Buffalo Grove Police Sergeant Tony Montiel was honored as the 2020 Police Officer of the year and Investigator Brian Hansen received a Special Commendation Award while Firefighter/Paramedic Gary Steadman was honored as the Firefighter of the Year award during the Oct. 19 Village Board meeting. The awards were presented on behalf of the Buffalo Grove Rotary Club.

Outsourcing for some DPW work OK’d

            Don’t be surprised if some of the public works projects in your neighborhood are being done by outsiders.  That’s because the Village Board approved outsourcing agreements with firms that will handle, notes the Daily Herald, some tree trimming, maintenance of the ‘fire fleet’ and snow removal at the Metra and other village parking lots.

Free face coverings available

The village, in cooperation with Vernon Township, is offering free face covers to residents.

The coverings are available by request and can be picked up at the service window outside of Village Hall, from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Residents can 847-459-2500 to ensure availability.

Free face covers are also available at the Vernon Township Administration Center, 3050 N Main Street. Residents should call 847-634-4600 to arrange a pick up and to check availability.

The complimentary covers will be provided to any resident of Buffalo Grove or Vernon Township residents while supplies last.

Library offering trivia for kids

          The Indian Trails Public Library District is holding a “Trivia Challenge for Kids” from 4 to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 4. This live Zoom program is for participants who are in third through fifth grade. Go to this link for registration.

Police Reports

 ** FORGERY – A Chicago woman was charged with one count of forgery after she tried paying for a gift-card purchase at the Walgreens store at 15 N. Buffalo Grove Road with a counterfeit $100 bill. According to reports, when the woman was told the bill was bogus, she left the store. Walgreen employees contacted police with a description of the woman and the car in which she was a passenger. Police located the car and the woman who still had the $100 bill in her pocket.

** CAR STOLEN – Police report the theft of an auto in the 100 block of St. Marys Parkway. Reports say the car, a 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee, was parked and left running with the keys inside in the driveway. A home surveillance camera recorded, police say, two males exiting a “dark colored SUV” and entering the Cherokee and driving off.

            ** BB SHOTS -- A resident in the 400 block of Raymond Road reported to police that three windows on the rear side of their home were damaged, apparently by BB pellet. Reports say a small round silver ball that appeared similar to a BB was observed trapped between the screen and glass of a window.

            ** PURSE MISSING – A woman told police that her purse was taken from her vehicle. The contents included a driver's license, Social Security card and multiple credit/debit cards. Reports says the woman dropped her child off at the school shortly before 8 a.m. on Oct. 16. The woman told police she drove to work and then realized her purse was gone. She told police she attempted to track her phone via her husband's cell phone and it was traced to a retirement facility in Long Grove The management there was unable to locate the phone. The phone was turned off shortly after and was unable to be tracked.

            ** LIQUOR THEFT -- Officials at the Jewel-Osco on McHenry Road reported the alleged theft of a Jack Daniels gift pack, Absolute Vodka gift pack and an unknown bottle of alcohol. The estimated total of the Jack Daniels and Absolute was set at $42.98.

            ** HOOP SCHEMES? – Police report that they were summoned to an apartment complex on Easton Court in regard to a noise complaint. Reports say a neighbor was upset with her neighbors because their teenage boys play basketball inside on a basketball hoops the neighbors is set up in their office. The complaining neighbor told police that the noise “shakes” the common wall between units making it difficult for her family to watch TV or for her kids to do their homework. So why don’t the neighbors play basketball outside? Good question. According to reports, the basketball-loving neighbors said, “They said they have an outside basketball hoop but the association and neighbors are fighting them on using it due to the noise and the negative image for the neighborhood.”

            ** BIKE SWIPED – A resident in the 1200 block of Deerfield Parkway reported to police that a bike was stolen from the hallway outside their apartment. The bike was valued at $200.

            ** YARD MAINTENANCE TOOLS STOLEN – A landscaping contractor working in the 100 block of Lexington Drive reported that a back-pack leaf blower and hedge trimmer valued at $450 was taken while they worked on the property.

            ** ONLINE THEFT – A resident reported to police that $307 was apparently taken from his PayPal account. The resident said his account revealed a purchase for audio equipment that he did not make.

            ** CARRY OUT ORDER REFUSED – A resident said he placed a carry-out order with a restaurant in the 0-50 block of Raupp Boulevard, but did not accept the order when he went to pick it up after noticing, because according to reports, “the cooks and other employees were not wearing face masks.” The resident said the manager told him “his employees don't (sic) have to wear a mask, because they live in the same household.” Upon checking, police found that the cooks and bartender were not wearing face masks. The restaurant management was told they had to wear face masks. The incident was reported to the Health Department.

            ** WIRE THEFT — A contractor working on the Weiland Road construction project reported that 3,500 feet of copper wire was taken from street light bases. The wire was valued at $7,500.

            ** TRAFFIC BUSTS – In cases of “stupid is as stupid does,” included in traffic arrests by Buffalo Grove Police were two arrests for DUI, two for driving on a revoked license and two for driving without insurance.


Thank You!

            Buffalo Grove News and Information is celebrating its second anniversary. Thank you for reading, submitting items, your comments and corrections when the copy desk is caught napping.

            In view of the pandemic, the staff and management opted against a lavish celebration and instead had beer and popcorn while watching “Jeopardy.”

            As we move into our third year, look for some new features and easier access.

            Thanks again!


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If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.

Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.


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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...