Feb 19, 2021

Resident bilked out of $4,500 in puppy scam

 A resident told police she purchased a dog on line, but never received it. She told police that the firm, amazingteacuppuppies.com, demanded more money for delivery. The resident said she contacted the company who only answered her via text messages from three different telephone numbers. When the delivery company contacted the woman about delivering the dog, the woman was told to provide more money for other services and care of the dog. In total, the woman paid $4,500 She told police that efforts to contact the company have been unsuccessful because the telephone numbers she received for contacting the company are not in service

Residents report suspicious persons -- A resident in the 600 block of Farrington Drive contacted police after an unknown male knocked on the rear glass sliding door of her home and said he needed to check her water. The resident told police the man walked to the front of her home, where she let him into the residence. Reports say they walked into the kitchen to check her water clarity. Reports say the man grabbed a glass cup and poured water from the faucet into the cup, observed the water and poured it back into the sink. The resident was told by the man that he could help her water clarity and he would be back in 15 minutes to fix the issue.

Reports say the man left the home in a silver Chevrolet Colorado pick-up truck and left the area. The resident did not report any personal items missing. The man was described as Hispanic, about 5 feet 7 inches to 5 feet 8 inches tall, medium build, black short hair, wearing a black face mask and a neon reflective vest over a jacket and talking into a handheld two-way radio.

In a second suspicious person report, a resident in the 800 block of Clohesey Drive told police a person knocked at her front door. The resident did not answer it because she thought it was a neighbor telling her that her garage door was open. The woman told police she purposely left the garage door open because she was having a family friend drop off groceries. A short time later she heard a knock on the door from her garage to her house. When she answered the door, the woman said it was not her friend, but a female that she did not recognize. The female stated she was new to the area and wanted to introduce herself. The resident told police that the female asked if she lived alone. When she said she did not live alone, the unknown female stated that it was cold out and asked if she could come in. When told no, the female left the garage and got into a vehicle that was parked in the resident’s driveway. The woman said the unknown female was in her 20s and had an accent, but was unsure if it was Russian or Hispanic.

Pretty steamed off – Police responded to an incident at Sky Fitness, 1501 Busch Parkway, after an alleged altercation in the sauna. Reports say a man said when he was in the sauna room he said "good morning," to a man which made him upset. Reports say the offended man “got into” the other man’s face and head-butted him. While police were talking to that man, another man walked into the front lobby with a bloody ear. He said he was in the sauna room when a group of guys hit him. Neither man required medical attention.

Retail theft -- A Glenview man was charged with retail theft after trying to steal almost $300 worth of items from Woodman’s Market, 1550 E. Deerfield Parkway. Police say the man, Joseph Kim, 62, left the store without paying for his merchandise. A manager told police he followed Kim to his vehicle and observed him place all the items into the trunk of his vehicle. Reports say Kim admitted to not paying for the items.

Package stolen – A resident who lives in an apartment complex in the 0 – 100 block of Oak told police an unknown person took her package containing pair of Croc shoes from the apartment complex common area. The shoes were valued at $60.

Speeding leads to drug possession charges – A Buffalo Grove man faces one count of possession and sales of drug paraphernalia after he was stopped for speeding. According to reports, a car allegedly driven by Rafael Sahakyan, 21, was clocked at 104 mph in a posted 45 mph zone. Reports say that during a routine search, police found an electric bong in his center cup holder and several partially used cannabis cartridges. Not only was he charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, he was -- ready – also charged with speeding in excess of 40 mph,

Stupid is as stupid does…It appears some drivers do not understand the concept of having their driver’s licenses revoked or suspended. In a 10-day period, Buffalo Grove police arrested six people for driving on a revoked or suspended license. But wait, there’s more. During the same time period BG cops arrested three people for speeding, three for DUI, two for having an expired registration, one for not having a license and one for not having insurance.

 Community News

Deadline approaching for voter registration

Residents who want to vote in the April 6 election have until March 9 to register if they have not done so.

Residents can register in one three ways:

** In-Person: Register in-person now through Tuesday, March 9 at Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd., during regular business hours.

** By Mail: Mail in registrations must be postmarked by Tuesday, March 9.

** Online: Submit registrations online by Sunday, March 21, 2021. Online registrations are done on county sites only. Cook County residents can check voter registration status here, and Lake County residents can do so here.

Additional information about the election, is available at Cook County Clerk or Lake County Clerk websites.

Village eyes new website vendor

Following what Village Manager Dane Bragg called a “catastrophic loss” of the village’s website, Village Board members were told at their Feb. 16 meeting the village is actively pursuing a new vendor to handle the site. Bragg added that the vendor, Omaha-based Intrado Corporation, failed to provide what he called basic services.

Assistant to the Village Manager Evan Michel told the Board that the 110-hour outage was due to a failure of the vendor’s cloud back-up system.

Village staff plans to have a proposal for a new vendor by April.

Board OK’s liquor license fee reduction

            In an effort to provide relief for some of the village’s restaurants, the Village Board Feb. 16 approved a 50-percent reduction on liquor license fees as long as the establishment does not owe the village any late fees. Thirty-five licenses will be impacted. The move will cost the village $45,000.

DPW details snow removal efforts

            In light of the recent major snow falls, members of the village’s Department of Public Works (DPW) have been actively detailing the snow removal efforts. At then Feb. 16 Village Board meeting, Public Works Director Mike Skibbe said the 38 inches of snow combined with “little melt off” because of frigid temperatures has led to a “growing level of frustration.” Skibbe said DPW’s priority is to clear the streets from the centerline to the curb to provide not only safe travel, but also clear access for emergency vehicles. Skibbe said he has had a number of communications with residents, especially about the build up of snow on the edge of driveways.

A major challenge has been pushing the snow up on existing banks to keep streets clear. Skibbe and DPW staff members were featured in a recent “Buffalo Grove Resident Academy” video that explains snow removal procedures. The village has posted a “how to” guide to reduce sow accumulation at the end of driveways. It can be found here.

Help the Fire Department -- Clear a hydrant

The Fire Department is asking for the community's help to ensure that fire hydrants are clear of snow, 3 feet in all directions and with a clear pathway to the street.

Student Voices

Here are links to the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools.

Buffalo Grove High School Charger

Stevenson High School Statesman


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Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.

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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...