Oct 25, 2021

Woodman's thefts / pot in the lot / spook and ladder

 Thefts hit Woodman’s -- Security personnel at Woodman’s reported that a male customer walked out of the store without paying for items totaling over $140. The subject was issued an adjudication ticket and a trespass warning.

        In another incident, store officials reported to police that an unknown female subject left the store without paying for approximately $100 worth of items.

Return to sender? A resident n the 100 Block of Lilac Lane reported her mailbox was stolen.

The vape escape -- A subject left Smokey’s Tobacco Discount, 25 N. Buffalo Grove Road, with a vape without paying for it. At the store clerk’s request, the officer left a message for the subject advising they were not allowed back into the store.

Off the hook -- A resident observed a tow truck attempting to tow his vehicle. The resident confronted the driver, and advised him that he had a residential parking permit. The tow truck driver subsequently left the lot without the vehicle.

Loud music, pot in the lot -- Police received a 911 call regarding a vehicle parked in a parking lot in the 800 Block of Trace Drive playing loud music. Officers contacted the vehicle’s occupants, who agreed to turn down the music.

        While conversing with the driver, the officer detected the odor of cannabis. The occupants willingly gave the officer a small amount of cannabis and several unopened cans of beer, which was processed for destruction. The officer spoke to the vehicle’s driver at length about what transpired, and no citations were issued.

Resident reports scam – A resident reported that he was a victim of a fraud/gift card scam. Police reports say the man stated that he received a fraud alert on his Amazon account and followed the prompts to log onto his account. He then contacted a female “representative” who informed him that he needed to purchase a gift card to assist with tracking the individuals who made the purchase. He complied, and then became suspicious when they asked him to purchase additional cards. He then ended the call. A prime example of a.) what not to do and, b.) what to do when you realize it’s a scam.

Community News and Notes

Spook and ladder?

The Fire and Police departments will host a Trick-or-Treat Drive-Thru event from 1-3 p.m. on Halloween — Sunday, October 31, at the fire station at 1051 Highland Grove Drive.

Cars should enter from and exit to Deerfield Parkway. All attendees should remain in their vehicles and have their treat bags ready. Trick-or-Treat hours throughout the Village are from 3 - 8 p.m.

Officials hope Speedway expansion fuels growth

The Buffalo Grove Village Board has approved a renovation plan for the popular Speedway gas station at 201 N. Milwaukee Avenue. According to reporting in the Daily Herald, the plan includes razing of a small office building to the north of the property. The Herald also reports that while the new location may “qualify” to be a truck stop under state guidelines, it “will be permitted to operate up to 10 video gambling machines because of the truck stop classification, but it will not offer other amenities traditionally found at truck stops, such as overnight parking, showers, laundry machines and a sit-down restaurant.”

Beth Am food pantry open Sunday

Congregation Beth Am’s Food Pantry will be open from noon to 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 31. Beth Am is located at 1370 Abbott Court in Buffalo Grove. Donations of non-perishable food and paper products also accepted at that time. The pantry is open to anyone who is need.

Halloween traffic crackdown set

The Buffalo Grove Police Department is participating in a Halloween traffic enforcement program through Nov. 1.

The Buffalo Grove Police Department urges all motorists when celebrating Halloween:

·         Plan a safe way to get home before you attend a party. 

·         Designate a sober driver, take public transportation, use a ride-sharing service or call a friend to get home. 
        ·         Walking while impaired can be just as dangerous as driving impaired. If you walk, designate a sober friend to walk you home.
·         If you see an impaired person about to drive, take their keys and help them get home safely.
·         Buckle up: it’s your best defense against impaired drivers.

        The Halloween enforcement effort is made possible by federal traffic safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Park District Winter Program Guide available online

The Buffalo Grove Park District’s winter program guide is available online at bgparks.org. Resident registration will begin Monday, Nov. 1. Winter programs and events begin Monday, Nov. 29.

Fall children’s theater production set

Big Deal Productions will present Matilda the Musical, Jr. as the fall Children’s Theatre production at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 5 and 12, and at 3 p.m. on Nov. 6, 7, 13 and 14 at 3 p.m. at the Community Arts Center, 225 McHenry Road.

Tickets are available for purchase at bigdealproductions.org. All tickets are $13 in advance or $15 at the door, plus a 95-cent convenience fee. All audience members, staff and performers will be required to wear a mask while inside the Community Arts Center. For more information, contact Lindsay Grandt at (847) 850-2132.

Library plans “An Evening with Author Cathy Park Hong”

Author Cathy Park Hong will discuss her New York Times best-selling book Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning, a collection of honest, emotionally charged, and utterly original essays that explore Asian American consciousness, in a Zoom presentation at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 4. She will be in conversation with noted Chicago journalist Monica Eng. This event is co-sponsored by multiple Illinois libraries. Registration does not require a library card. For information and registration, go to this link.

15 BGHS students get national merit kudos

The following Buffalo Grove High School students were cited as National Merit Semifinalists: Vishnuh Bala, Celia Cortopassi, Irina Kryukov, Kevin Rabinak, Spencer Sadler and Harmony Sosa;

Commended students are Reilly Allen, Lauren Benjamin, Hwando Jang, Sanjay Manoj, Sarah Ragland, Ally Robertson, Alexander Safonov, Eli Shereshovech and Kamil Waz.

Other Bison honorees

Eight BGHS students were cited by College Board National Recognition Program Scholars for their multiple academic achievements. They include Bruno Ibrahim-Betts, Troy Kowalski, Marisa Kurowski, Santino Macaggi, Ximena Jaramillo Mata, Alexa Muzquiz, Harmony Sosa and Andrea Yeverino.

BGRA plans baseball skills clinics

The Buffalo Grove Recreation Association is scheduling upcoming indoor baseball clinics, exclusively for their past and present players. These instructional clinics will cover basic skills, with a goal of improving player's abilities and to gain confidence.

Players will work in small groups on their pitching, hitting, base running and much more. Each session will conclude with fun and challenging games and contests that will allow players to demonstrate the skills that have been worked on.

The clinic will be led by experienced High School coaches and players, and Bruins Managers. For registration information, go to http://www.bgrabaseball.org.

Park District to honor veterans

The Buffalo Grove Park District will honor all veterans, their families and friends. On Thursday, Nov. 11. There will be a reception from 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. followed by a program at 1:30 at the Community Arts Center, 225 McHenry Rd.
    VFW Post 981 will present and remove the colors, as well as pay tribute by presenting the flag for each branch of service. Lunch will be served before the program.

All ages are invited to this special celebration of our veterans. For more information, contact Allison Oberst at (847) 850.2146.

Lake County budget hearings set

The Lake County Board will hold its annual hearings on the County’s proposed fiscal year 2022 recommended budget on Oct. 26, 27 and 28. During these hearings, board members carefully examine the proposed budget and make recommendations prior to adopting the final budget in November.

The public may attend these meetings virtually and in person at the Lake County Administrative Building, 18 N. County St., 10th Floor, Waukegan. The schedule for all Board and committee meetings and agendas on the County website.

Job fair set for Oct. 27

The Job Center of Lake County has partnered with local employers to help connect jobseekers with local companies that are hiring. A “Hire Lake County Job Fair”, is scheduled from noon to 2 p.m. Oct. 27: Meet employers from a variety of industries at the fair, which will take place at the Lincolnshire Marriott Resort. Masks will be required. Register to attend at this link.

Student Voices

Here are links to the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools.

Buffalo Grove High School Charger
Stevenson High School Statesman
Wheeling High School WCAT News: WCAT News

Happy Birthday to...

            Buffalo Grove News and Information (BGNI), which is celebrating its third birthday! Thanks for reading!


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Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome. They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.

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In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.

Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...