Dec 17, 2021

Assault details / Longtime planner honored / Fifth-grader's design on Schneider's card

 Police reports from a Thanksgiving Day incident that led to attempted murder charges against 52-year-old Eleonora Prilutsky indicate that there were no incidents leading up to her attack on her husband. Reports say that Prilutsky’s 21-year-old son told police that he was sitting in the dining room when he heard his father yell. Reports say he immediately got up and went to the family room where he  observed Mrs. Prilutsky strike his father with a hatchet. The son took the hatchet from Mrs. Prilutsky and summoned police. He also told police that there were no arguments or altercations before the incident.

           Reports say her husband, Michael Prilutsky, 58, suffered a “severe laceration” to the back of his head as well as injuries to both wrists.

            According to police, neither person wanted to talk about the incident with them.

Eleonora Prilutsky was charged with one count of Homicide Attempt: Other Dangerous Weapons, Aggravated Battery- Deadly Weapon Other than Firearm or Use of Air Rifle and Aggravated Domestic Battery.

According to the Lake County Scanner, bond was set at $5000,000. She is being held in Lake County Jail. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for Dec. 22.

In Other News…

Longtime Plan Commissioner honored

            Stephen Goldspiel, who “was instrumental in setting up” the Buffalo Grove Plan Commission (now known as the Planning and Zoning Commission), was honored by the Village Board at its Dec. 6 meeting. Goldspiel, served on the Plan Commission from 1974 until 2013, and then on the Planning and Zoning Commission from 2014 through 2021. He served as Plan Commission chair for six years.

            The proclamation touting his dedication to the village noted that in addition to his work on both commissions, he also “in the Transportation Commission from 1976 for nearly a decade, where he served as a co-chair with Claude Luisada, and helped to introduce new public transportation routes, create more connectivity in the Buffalo Grove Metra station and introduce more Pace Bus stops in the Village.”

            Village officials, including Trustees Lester Ottenheimer, Joanne Johnson, Eric Smith and Village Clerk Janet Sirabian all reflected on their work with Goldspiel and cited his dedication. Goldspiel was also featured in a profile in the Daily Herald.

Blood drive Dec. 30

The Fire Department will host a community blood drive of the year in partnership with Vitalant on Thursday, December 30 from 8:30 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. in the Buffalo Grove Fire Department Training Room at Fire Department headquarters, 1051 Highland Grove Road. Appointments are advised, but walk-ins are welcome. To schedule a donation appointment, click here.

Kids get to “Shop with Heroes”

The Police and Fire departments, hosted their fifth annual ‘Shopping with Heroes’ Saturday, Dec. 4 at Target in Wheeling.

Police officers purchased gift cards for local children in need, thanks to donations from members of the ‘Temple Chai Guys’ and Target.

The holiday shopping event was coordinated by the Police Social Worker and School Resource Officers, who selected 19 local children in need due based on personal or financial hardships.

Each child received a gift card to purchase holiday gifts, and volunteer police officers and firefighters spent approximately two hours shopping with the youth. The children chose an educational item and gifts for themselves and spent the remainder of their gift cards on family and loved ones.

Cops plan holiday crackdown

The Police Department is participating in a statewide impaired driving awareness campaign through Jan. 3, 2022.

“Driving impaired under the influence of alcohol or drugs can have catastrophic consequences and is illegal in every state,” Lt. Michael Rodriguez says. “Not only do you put yourself at risk, but you risk the lives of others as well

Police suggest that before heading to a party, designate a sober driver or plan to use public transportation or a ride-sharing service to get home safely.  Motorists are urged that if they see an impaired driver on the road, pull over and call 9-1-1.

This holiday enforcement effort is made possible by federal traffic safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Coat drive benefits veterans

The Police Department is conducting a coat drive to benefit Midwest Veterans Closet. New and/or gently used winter coats and seasonal outerwear of all sizes are sought. Items will be distributed to local veterans and their families. The drop box is located in the Police Department's lobby at 46 Raupp Blvd.  Donations can be dropped off 24/7 through April 1, 2022.

Fire Department offers CPR classes

The Fire Department is offering monthly Heartsaver CPR classes for the public starting Thursday, Jan. 20, 2022 at Fire Department headquarters, 1051 Highland Grove Road. The cost is $50, and a two-year certificate is provided upon successful completion of the program. Each class begins at  6:30 p.m. To register, click here.

BG fifth-grader designs Schneider’s holiday card

Lucille Holloway, a fifth-grade student at Prairie Elementary School in Buffalo Grove, designed the winning artwork for Congressman Brad Schneider’s 2021 office holiday card.

Schneider asked for holiday card submissions from Tenth District students illustrating the theme “Time Together.”

“Lucy’s beautiful artwork shows the many ways we can spend time together this holiday season, especially after the last holiday season spent apart. My hope is that Lucy’s creativity will inspire all of us to come together in health, happiness and peace this holiday season,” Schneider said.

A 10-year-old and 5th grader at Prairie Elementary in Buffalo Grove, Lucy enjoys horseback riding, playing her violin, reading, and of course, creating art in her free time. At school, she is proud to be part of the student government with her favorite subjects being writing and art class.

BG Singers plans auditions

The BG Singers will hold auditions Feb. 1 at the Community Arts Center, 225 McHenry Road in Buffalo Grove. Singers should prepare a vocal selection that best highlights their talent, and bring either sheet music (in the key you will sing it) or an accompaniment track on a device that can be connected to a Bluetooth speaker.

Auditions via Zoom, or other video conferencing service, will be accommodated on an individual basis.

The choral season begins with Tuesday evening rehearsals on April 5, with performances scheduled for September of 2022. Audition slots are limited, and filled on a first come, first served basis. In order to reserve your preferred audition time, contact Linda Rosen at (847) 682-4632 or

Student Voices

Here are links to the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools.

*        Buffalo Grove High School Charger

*        Stevenson High School Statesman

*        Wheeling High School WCAT News: WCAT News


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In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.

Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...