Feb 16, 2022

Town Center plans / Village Hall reopens / Bogus Norton hits resident

Computer hack – A resident reported to police that an “unknown person” took over her computer. The person told police they received an email from Norton Antivirus stating they were owed a refund and to call the number on the email. The resident called and spoke with a person who instructed the resident to log into a site so they could receive a refund. Police reports say the resident did as was requested only to find the person, posing as a Norton agent, take control of the computer and then move $8,000 from the resident’s savings account to a checking account. The resident was then told to go to the bank and wire $7,000 to an account in Thailand. When the resident went to the bank, he was told that it was a fraud attempt and the bank did not wire over the money. The resident did not lose any money.

Criminal damage -- A resident in the 100-200 block of 190 Old Oak Drive contacted police about ongoing problems with damage to their church van and Amazon packages. Reports say the resident told the lettering has been scratched off the van and that Amazon packages have been punctured and damaged. While the homeowners’ association does not have security cameras. The resident told police he has installed one on his balcony to monitor activity near the van.

Computer fraud – A resident reported to police that they purchased multiple gift cards for Target and Walmart, in response to what they thought was an email from their boss. Reports say the email told the person to purchase $5,600 in gift cards as a "thank you" for other employees. The resident purchased the cards with their personal money, turned the card numbers over to the emailer before realizing the mistake. Reports say the email was from a fake email address. The resident is working with their bank in an attempt to recover the stolen funds.

Attempted theft – An employee at Wolfy’s Barber Shop contacted police saying he got into a struggle with an unknown male who was trying to steal cash from the register. The employee said the man left the store and headed northbound on Buffalo Grove Road. No cash was reported missing.

Going postal – Police were summoned to the Buffalo Grove Post Office in response to a report of two men fighting. Reports say an unknown man was aggravated due to the long line, and exchanged words with another man. One of the men knocked packages out of the second man’s hand, and they started to fight. The caller told police the unknown male punched him in the back of the head and ran out the front doors.


In Other Community News


Town Center plans coming soon

            The long-awaited plans for a redeveloped Town Center may be coming soon according to a report in the Buffalo Grove Countryside. The village entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Kensington Development Partners in November regarding redevelopment of the site. According to the Countryside report, construction could start this summer.


Village Hall lobby reopens to public Monday

The Village Hall lobby reopened to the public on Monday, Feb. 14. The building is open from 8 a.m. - 6:30 p.m., on Mondays and from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays. The Village Hall will be closed on Monday, Feb. 21 in observance of Presidents' Day with normal hours resuming Tuesday, Feb. 22. For details about the decision to reopen Village Hall, see this Daily Herald report.


Village tops safety evaluation

MoneyGeek.com recently evaluated small cities and towns across the United States - those with 30,000 to 100,000 residents - and ranked them according to the per capita cost of crime. They ranked Buffalo Grove the No. 1 safest town in the country with a $22 crime cost per capita. To learn more and view the full rankings, click here.


BGRA registration open

The Buffalo Grove Recreation Association is in its "Regular Registration" period with prices as follows: T-Ball and Pinto - $130, Farm-Palomino - $195, and Colt - $160,

These prices will go up again after the teams are put together during the beginning of March.

Participants interested in playing are urged to sign-up now to avoid paying an extra fee and to help the BGRA plan for the best season possible.

Players can register by www.bgrabaseball.org


More spots for young thespians

Due to popular demand, the Buffalo Grove Park District has opened additional spots in its summer Broadway Bound, Dance and Star Makers camps. For more information and to register, visit http://bgparks.org/program/camp.aspx.


Park District plans job fair

The Buffalo Grove Park District is hosting a job fair from 6 to 8 p.m. on March 16. to learn about all the exciting opportunities. For more information, go to this link.

Student Voices

Here are links to the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools.

Buffalo Grove High School Charger

Stevenson High School Statesman

Wheeling High School WCAT News: WCAT News


Need a reason to celebrate?

Mark your calendars for these upcoming observances!


Feb. 17

Random Act of Kindness Day

National Cabbage Day

Feb. 18

National Drink Wine Day

Thumb Appreciation Day

Pluto Day

Feb. 19

Tug of War Day

National Chocolate Mint Day

National Vet Girls Rock Day

Feb. 20

National Love Your Pet Day

National Clean Out Your Bookcase Day

No Politics Day

Feb. 21

National Sticky Bun Day

Daisy Gatson Bates Day

Feb. 22

National Margarita Day

National Walking the Dog Day

Cook a Sweet Potato Day

Feb. 23

National Banana Bread Day

International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

Inconvenience Yourself Day

Feb. 24

National Chili Day

National Tortilla Chip Day

I Hate Coriander Day

Feb. 25

National Clam Chowder Day

National Chocolate Covered Nut Day

National Skip the Straw Day

Feb. 26

National Pistachio Day

For Pete’s Sake Day

Open that Bottle Night

For more information on these festivities and to find others, go to nationaltoday.com

Got News?

If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.

Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

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If you want to receive Buffalo Grove News & Information by email, send your email address to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.


In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.

Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...