Mar 19, 2022

Felony charges in cop attack / Book club anyone? / Door service success

            A 19-year-old Buffalo Grove woman faces four charges, including one felony charge of Aggravated Battery to a Peace Officer, following an incident with Buffalo Grove police. Reports say Nancy Noah was also charged with fleeing or attempting to elude a peace officer, and resisting or obstructing a peace officer after the March 12 incident.

            Reports indicate the incident began when officers noticed a car being driven at a “high rate of speed” on northbound Arlington Heights Road. Police say the vehicle was clocked at 86 mph in a 45-mph zone. Reports say that the car stopped once, but then pulled back into traffic. Police pursued the car which turned on the southbound McHenry Road. Officers, reports say, followed the vehicle on McHenry Road with speeds between 50 and 55 miles per hour. 

            According to police reports, the vehicle came to a complete stop at the intersection of McHenry Road and Pauline Avenue where it turned right onto the service drive west of the Bowelro bowling complex. Reports note that the driver was slowing down at all the stop signs, but not stopping. 

            The vehicle, police say, accelerated to a on the service road on the west side of Town Center where police lost sight of the vehicle.

            Using video images, police were able to confirm that Noah was driving the car. 

            Officers then went to Noah’s home to discuss the fleeing and eluding incidents. According to reports, there was no answer when they rang the doorbell, however, police say, prior to leaving the residence officers observed a female walking towards the car in question. Once they confirmed the woman was Noah, reports say they told her she was under arrest for fleeing and eluding a peace officer and asked her to put her hands behind her back.

            At this point, police say Noah started turning away. Officers, police say, asked Noah to please put her hands behind her back because she is under arrest. That apparently didn’t work well as reports indicate that she started to yell in addition to trying to break away from officers.

            Reports say that while officers had Noah in an “escort position trying to handcuff her,” she was “twisting her arms and body in an attempt to break away.” During the struggle to handcuff her, one officer reportedly grabbed Noah by her wrist. Reports say she became agitated and allegedly kicked one of the officers in the knee.

            Noah was processed by a female officer. The Lake County State's Attorney approved the charges, including the felony Aggravated Battery to a Peace Officer. She is due in court on March 23.

Mailbox theft -- Police are investigating damage to and theft from a United States Postal Service (USPS) collection box in the 2700 block of north Main Street. Reports say the box was pried open, which caused lock and the door of the collection box. It is unknown, police say, if there was any mail in the box at the time of the incident. Video surveillance of the incident, provided by Vernon Township officials, shows three people at the scene and then leaving in a gray Jeep.

Catalytic converter thefts – Police report two thefts of catalytic converters from vehicles. The first incident occurred in the 1700 block of Weidner Drive. Reports say the resident called police when he suspected the theft was in progress. The resident told police that while he was walking his dog, he heard what sounded like a power tool. When he checked, he saw a larger black or gray sedan, with all the doors and trunk opened. He told police he saw four or five men who were wearing all black hooded sweatshirts. Two of the men, he said, were near a red Mitsubishi Outlander, one was standing toward the entrance of the parking lot watching Weidner Road while one or two were inside the running sedan. He was unable to get a better description because he did not want to approach the vehicle. Reports say all subjects jumped inside the black sedan, without closing the truck, and drive off toward Dundee. Reports say officers observed a vehicle fitting the description given by the witness traveling westbound on Dundee toward Rt. 53 at a high rate of speed. No plate information was observed.

In the second incident, police say an unknown person took the catalytic converter from a vehicle parked overnight in a garage on east Lake-Cook Road. Reports say the offender also entered the unlocked vehicle, and took several tools from inside.

Possible burglary -- A resident contacted police saying he suspected someone broke into his residence on south Buffalo Grove Road. The man reported that one of his front window shades had been opened. He went to his bedroom and found some of his belongings on his bed. He told police he was not sure if anything was stolen.

Eggs tossed at house -- A resident on St. Mary’s Parkway reported that someone threw eggs at her home.  

Wallet swiped-- An employee at Mariano’s, 750 Half Day Road, told police someone stole her wallet while she was "resetting products" before taking a break. When she returned 30 minutes later, she discovered her wallet was missing from her backpack, which was left in the middle of aisle three. Reports say the wallet contained one credit card, one debit card, and her driver's license.  

Packages stolen -- Police report three incidents of package thefts.  In one incident, a resident on Rachel Lane reported to police that she was expecting a package delivered by FedEx from Verizon containing a new iPhone 13. She was told by a Verizon employee that the package would have to be signed for upon delivery. She was not at home when the package was delivered but discovered not only had it been delivered, but that it as if it had been tampered with as the packing tape, both clear and brown, was torn and there was a tear in the corner of the bottom. When she opened the package she found shipping papers from Verizon for the iPhone, but the phone was not in the package. In the second incident, a resident on Manchester Court told police she had two packages delivered. One of the packages should have contained a Starlight colored Apple Watch Series 7 from Costco, but did not. The package appeared to have been cut along the top.

            The third incident occurred on Villa Verde Drive where a resident told police his new protective laptop case was stolen from his lobby area. He stated it was delivered by Amazon around 9 a.m. and when he went to retrieve it at approximately 10 a.m. it was gone. 


Gas-line confrontation -- Police responded to the unmanned Woodman’s gas station on Deerfield Parkway in response to a call about an argument between two customers. According to reports, the customer who called said another customer pulled in behind her at the gas pump, got out of his truck and started yelling at her. She said he was also standing in front of the pump so she couldn't get gas, because he felt she cut him off and didn’t follow the traffic control lane markings on the pavement.

Onion issue – A woman contacted police saying she was denied a purchase at Seoul Market and believed she was treated poorly. According to reports, the woman told police that she attempted to purchase two onions at the store, but found the price was too high. Reports said she mentioned this to store management. She also told them that she only wanted to purchase one onion and pay for it with a credit card. She was told that the sale was too small for a credit card payment and that she needed to pay cash. Reports say an argument ensued and the woman eventually left the store without her onion. Police did speak to the woman and explained to her that stores can make policies of this nature.

In other community news

Have 15 friends who like to read?

            Want to host a book club but don’t have books? Or maybe you’ll be at a loss for discussion questions?  Rest easy, book worm, the Indian Trails Public Library District has the perfect solution – a book club in the bag. Each bag includes 15 copies of a book and a set of discussion questions. Librarians are not included. For details, go to this link.

Village Board meets Monday

            Need a break from the NCAA tournaments? You can take in the village’s version of March Madness when the Village Board meets at 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 21. The meeting will be in the Jeffrey Braiman Council Chambers at Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd. The agenda can be found here.

Police Department adds therapy dog

            Police Department social worker Brittany Wilson has a new coworker – a therapy dog. According to the Journal-Topics, therapy dogs are used to “provide interaction and connection during stressful events.” More information can be found here.

Special recycling service likely to continue

            Waste Management’s “At Your Door” service for recycling hazardous materials has drawn praise from village staff and residents and is likely to continue according to the Daily Herald.

Backflow check deadline May 15

Residents who have irrigation systems are reminded that the Village requires annual inspections of backflow prevention devices (also called RPZs) to ensure the safety of the Village’s water system. Appointments with licensed, qualified professionals book up quickly, so schedule the inspection as soon as possible and submit the report prior to the Village by Sunday, May 15. To learn more, click here.

Investigator honored

                        Police Investigator Jaime Verduzco, a Buffalo Grove Police Officer since 2006, was awarded with a Special Commendation for Runner Up to Officer of the Year at the March 7 Village Board meeting.

Verduzco has successfully carried the caseload of the Lake County Major Crimes Task Force (LCMCTF) as well as multiple Buffalo Grove cases. During the fourth quarter of 2021, Investigator Verduzco assisted LCMCTF with several cases throughout Lake County.

He experienced a total of nine activations or callouts for various homicides, including an officer involved shooting, and was instrumental in responding to the agencies where those incidents occurred.

Consider a vacation watch

If you are planning a spring trip, the Police Department encourages residents to sign up for a Vacation Watch. Upon request, officers will periodically patrol a property for a maximum of 30 days. Submit a vacation watch request here.

Student Voices

Here are links to the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools.

Buffalo Grove High School Charger

Stevenson High School Statesman

Wheeling High School WCAT News: WCAT News

Need a reason to celebrate?

March 20

National Ravioli Day

Kiss Your Fiancée Day

International Day of Happiness

March 21

World Puppetry Day

National Healthy Fats Day

National Crunchy Taco Day

March 22

National Goof Off Day

Bavarian Crepes Day

As Young as You Feel Day

March 23

World Meteorological Day

National Tamale Day

National Chip and Dip Day

March 24

National Cheesesteak Day

National Cocktail Day

National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day

March 25

Tolkien Reading Day

International Waffle Day

National Lobster Newburg Day

March 26

Wear A Hat Day

National Spinach Day

Live Long and Prosper Day

March 27

Pretzel Sunday

National Spanish Paella Day

International Scribble Day


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In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.

Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...