Jul 23, 2022

Rash of auto break-ins / Vin 90 celebrates Grand Opening / Planners like new car wash

 Autos hit by break-ins – Buffalo Grove police report seven incidents in which vehicles were broken into. Police responded to the 1000 block of Barclay Blvd for a report of a burglary to vehicle. Police learned the victim's vehicle was burglarized while parked in the parking lot at approximately 8:45 a.m. Personal items were taken from the vehicle. In a second incident, police responded to the 400 block of Cedar Court South for a burglary to vehicle report. Police learned the victim's vehicle was burglarized between July 14 and 15 while it was parked in the victim's driveway. A small amount of cash was taken from the vehicle. A second vehicle on Cedar Court South was also broken into on July 14, but nothing was reported missing. In a fourth incident, a resident told police that his vehicle was burglarized on July 15 while it was parked in the 1400 block of Margate Drive Personal items were taken from the vehicle.

In a fifth incident, a resident on Lamont Terrace told police that four people were checking doors on his vehicles which were parked in his driveway. One person entered his vehicle, a  gray Hyundai Santa Fe, and stole a key. He stated the key is valued at approximately $250. A second incident on Lamont Terrace was reported by a resident who told police that their vehicle was broken into overnight. While the resident noticed several items on the seat of the vehicle, nothing was reported missing.

A seventh report involving a break-in to vehicles occurred in the 400 block of Satinwood. A resident reported to police that someone entered two vehicles overnight. One, a 2004 Buick Century, had its door slightly ajar with the contents of the glove box and center console spilled onto the seats. Nothing was stolen, but since the door was left open and the interior light on, the car would not start. A second car, a Mercedes SUV, had contents of the glove box and center console spilled on the seats. Nothing, however, was reported missing.


Vandalism – Police reported vandalism at 15 E. Dundee Rd. that included various graffiti on the building and, written in black marker on two pieces of old, abandoned furniture was "Down with the north shore, heil Rob Crimo".


High-speed DUI A 39-year-old Chicago man faces three charges including after he was driving in excess of 100 mph on Lake-Cook Road. Police say Jason Whitten was observed at the intersection of eastbound Lake Cook Road and Milwaukee Avenue where his speed was recorded at 95 mph. According to report, “as the vehicle descended the overpass, it accelerated to 105 mph.” Police say Whitten turned on to southbound Portwine Road where he pulled into a grassy area near the entrance to the Cook County Forest Preserve Camp Dan Beard parking area. Whitten was apprehended without incident. He received Cook County citations for Driving While License Suspended, Speeding 35+ mph over posted speed limit, and Operating an Uninsured. Reports did not say if he had a camping permit.

Packages taken -- Police responded to the 1300 block of Rose Blvd for a theft report. Police learned two unknown subjects took several packages from the victim's doorway.


In Other Community News


Restaurant celebrating its grand opening

Vin 90 Kitchen + Bar, serving American Fare with an Asian Flair at The Arboretum Club, 401 Half Day Rd., is celebrating its grand opening through Sunday, July 24. The full-service restaurant and bar is open seven days a week, 11 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. and also provides food and beverage service to golfers at WJ Golf.


Rub-a-dub-dub, planners favor new auto scrub

The Buffalo Grove Planning and Zoning Commission have given its support to a luxury car wash on Milwaukee Avenue. The Daily Herald reports that plans for the “Spotless Auto Spa at 301 N. Milwaukee Ave. is headed to the Buffalo Grove village board for a final decision.”


National Night Out Aug. 2

The Buffalo Grove Park District is hosting National Night Out from 5:30 – 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 2 at Willow Stream Park, 651 Old Checker Rd. This free event will include a Business Expo, meet and greet with the Buffalo Grove Police and Fire departments, giveaways, live music from Hi Infidelity (6:30 – 9 p.m.) and food for purchase from Dorfler’s Market, along with a variety of food trucks. Residents can also enjoy the Village’s rescheduled fireworks show, sponsored by BITS, starting at 9 p.m.


Junior Police Academy wraps up

Fourteen children completed the recent Buffalo Grove Junior Police Academy. Participants learned many aspects of the police profession, including evidence collection, and internet safety presented by a School Resource Officer, hands-on training, and much more. The graduation ceremony was followed by a K-9 demonstration.


Summer concert series features “Burning Bridges”

The next concert in the Park District’s Summer Concert Series Tuesday night, is from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 26 featuring the band Burning Bridges. The concert is at Willow Stream Park, 651 Old Checker Rd.

Attendees can bring blankets, picnic baskets and lawn chairs and can pre-order from Nino's Pizzeria which will deliver your order to Willow Stream For weather related updates on the day of concerts, check the Rainout Line app, or call (847) 235-6857.


Summer Library Adventure ends July 31

The Indian Trails Public Library’s Summer Library Adventure ends July 31.Participants can get an adventure map log from a service desk with activities to complete, or download a log from home.

There are three ways to register: In-person at the Main Library or Branch, online through the Beanstack website or app (Apple) (Android) or by phone 847-459-4100.


People and Promotions

Foreman cited for aquatic excellence

The Association of Aquatic Professionals (AOAP) has named Buffalo Grove Park District aquatics facilities supervisor, Jenn Foreman, the July 2022 Competitor Aquatic Professional of the Month.

The Competitor Aquatics Professional of the Month is a recurring AOAP feature, shedding light on an Aquatics Professional who has risen above the competition. With more than 15 years of aquatics experience, Foreman currently oversees one year-round facility, and two seasonal facilities.


Need a reason to celebrate?

July 23

Hot Enough For Ya Day As if you have to ask.

International Yada Yada Yada Day

National Gorgeous Grandma Day

National Vanilla Ice Cream Day

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Day


July 24

International Self Care Day

National Amelia Earhart Day

National Cousins Day

National Tell An Old Joke Day  --  You mean like, “so these two village managers walk into a bar.”

National Parents’ Day


July 25

Carousel Day

National Merry Go Round Day – They are not the same as carousels.

Health and Happiness with Hypnosis Day

International Red Shoe Day

National Thread the Needle Day

National Wine and Cheese Day – Sounds like a plan.

National Hot Fudge Sundae Day – After you’ve finished the wine and cheese.


July 26

Holistic Therapy Day

National Aunt and Uncle Day

National Bagelfest Day – Sounds like lox of fun.

National Coffee Milkshake Day

National All or Nothing Day


July 27

Bagpipe Appreciation Day – Music to your ears?

Chicken Finger Day

National Love is Kind Day – Group hug!

National Scotch Day Just one day?

Take Your Pants for a Walk Day During the summer it’s a short walk.

Walk On Stilts Day

Barbie-in-a-Blender Day – This is not made up. Go ask Ken.


July 28

Chilli Dog Day -- Yes, Chilli is spelled that way.

National Milk Chocolate Day

National Refreshment Day


July 29

International Tiger Day

National Chicken Wing Day Two days ago it was chicken fingers.

National Lasagna Day

National Lipstick Day

System Administrator Appreciation Day

National Talk in an Elevator Day – Be careful what you say; you don’t want to get the shaft.


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In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.

Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...