There are 8 million stories in the naked city – This is one of them. According to Buffalo Grove Police, on Aug. 8 they were processing a woman wanted on some outstanding warrants. This is not unusual. During the processing, police noticed that the woman had a severe injury to one of her hands. The injury was reportedly so severe that police summoned paramedics who took the woman to Northwest Community Hospital. Again, this is not unusual. However, follow-up reports indicated that the injured hand required amputation. As it has been said – but wait, there’s more. Ensuing reports also indicated that despite the law enforcement hold requested by the BGPD, the woman left the hospital “AMA” – Against Medical Advice – on Aug. 11 by simply walking out of the facility, allegedly without a prosthesis in place.
The one-handed woman is also being sought by Arlington Heights Police on two active warrants. Police did not say what the woman was wearing. Chances are she was wearing, wait for it, hand-me downs. There is also no information if she had an accomplice. Maybe a handyman?
And by the way, it was a full moon.
Woman sentenced in abuse case -- The Daily Herald reports that Kimberly Marie Schubert of Buffalo Grove was sentenced to nine years in prison for her role in producing child pornography and sexual assault of a child. The full report is here.
In Other Community News
Rail crossing closure starts Monday
The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) will close Half Day Road (Illinois Rt. 22) just east of Prairie Road to make repairs on the Canadian National Railroad crossing beginning at 9 a.m. Monday, Aug. 22.
The posted detour will direct motorists along Prairie Road, Aptakisic Road and Milwaukee Avenue (U.S. 45/Illinois 21). The work is expected to be complete by 7 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 28.
New crosswalk coming near BGHS
Public Works will start work soon on relocating the crossing at Buffalo Grove High School across Arlington Heights Road.
The current crosswalk forces pedestrians to go over more than five lanes of traffic just north of Dundee Road, which has many distractions and decision points for roadway users.
The new crossing will be further north and have a new pedestrian refuge area to give users a break between crossing traffic lanes. Public Works applied for, and received a $40,000 grant from Cook County to complete the project.
Time for the cardboard mariners
The Park District is hosting its second annual Cardboard Boat Regatta from 12:30 to 2 p.m. on Aug. 27 at Willow Stream Pool, 600 N. Farrington Dr. This event will challenge amateur boat builders to design, build and navigate a boat made entirely of cardboard. Each boat will then set sail or sink in Willow Stream Pool, as each team competes for a variety of awards and trophies. Registration is by team (maximum of 3 people), with only one person from each team needing to register. Registration is $25 for each team. For more information, contact Jenn Foreman at (847) 850.2110 or Interested cardboard mariners can Register Here
Doubles disc golf tournament on tap
The Buffalo Grove Park District will host its annual Doubles Disc Golf Tournament, sponsored by the Friends of the Park Foundation from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Sept. 3.
Open to disc golfers over 12 years of age, teams will consist of two players, scoring in a best-shot format. Teams will be playing 2 rounds of 18 holes, one round at Willow Stream Park, 651 Old Checker Rd, and one round at Rick Drazner Park (formerly Twin Creeks Park), 401 Aptakisic Rd.
There is a 36-team limit. Play will be by PDGA rules and PDGA approved golf discs are required. This is an all-ages tournament and will be played rain or shine. Lunch will be served between rounds at Twin Creeks Park, and immediately following the tournament there will be an awards ceremony at Willow Stream Park.
Check-in is at Willow Stream Park. For more information, contact Megan Baird at (847) 850.2119. Participants can register here
D21 sponsoring “Getting Back into School Routine Workshop”
School District 21, in partnership with the YWCA, is holding a “Back into School Routine” workshop for all parents/guardians of CCSD21. The workshop is from 10 – 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday Aug. 23 and from 6 – 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 24. Both sessions are at the Hawthorne Early Childhood School, 200 Glendale in Wheeling. The program will be available in English and Spanish and is targeted to families with students of all ages.
Information about the English workshop is available here. Information for the Spanish language workshop is available at this link.
Registration can be completed here.
Another holiday, another enforcement effort
The Buffalo Grove Police are partnering with the Illinois State Police and law enforcement agencies across the State to stop impaired driving to help save lives.
“We’ll be out in force to keep impaired drivers off the roads, with the goal of ensuring the residents of our community and visitors make it home safely once the parties end,” Sergeant Frank Horbus said. “If you’ll be celebrating, we urge you to plan ahead for a sober ride.”
The “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” enforcement campaign runs through “the early-morning hours of Sept. 6. During this period, law enforcement will step up efforts focused on impaired, unbuckled and distracted drivers.
The Labor Day “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign is made possible by federal highway safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
Buy a duck, help Rotary
The Rotary Club of Buffalo Grove is once again holding its annual duck race. The numbers of all the entries will be entered into the "duck pool" and winning duck numbers will be drawn at random on Sunday, Sept. 4 at 5:30 p.m. with a live simulcast at Buffalo Grove Days. Winners will be posted on the club’s website,, a few days after the event.
For more details and to purchase your ducks, click here.
Get the puppies prepped
Dogs and their owners can participate in its annual Dog Show at 10:45 a.m. on Sept. 3.
Dogs from Buffalo Grove, who have not competed in sanctioned dog shows, can enter events such as best-groomed, celebrity look-alike, best couple (dog and owner), best trick, waggiest tail and best costume. Prizes and raffles are included. No advanced registration is needed. Free for all dogs and owners. For more information, contact Debbie Fandrei at (847) 850.2148 or
Benefit fun walk, pancake breakfast set
A family fun walk and pancake breakfast are planned for Sunday, Sept. 4, and while they are both free to attend, registration is encouraged here. Donations will be collected and funds raised will be donated to the Highland Park Community Foundation's July 4 fund which supports victims of the Highland Park tragedy, their families and service providers.
Blood Drive Sept. 3
The Village will hold its annual BG Days community blood drive, sponsored by Vitalant, from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Saturday Sept. 3 at the Alcott Center, 530 Bernard Drive. Those participating can make an appointment here. All donors will receive a Pint for a Pint coupon from Culvers. Also, they can register to have a t-shirt sent to their home address.
Dems host Schakowsky
Other democratic officials and candidates attending including Lake County Treasure Holly Kim, Lake County Sheriff John Idleburg, Lake County Clerk candidate Anthony Vega, State Rep. Daniel Dedich (D-59), State Senator Adriane Johnson (D-30) and Lake County Board member Marah Altenberg (D-20)
Student pitches crosswalk safety
Angela Sekera, a student at Cooper School presented some ideas for a safer drop off and pick-up areas in the vicinity of Bernard Drive and Indian Hill Drive relating to both Cooper Middle School and Longfellow Elementary School as part of her Girl Scout Silver Award.
The 12-year-old told the board that brighter crosswalks would help them stand out and attract drivers’ attention.
Dibbern honored for service
Jane Dibbern, who served on the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners for 16 years, was honored by the Village Board Aug. 15 with a proclamation. She also received an award from Police Chief Steve Casstevens for her work on the Commission.
She was Vice Chair and Secretary of the Commission from 2006 to 2020, and Chair from 2020 to Aug. 8.
Donuts send cops to the roof
Members of the Buffalo Grove Police Department spent the morning of Aug. 19 on (or close to) the roofs of the Dunkin Donuts at 245 McHenry Rd. and 1165 McHenry Rd. Officers and volunteers collected donations, sold merchandise and raffle tickets to raise money for Illinois Special Olympics. Participants who made a donation or purchase were entitled to a free donut.
People and Promotions
D125 tabs new board member
Long Grove resident Don Tyer has been appointed to the Stevenson High School Dist. 125 Board of Education to fill the vacancy left by board member David Weisberg, who resigned in June. Full information is available here.
Need a reason to Celebrate?
Aug. 21
National Senior Citizens Day -- This never gets old.
Aug. 22
National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day
National Tooth Fairy Day – Look under your pillow!
Aug. 23
Find Your Inner Nerd Day -- Polish up the pocket protector.
Aug. 24
International Strange Music Day
Aug. 25
Be Kind To Humankind Week -- Just one week?
Aug. 26
National Toilet Paper Day – And you’re supposed to do what?
Aug. 27
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In case you didn’t know…
Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.