Feb 1, 2023

Retail thefts soar / Burglaries reported / Schneider reappointed to key committee

 Retail thefts – Two men made off with $577 worth of good from Woodman’s Market. Reports said the men loaded a cart, took it into the parking lot where items were placed in a car. The men left the scene before Woodman’s security could stop them.

In another case, an Elgin man faces one count of enhanced retail theft, a Class Four felony, after he allegedly stole more than $225 worth of items from Woodman’s Market. Police say Wilson Hernandez, tried to make off with a variety of items.

In a third case, police report that a person received an adjudication ticket for trail theft after trying to get a five-finger discount from Woodman’s. Reports say the offender was caught with a variety of items including a bag of Bob Evans potatoes, a 12-pack of water, frozen crab cakes, seafood sauce (of course), a pack of wet ones, and a pack of frozen broccoli and cheese.

A fourth incident resulted in two persons receiving trespass warnings and adjudication tickets for retail theft after police say they swiped an undetermined amount of “consumable goods” from Woodman’s Market, 1550 E. Deerfield Parkway.

            In a fifth case, police issued an adjudication ticket to a shopper who, police say, swiped two bottles of Moscato from Woodman’s without paying. Cost of the two bottles, note police, was $58.28. The shopper was not sentenced to a wine-appreciation class.

            A sixth case resulted in a shopper being issued an adjudication ticket after trying to make off with $277 worth of items. Reports did not specify what items were taken.

Traffic stop yields multiple charges – A 51-year-old Rockford man is facing five charges after he was stopped by police who received reports of a vehicle being erratically drive. Police say Otoniel Rocha was charged with DUI- Alcohol Concentration in Blood or Breath 0.08 or More, DUI- Under the Influence of Alcohol, Aggravated DUI- Violation for the Third or Subsequent Time, Aggravated DUI- During Period When Driving Privileges Revoked or Suspended as a Result of DUI/Reckless Homicide, and Aggravated DUI- No Driver's License, Permit, Restricted Driving Permit, Judicial Driving Permit, Monitoring Device Permit. Reports say when Rocha was stopped, officers found open liquor in the back seat of his truck. Rocha also reportedly had difficulty speaking and getting out of his vehicle.

Rideshare dispute – Police were summoned to quell an issue with an Uber driver and his passenger. According to reports, the customer stated he called an Uber after leaving a bar. He tried to direct the driver, but stated he had been continuously driving around the block and charging him more money for the extended ride. The passenger stated he did not hit the driver, had yelled at him for not taking him to his house and charging him more money.

Here's where the plot thickens, officers spoke with the driver who stated he did not work for Uber but was in fact a taxi service. He stated he was following the directions gave him after picking him up from the bar. The driver said the passenger got agitated, pulled the driver’s hair and punched him in the face for supposedly not going the right direction. Officers did not see any sign of injuries to the driver. The driver said he got out of his vehicle to call the police and “remove himself from the situation” stating he only wanted to get the money for the fare and not take any further action.

The passenger showed responding officers the Uber he had called, which showed a different vehicle and license plate than the car he was in. Officers explained to the customer that the Uber he was tracking was not the vehicle he was in.

Officers told the passenger that the driver only wanted to be paid his fare and then go separate ways, which he agreed to.

Reports said the fare was paid and the customer was, wait for it, transported home by police. Reports do not say if the driver was tipped. Odds are he wasn’t.

Residential burglary – Police are investigating a burglary to a home in the 0-100 block of Linden Avenue. Reports say the homeowner found her bedroom ransacked. Reports say the front door was closed and locked. The rear patio door was unlocked but left closed.

Break-in probed – Police responded to an apparent break-in at Lux Cars Chicago, 88 E. Dundee Rd. According to reports, four men were spotted leaving the facility at a high rate of speed on westbound Dundee Road. Reports did not indicate what, if anything, was stolen or if there was damage to the facility.

In Other Community News

Tree trimming underway

The village isn’t going out on a limb doing tree trimming time of year. Looking to get to the root of problems, the is in the midst of a five-year program to trim the nearly 20,000 public trees in the village.

Forestry experts say the best time to trim trees is in the winter when they are dormant. Trimming trees is necessary for the health of trees and to also maintain roadway clearance.

The plan is to trim 3,900 trees over the next several weeks. Work will run from the north end of the village and progress south. Additional information at this link. The project is coordinated by staff in a branch office of the Public Works Dept. You saw that coming, didn’t you?

Candidate axed from D102 ballot

            If Gary Midkiff is going to get elected to a spot on the Aptakisic-Tripp School Dist. 102 School Board, he’s going to have to do it as a write-in candidate.

            That’s because, according to reporting in the Journal & Topics, he was removed from the ballot because, notes the Journal & Topics, some of the 54 signatures that Midkiff collected were from people that were either not registered to vote or were not registered to vote at the address they provided on the nominating sheet.

            Candidates on the ballot include Justin Parker and Jordan Salus.

Show with strange name set

A one-act musical, [title of show] (yes, that is the name of the musical) will be presented Feb. 1 – 5 at the Community Arts Center, 225 N. McHenry Road.

Show times are 7 p.m. on Feb. 1, 2, 3,and 4 and at 3 p.m. on Feb. 5.

The show, recommended for mature audiences, 18 years and older, chronicles its own creation as an entry in the New York Musical Theatre Festival, and follows the struggles of the author and composer/ lyricist and their two actor friends during the initial three-week creative period, along with subsequent events leading up to the show’s production.

The production will be followed by a talk-back led by the production staff.

Tickets are $22 in advance or $25 at the door, plus a $1 convenience fee. For more information, contact Jessi Hersman at 847-850-2152.

Registration open for Bills 2023 season

The Buffalo Grove Bills youth football league is now recruiting for its 2023 season.

Registration is open for all programs including All American 7v7 and All Pro Offseason Training. Registration closes Feb. 10.

For more information, go to bgbills.org, or contact Nina Sibo at bgbillsyouth@gmail.com or call 847-571-1751.

Schneider back on Ways and Means

Congressman Brad Schneider (IL-10) has been appointed to the House Ways and Means Committee for the 118th Congress, his third term on the powerful committee, having been a member since the 116th Congress.

“It is a great privilege to continue to serve the people of Illinois’ Tenth District on the House Ways and Means Committee. I look forward to tackling many important issues this Congress, including growing our economy, ensuring tax fairness, repealing the onerous cap on the state and local tax (SALT) deduction, improving health care for all Americans, and strengthening Social Security and Medicare.”


Need a reason to Celebrate?


Feb. 1

Car Insurance Day

Change Your Password Day

G.I. Joe Day

National Serpent Day

Feb. 2

Crepe Day

Groundhog Day

National Tater Tot Day

National Ukulele Day

Feb. 3

Bubblegum Day

Doggy Date Night

Feed the Birds Day

Feb. 4

Create a Vacuum Day

National Homemade Soup Day

National Quacker Day

Take Your Child To The Library Day – Always a good idea

Feb. 5

Dump Your Significant Jerk Day

Move Hollywood & Broadway to Lebanon PA Day

National Chocolate Fondue Day

National Fart Day – Seriously?

Feb. 6

National Chopsticks Day

National Lame Duck Day

National Sickie Day

Freelance Writers Appreciation Week

Feb. 7

National Fettuccine Alfredo Day

National Send a Card to a Friend Day

Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbor Day

Feb. 8

Laugh and Get Rich Day

National Kite-Flying Day – In February?

Opera Day



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In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body.

Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...