Criminal damage – Police report that someone discharged three fire extinguishers in the stairway of a self-storage facility on Aptakisic Road. A plastic shield in the elevator was also damaged.
Criminal trespassing – A resident of the Turnberry Condominiums, 125 N. Buffalo Grove, contacted police about a possible burglary in progress. Police report that when officers arrived on the scene, they found Justin Milos, 35, of Arlington Heights, who allegedly tried entering storage lockers in the parking garage. He was charged with criminal trespass to property and released.
Motor vehicle theft – Police responded to the 800 block of Beechwood Road Drive for a report of a stolen motor vehicle. The victim related that he parked his vehicle in a driveway running. Reports say it was stolen a few minutes later. The vehicle, a BMW, was recovered in Milwaukee on May 4.
In Other Community News
Sussman to be honored
Outgoing Village Board President, Beverly Sussman, will be honored at reception prior to the May 15 Village Board meeting. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. at Village Hall. Sussman has been in the Village Board for 14 years, the last eight as Board President.
The reception will be followed by the regular Village Board meeting starting at 7:30 p.m. during which the Board is expected to approve a proclamation “recognizing Beverly Sussman’s exceptional service, dedication, and commitment to the Village of Buffalo Grove.”
Trustee Eric Smith will be sworn in as the new Village President. Incumbents David Weidenfeld, Gregory Pike and newly elected Frank Cesario will be sworn in as village trustees.
Cops set to hit the roof
Buffalo Grove Police will again participate in 'Cop on a Rooftop' to support Special Olympics Illinois on Friday, May 19.
Stop by either of the Buffalo Grove Dunkin' locations on McHenry Road 11745 N. McHenry Road or 245 McHenry Road) anytime between 5 a.m. and noon for a free donut and a chance to win a free motorcycle.
Hearing set on Buffalo Grove widening
A plan to widen Buffalo Grove Road from Il. Rt. 22 to U.S. Route 45 will be the focus of a public hearing May 24. The hearing, reports the Daily Herald, will include representatives from the Lake County Department of Transportation and project consultants. The hearing is scheduled from 5 to 7 p.m.
National Police Week
This week is National Police Week, honoring law enforcement nationwide for their service and sacrifice.
Residents are invited to participate in Project Blue Light, displaying a blue porch light in memory of fallen officers. Blue light bulbs are available for pickup from the Police Department at no cost while supplies last. If you or your business is interested in participating, contact Officer Amy Cholewa at to arrange pickup.
Chicago architecture topic of JCC program
The Jewish Community Centers of Chicago will present Laurie Petersen, editor of the American Institute of Architects’ AIA Guide to Chicago, at a free lunch program at noon on Thursday, June 1. Petersen will present a pictorial tour of Chicago skyscrapers and restored gems in Chicago’s different neighborhoods. The program is at the Vernon Township Community Service Building, 2900 N. Main Street, Buffalo Grove. Click this link to register.
Monthly Memory Café program set
The April Memory Café, a program that offers individuals with memory loss and their caregiver an opportunity for connection and conversation will be at 2 p.m. on May 25. The May program is about gardening. The event is at the Park District’s Alcott Center, 520 Bernard Drive.
The Memory Café program is sponsored by Belmont Village Senior Living Buffalo Grove, Buffalo Grove Community Foundation, Buffalo Grove Park District, Buffalo Grove Police Department, Indian Trails Public Library, Sunrise Senior Living Buffalo Grove, and Vernon Area Public Library. Persons interested in attending can register at this link.
Reiner Park offers a “Story Walk”
Residents can take a stroll through Reiner Park (formerly Green Lake Park), 1101 Green Knolls Dr., and read through the Indiana Trails Public Library District’s latest StoryWalk® installment, I Can Fly in the Sky: A Story of Friends, Flight and Kites by Lin Xin. This book is written in English and Chinese.
A StoryWalk® combines literacy with physical activity. Start with the welcome post and follow the accessible path to find the next page. The books are changed seasonally.
StoryWalk® is a joint project between the Park District of Buffalo Grove and the Indian Trails Library and is funded by the ITPLD Foundation.
Cricket pitch planned
Cricket enthusiasts may soon have a new place to play. The Village Board approved a pitch (cricket playing field) adjacent to the Vernon Twp. Administration Building, 3050 N. Main St., Buffalo Grove, according to the Journal & Topics and Daily Herald.
Registration open for Citizen Police Academy
The Citizen Police Academy (CPA), a seven-week program that features education about DUI and traffic enforcement, firearm safety, crime scene investigations, a K-9 demonstration begins May 24. Program is held every Wednesday, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. though July 19. It will not meet May 31 or July 5. All sessions are at the Police Department, 46 Raupp Blvd. Participants must be at least 21 years of age and live or work in Buffalo Grove. Additional information can be found here.
Parks, Public Works day Saturday
The village of Buffalo Grove and Buffalo Grove Park District are teaming up to host Parks and Public Services Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 20 at Mike Rylko Community Park, 1000 N. Buffalo Grove Road.
CCSD 21 plans $20 million shift for capital projects
School District 21 is planning to transfer $20 million from its education fund into the operations and maintenance fund. This money will then be transferred into the capital projects funds, as required by law, for use to complete projects as part of the 10-year facilities and maintenance plan.
The 2022-2023 annual budget included a permanent transfer of $12 million, which Micheal (sic) DeBartolo, assistant superintendent for finance and operations, said represented the surplus available to transfer from fiscal year 2022. The additional $8 million was based on board discussion and the philosophy of maintaining a fund balance not to exceed 50% of the next year’s expenditures.
DeBartolo said the district will begin the process of funding renovations of bathrooms and playgrounds as its utmost priority, but also look to budding priorities such as roofs, windows and doors. Once the board policy on fund balance reserve and planning for capital projects is finalized, the district plans to draw down the fund balance reserve even more to start expediting the funding of these projects.
Missing a catalytic converter?
If a catalytic converter has been swiped from your car, the Chicago Tribune reports that Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart may have some insights as to where it may be.
Village Board discussions
Board expected to nix bids for public works building
The excitement over the development of a new home for the Department of Public Works appears to have hit a snag – the cost.
Trustees, who heard a report about bids that were deemed excessive at their May 1 workshop (Committee of a Whole) meeting, may very well formally reject the bids at their May 15 regular meeting.
In a memo to the Board, Assistant Director of Public Works, Jim Warnstedt, noted that “Based upon review of the bids and after consultation with the Village Attorney, staff recommends the Village Board find that it is in the best interests of the Village of Buffalo Grove to, reject select bid packages for the Public Works Facility project, waive bids, and provide authorization to negotiate with Contractors to provide a cost savings. Staff recommends the Village Board reject the following bid packages: Concrete, Steel, Carpentry, Drywall & Framing, Fluid Applied Flooring, Fire Protection, Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical, Earthwork, Asphalt Paving and Site Utilities.”
Warnstedt’s full memo is included in the full agenda packet for the May 15 which can be found here.
Need A Reason To Celebrate?
May 15
May 16
National Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day
May 17
May 18
May 19
Celebrate Your Elected Officials Day
National Barber Mental Health Awareness Day
National Devil's Food Cake Day
May 20
International Red Sneakers Day
May 21
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day
Take Your Parents To The Playground Day
May 22
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In case you didn’t know…
Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body. Zoller is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Chicago Headline Club.