Jun 12, 2023

Retail burglary / Metra parking lot safety questioned / Flag Day ceremony set

 Burglary reported -- Police report that they responded to the 200 block of W. Dundee Road for a burglary at a liquor store. A complainant reported he found broken glass to the front entry door to the store, it is currently unknown if anything is missing. This investigation is ongoing.

Lost property leads to theft – A man contacted police to report that he left his wallet on top of a gas pump at Woodman’s Gas Station, 1500 E. Deerfield Parkway, and when he returned, it was missing. Police say the investigation is ongoing.

Discounted theft -- A customer at  Woodman’s was nabbed by store personnel and police for trying to remove  merchandise from the store without paying. Sort of. Store personnel told police the person was at the self-checkout and was using a "reduced grocery" barcode she brought with her to scan items at much lower prices. Reports say that she attempted to leave the store with $130.11 worth of merchandise, but only paid $68.71. She received an adjudication citation and a trespass warning. All items were recovered

            In another incident, police report that a male and female made off with a “cart full of unpaid merchandise” from the store. Police report that the investigation is ongoing.

Theft from car – Police report that a resident contacted them regarding a theft from a  motor vehicle. Reports say the resident said items were taken from her unlocked vehicle.  Police say the investigation is ongoing.

Bike theft -  Police report that a resident reported a bike taken from outside a building in the 1000 block of Windbrooke Drive. The bike was valued at $350. Police say the investigation is ongoing.


In Other Community News…

Lights, cameras, but no action?

            When Lorenzo Davis’s catalytic converter was swiped off his car at the Buffalo Grove Metra station, he discovered that while there were security cameras in the parking lot, they were not functioning. Davis told the Board of his plight and the situation at the Village Board’s June 5 Committee of the Whole meeting. According to the Daily Herald, Board members were unaware of the situation and will look into it.  In the meantime, thefts of catalytic converters remain rampant, according to this report in the Chicago Sun-Times. Cameras or not.

 Branding initiative focus of meeting

The village is hosting an information meeting about its latest branding initiative at 6 p.m. Wednesday . in the Cook Room of Indian Trails Public Library, 355 Schoenbeck Rd. In Wheeling.

The village recently embarked on a research-driven branding initiative to “unify the community around our identity and help BG stand out in the marketplace.”

Village officials say they want to hear from community members to “uncover what’s unique, distinct and authentic to Buffalo Grove.”

Wednesday’s program, dubbed “Moving BG Forward: Community Branding Forum and Educational Presentation” will include presentations by village staff and North Star, a firm the village calls its “branding partner” to learn about this project and discuss what makes life here a preferred destination.

Learn more about the project and other Moving BG Forward initiatives here.

 Flag Day ceremony set

A ceremony celebrating Flag Day will be held at Veterans Park, 1300 N. Weiland Road for a special celebration of Flag Day Wednesday, June 14. The event will include a presentation of colors by the Buffalo Grove Police and Fire Department Honor Guards.  Army Colonel Paul Mazure will be the guest speaker.  He is commander of the Defense Contract Management Agency.

Food will be served starting at 4:45 p.m., with the program set to begin at 5:30 p.m. Find more details here.

Information about Flag Day is available at this site.

 Farmers Market opens Sunday

The  Buffalo Grove Farmers' Market begins its 15th year this Sunday, June 18 at Mike Rylko Park. The hours 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

The BG Farmers Market is held every Sunday through Oct. 15. Learn more at the market’s Facebook page  or at this site.

Village looking for parade participants

The Buffalo Grove Days Parade is set to return Sunday, Sept. 3 at 11 a.m. The Village is asking residents, companies, organizations to take part in this special celebration of Buffalo Grove by entering the parade.

 Community groups are welcome to participate with a float, vehicles or marchers. Submit an application to join the parade here.

For the latest information and updates, visit bgdays.com.

The village has imposed a July 31 deadline, noting on the application that “To ensure a quality event, the parade will only occur if a minimum of 50 parade units have made commitments by July 31, 2023.” 

Summer concert series starts June 13

            The first of a series of summer concerts at Willow Stream Park is from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. tomorrow, June 13. The concert will feature the Pino Farina Band.  Food will be available from “Dal Local Boy, LLC” food truck.

            The complete concert series schedule can be found at this link. 

Library sprucing up outdoor areas

            The Vernon Area Library is going to be a more pleasant place – at least outside. The Library reports that “like many libraries across the world, we have seen a surge of interest in outdoor public space for gathering and learning in recent years.” Details about the project are on the Library’s web site. 

Stevenson ranked in nation’s top 10

            Stevenson High School was one of 10 Illinois high schools to be ranked in the top 50.  According to 247wallst.com, Stevenson ranked ninth nationwide, which was reported in the Daily Herald. While several other area high schools made the list, no schools from Dist. 214, which includes Buffalo Grove High School made the list. 24/7 Wall St., LLC is a Delaware corporation which runs a financial news and opinion company with content delivered over the Internet. 

Aptakisic Road work nears

            As previously reported here, work on the widening of Aptakisic Road from Buffalo Grove to Ill. Rt. 83, is set to begin, according to “soon.” A look at the project that details the scope of work to be done (except the starting date) can be found here. 

55 cited during traffic crackdown

            The Buffalo Grove Police Department issued 55 citations during the recent Memorial Day “Click It or Ticket” traffic safety campaign period from May 19 to 30.

Of those citations, 39 were for seat belt violations. Other citations included three child car seat citations, three suspended/revoked/no valid license arrests, five distracted driving citations (cell phones) and five speeding citations.

The police department participates in statewide enforcement activities linked to holidays. The next one will most likely be over the Fourth of July holiday period.

The Illinois “Click It or Ticket” campaign is administered by the Illinois Department  of Transportation with federal highway safety funds. 

Buffalo Grove students winners in Metra contest

            Five students from Buffalo Grove were recognized for their efforts in the Metra safety contest.  They include Minseo Kim, a sixth grader at Aptakisic Junior High School, who won first place in the poster competition as did Florence Lee, an eighth-grade student at Aptakisic Junior High School, Buffalo Grove. Aksharasree Rajadurai, a first-grade student at Tripp Elementary School took third place in the poster competition while Grace Ahn, an eighth grader at Twin Groves Middle School, also took third place. Julia Levenshteyn, a senior at Adlai E. Stevenson High School, also won third-place in the poster competition.

            Details about the Metra contest can be found here.

 New owners hope to perk up Java Junction

            Java Junction, the coffee shop at the Buffalo Grove Metra station, has new owners. In a Facebook post owners Hamid and Yumna Javed said, “Hi everyone, those of you who take Metra trains from the Buffalo Grove train station, stop by at our coffee shop inside the train station. We are open from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. We just opened recently (and) we would love to hear feedback from you. Here is our page, please follow us. Thank you so much”  Here is the link to their Facebook page.

Need a reason to celebrate?


June 12

Democracy Day

International Falafel Day

National Button Battery Awareness Day

National Jerky Day


June 13

International Axe Throwing Day

National Call Your Doctor Day

National Weed Your Garden Day


June 14

Flag Day

Monkey Around Day

National Bourbon Day

National Pop Goes The Weasel Day


June 15

National Bug Busting Day

National Prune Day

Sneak A Kiss


June 16

Fresh Veggies Day

National Fudge Day

National Take Back the Lunch Break Day

June 17

Global Garbage Man Day

International Surfing Day

National Eat Your Vegetables Day

World Juggling Day


June 18

Clean Your Aquarium Day

International Panic Day

International Picnic Day

International Sushi Day


June 19

National Garfield the Cat Day

National Take Your Cat to Work Day

National Martini Day

Universal Father's Week




Got News?

If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.

Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

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In case you didn’t know…

Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body. Zoller is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Chicago Headline Club.

Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...