Crash leads to DUI, assault & obstruction charges – A 53-year-old Buffalo Grove woman was charged with DUI, assault, battery and resisting/obstructing a police officer following a two-vehicle accident at Lake-Cook and Weiland roads. Reports say responding officers found Elvira Mejia-Cabrera “showing signs of alcohol impairment” at the scene and allegedly became physically aggressive toward officers. She was released on her own recognizance.
Liquor stolen – Officials at the Jewel at 79 McHenry
Road told police that four individuals stole more than $1,300 worth of liquor
from the store. Reports do not list what exactly was taken, nor is there a
description of the four individuals. Police say the investigation is ongoing.
Cash, liquor stolen – Officials at Woodman’s Market
told police that two individuals stole $440 in cash from a cash register as
well as a bottle of Hennessy XO Cognac valued at $215.81. Police say the investigation
is ongoing.
Catalytic converter theft – A
guest at the Sheraton Four Points contacted police to report that their
catalytic converter was stolen. Police report the loss was valued at $1,200.
This investigation is ongoing.
Burglary from vehicle -- Police report a 2022 Ford
Bronco was broken into while parked at the Arboretum Golf Course clubhouse. The
owner reported that “various items” were stolen. The investigation is ongoing.
In Other Community News…
Bids for new Public Works home OK’d
Village of Buffalo Grove has approved construction bids for the remodel work at
its new Public Works facility, located at 1650 Leider Lane. Village officials
say pursuing this adaptive reuse of a building strategy as part of its overall
facility improvement plan has saved nearly $30 million. The
greatly reduced bids were approved at the June 19 Village Board meeting.
new 173,000-square foot facility on Leider Lane provides enough space to
accommodate the Village’s Public Works operations now and well into the future.
All equipment and maintenance functions will be under roof, with increased
space for offices, workshops, an emergency operations center, vehicle wash and
other desirable amenities.
current Public Works facility at 51 Raupp Blvd. is 53,561 square feet. Village officials are hoping
the new facility will be ready by late spring or
summer of next year.
According to village
officials, “in the time leading up to
relocation, the Village Board will consider options for the existing building’s
reuse, consistent with the 2018 Lake Cook Road Corridor
Additional information about the new public works
facility can be found here.
The Park District’s “Movies Under
The Stars” at Willow Stream Park will feature “Sonic The Hedgehog” starting at
dusk on Friday, June 23.
This free event will feature a
40-foot screen and surround sound. Concessions will be available for purchase,
or attendees can bring their own refreshments. For weather related updates on
the day of movies, use the Rainout Line app, or call 847-235-6857.
Willow Stream Park is at 651 Old
Checker Rd.
The Raupp Museum's new summer exhibit features wedding dresses
from the past, as well as items from the many cultures that make up Buffalo
Grove today, including Korean, Indian and Jewish cultures.
The exhibit is on display through Aug. 31. The museum is located at 901 Dunham Lane Find more information here.
Planning a garage sale? Follow these guidelines
Residents planning a garage sale are
reminded that the village has guidelines for running sales.
Regulations limit garage sales to
three consecutive days and no more than three times per year at the same
Sales are allowed from 9 a.m. until
sunset each day. In addition, signs advertising garage sales are only allowed
on private property, not in the public right of way. No permit is required to
hold a garage sale. Additional information is available here.
Library has first “Maker-in-Residence”
The Launch Pad at the Indian Trails
Public Library has selected its first Maker-in-Residence, local resident
Anastasia Sitnikov.
She holds an MFA in Studio Arts from
the University of Illinois at Chicago. A sculptor by trade, Sitnikov has
presented her art at many exhibitions.
During the course of her residency,
she will create an installation for the library; a large-scale wall sculpture
that interweaves macrame with laser-cut objects created by library members.
Residents can visit the Launch Pad
from 3-5:30 pm through July 11, to observe and get acquainted with Sitnikov as she works on her
The Indian Trails Public Library is
located at 355 Schoenbeck Rd. in Wheeling.
Dist. 21 to enhance video security
Community Consolidated School
District 21 will install more security cameras throughout each of the
district’s 13 schools.
These devices will be installed in
higher-traffic areas outside of the classrooms, including near playgrounds, in
stairwells and outside bathrooms, as a means of giving the district increased
visibility in these spots.
The new cameras will be installed over the summer, with the primary focus on these three areas. The district will also make minor adjustments to existing cameras to maximize coverage.
Cops begin holiday traffic crackdown
Buffalo Grove Police are in the
midst of a stepped-up Independence Day traffic enforcement campaign that
focuses on impaired and unbuckled drivers. The safety campaign runs through the
early-morning hours of July 5 to encompass three summer weekends leading up to
and after Independence Day.
The “Drive Sober or Get Pulled
Over,” “Drive High Get a DUI” and “Click It or Ticket” programs are made
possible by federal highway safety funds administered by the Illinois Department
of Transportation. The enforcement period runs concurrently with a media
campaign reminding motorists that “It’s Not a Game” to drive impaired.
From National
June 23
National Take Your
Dog to Work Day
Take My Children to Work Day
June 27
Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Day
June 28
Insurance Awareness Day
June 29
June 30
Your Corvette to Work Day
This edition is available online at
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In case you didn’t know…
Buffalo Grove News and Info, is
independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime
journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors
news and information about the village, its schools, park district and
community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any
municipal body.
Zoller is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Chicago
Headline Club.