A rash of crimes involving parked vehicles have kept Buffalo Grove Police investigators busy the past two weeks. Reports provided by the department include a dozen incidents related to criminal trespass to motor vehicles, burglary from a motor vehicle and one report of stolen motor vehicle.
These incidents include:
· Two reports of Criminal Trespass to Vehicles: in the 200 block of Willow Parkway. In both cases, residents report their vehicles were broken into, but nothing was taken.
· There were two reports by residents in the 700 block of Essington who told police their vehicles were broken into, but nothing was taken.
· In a third incident in the 700 block of Essington, a resident told police ash and earbuds were taken from his car. The vehicle’s center console was also damaged.
· A variety of compact disks were taken from a vehicle as it was parked in the 700 Block of Essington while it was parked overnight.
· A resident in the 0 -100 block of Willow Parkway reported to police that someone broke into his parked vehicle and stole a wallet, containing $1200 USC and multiple credit cards gone.
· In a second incident in the 100 block of Willow Parkway, a resident told police someone went through her vehicle overnight. She said two pairs of sunglasses, a winter hat, and gloves were missing from the center console.
· A resident in the 800 block of Twisted Oak Lane told police someone entered two of her vehicles overnight. Nothing appeared to have been taken.
· Police are continuing their investigation into the theft of a Kia from a home in the 1000 block of Whitehall Drive.
· Another vehicle in the 1000 block of Whitehall Drive was reportedly ransacked, but nothing was reported taken.
· A resident in the 0 -100 block of south Buffalo Grove Road told police that he saw someone break the passenger’s window of his vehicle and drive off in a sedan with headlights off and no front registration. Reports note that officers found that the steering column was stripped in what was most likely an attempt to hot-wire the car. No items were missing from the vehicle.
In wake of these incidents, Buffalo Grove police urge residents to remove valuables from their vehicles, including cash, purses, wallets, keys and key fobs. They also strongly suggest that vehicles are locked when not occupied.
Vanished vape – Officials at the Artisan Vapor Company, 802 N Milwaukee Ave., reported an unknown offender took a vaping device from the counter without paying.
Tip theft – Officials at Starbucks at 1205 W. Dundee Rd. reported that an unknown customer took the tip jar from the drive-through window ledge. Employees said the container held approximately $40 in cash.
Not an employee benefit – An employee at Woodman's Market received an adjudication ticket for shoplifting after he was accused of taking a drink or a bag of chips on four different days while he was working. The items had a value of $7.70.
Retail theft – Police were summoned to Woodman's Market after store officials said a customer grabbed items totaling $14.26 without paying for them. The items were recovered and the woman received an adjudication ticket for shoplifting and a trespass warning.
On the traffic front -- Buffalo Grove police issued eight tickets for DUI and related offenses during recent enforcement periods, including one in which police say a driver was not only allegedly intoxicated, but was driving, police say, at more than 35 miles-per-hour over the posted speed limit, near Dundee Road and Buffalo Grove Road. Do the math, we’re talking 70-plus miles per hour.
In Other Community News…
Dundee Road TIF district a step closer
The Village Board is expected to vote at its Aug. 21 meeting on the establishment of a Tax Increment Financing district that includes a large area of the Dundee Road corridor near Dundee and Arlington Heights roads. According to the Daily Herald, The district includes the Plaza Verde and Strathmore shopping centers and dealership sites at 915-945 W. Dundee Road that have sat dormant for more than a decade.
‘Night Out’ Aug. 1
The annual National Night Out is from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Willow Stream Park, 651 Old Checker Road.
The free event, sponsored by the Buffalo Grove Park District, will include a Business Expo. Buffalo Grove Fire and Police Department information, and free giveaways.
There will be live music with Serendipity from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. and food available for purchase from Dorfler’s Meat Market and a variety of food trucks.
For more information, contact Mike Pfeiffer at 847.850.2108 or mikep@bgparks.org.
In addition to the music, food and displays, attendees can bring a nonperishable food item that will be collected by the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council table located at the entrance to the park.
All items collected will be distributed through local food pantries supported by the Northwest Suburban Interfaith Council.
First openings at ‘The Clove’ approaching
Residents who like chicken or Mexican food will have new options in the near future. Both Chick-fil-a and Guzman y Gomez are eyeing fall openings. The village reports work is moving along on Chick-fil-a with most of the exterior work completed.
Exterior work on Guzman y Gomez, a Australian-based Mexican restaurant (go figure) is hoping to open in September or October. Its application for a liquor license was approved by the Village Board when it met July 17. The approval is subject to the applicant completing Village requirements for said license on or before October 16.
Police Department earns ‘trust pledge’
The Buffalo Grove Police Department has completed the Trust Building Campaign pledge to enhance trust and collaboration between police and the Buffalo Grove community.
The pledge is part of the Trust Building Campaign initiative started by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP).
Buffalo Grove is the first community in Illinois and one of only six police agencies in the country to complete the pledge.
To complete the Trust Building Campaign Pledge, BGPD has implemented 25 key policies and leading practices within the following six focus areas: bias-free policing; use of force; leadership and culture; recruitment, hiring and retention; victim services; and community relations.
The BGPD established policies and training, conducted assessments and developed strategies within those six focus areas to encourage positive community-police partnerships that promote safe, effective interactions, create strategies to prevent and reduce crime and improve the wellbeing and quality of life.
Additional information about the Trust Building Campaign is on the IACP’s website.
Police academy for kids set
Children who may be interested in law enforcement can experience what it's like to be a police officer at BGPD's Junior Police Academy.
Participants will learn to take fingerprints, experience safety patrols, explore police equipment and more in this week-long program held at the BG Police Department. The academy is open for children ages 9-13 who either live in or attend school in Buffalo Grove. Find more information and apply here. The registration deadline is Friday.
Cinderella performances this weekend
Big Deal Productions is presenting Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella summer musical Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Buffalo Grove Performing Arts Center, 225 McHenry Road.
Performances on Friday and Saturday are at 7:30 p.m. with Sunday’s performance at 3 p.m.
Tickets are available for $20 for adults and teens ages 13 and up, or $16 for children ages 12 and under. For more information and to purchase tickets click here.
Need a Reason to Celebrate?
July 25
Health and Happiness with Hypnosis Day
July 26
July 27
July 28
National Talk in an Elevator Day
July 29
National Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day
July 30
International Day of Friendship
July 31
National Jump for Jelly Beans Day
Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day
Aug. 1
National Raspberry Cream Pie Day
National Hair Loss Awareness Month
If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome. They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.
Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
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In case you didn’t know…
Buffalo Grove News and Info, is independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body. Zoller is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Chicago Headline Club.