Retail Theft – Officers were summoned to the Walgreens at 15 N Buffalo Grove Road where an employee said a female shopper took a basket full of items including shampoo and candy from the store. Employees said the woman entered a gray automobile which was located in the parking lot at the Dollar Tree, 1212 W. Dundee Rd. Responding officers spotted the couple who admitted taking the basket of items from Walgreens. The stolen merchandise was located and both the man and woman were issued trespass warnings for both the Walgreens and Dollar Tree locations as well as adjudication citations for retail theft. The stolen merchandise, valued at $312.63, was returned to Walgreens.
Retail theft – An employee at the Jewel at 79 N. McHenry Rd. told police he was at the customer service desk and observed a man and women walk by with items in their cart. They reportedly went towards the "in" doors on the north side of the store where the male ultimately left the store with the cart, passing all points of final sale and not making any purchases. An employee reportedly confronted the male subject in the parking lot. grabbed the cart of unpaid items after which the man fled the scene in a black Chevy Equinox. The woman was reportedly driving the vehicle. The nine items, which were recovered in the parking lot, had a value of $72.80.
Bike swiped – A resident reported to police that he left his blue 26-inch mountain bicycle unsecured in the bicycle rack just outside of the McDonald’s at 1200 North Arlington Heights Rd. and when he came back approximately 20 minutes later the bicycle was gone. The value of the bicycle was not reported.
Criminal Damage to Property – A resident in the 600 block of Hapsfield Lane told police that her vehicle was "keyed." This occurred while the vehicle was parked inside the secure parking garage at her apartment building. Both the rear and front passenger side quarter panels sustained scratches measuring more than 12 inches in length.
In Other Community News
Board clears way for Rivian dealership
The Village Board Monday night approved a special use permit that clears the way for the village’s second electric vehicle dealership.
Rivian Automotive LLC, is an American electric vehicle manufacturer that produces electric SUVs, pickup trucks, and delivery vans, will have a facility at 909 Asbury Drive.
Rivian’s plan was approved 7-0 by the Planning and Zoning Commission at its Oct. 1 meeting.
According to the ordinance passed by the Board, a special use permit was required for the location “to allow the sale and/or leasing of new and/or used automobiles within an enclosed structure (and) to operate an electric vehicle service and sales center.
It is estimated that when the facility is up and running and full strength, it will have 46 employees by the end of 2027. Coverage can be found here while the village staff report is available at this link.
Library names new board member
Buffalo Grove resident Ben Isabel was appointed to the Vernon Area Public Library Board of Trustees at its regular meeting on Oct. 21. He is filling a vacancy created in September when library trustee Laura Caplin resigned. Isabel is chief of staff for State Senator Laura Fine (IL-9).
According to a library press release, Isabel intends to be among the candidates on the ballot in the April 1,2025 consolidated election. Incumbents George I. Goldstein and Jonathan Passman have also indicated their intent to run. Prospective candidates must file nominating paperwork at the library between Nov. 12, and Nov. 18.
Smoke detector installation set
The Buffalo Grove Fire Department will install more than 500 smoke detectors in senior housing units thanks to a donation from the Illinois Fire Safety Alliance (IFSA) and Camp I Am Me.
The Buffalo Grove Fire Department is among 48 participating fire departments in Illinois to have received a donation of 10-year,sealed battery smoke detectors. The BGFD’s installation campaign is the largest effort of any participating fire department In the state.
Buffalo Grove firefighter/paramedics and volunteers from the village’s Community Emergency Response Team will install the detectors this week.
In addition to fire and emergency medical services, BGFD provides non-emergency services like smoke detector installation on an ongoing basis throughout the year. For more information, or to request non-emergency services, visit this link.
School playground dedication on tap
The newly transformed playground at Joyce Kilmer Elementary School 655 Golfview Terrace Buffalo Grove will be dedicated in a program from 5 to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 29.
For additional information, call 847-520-2728.
Drop off unneeded meds at BGPD
Residents can bring expired, unused or unneeded medications to the Police Department, 46 Raupp Blvd., from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 26 to safely dispose of them at the Drug Take Back Day event.
Residents who can’t make it that day can bring unwanted prescription drugs at any time to the police department where there is a permanent receptacle in the lobby.
Needles or syringes are accepted at this event. If you need to dispose of these items, use Waste Management's At Your Door program that’s part of your regular waste service.
Trick-or-treat hours set
Trick-or-treating hours in Buffalo Grove are 3 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 31.
In addition to little ghosts and goblins going door-to-door, the Buffalo Grove Fire Department will have a drive-thru trick-or-treat event, from 2-4 p.m. on Oct. 31 at Fire Station 26, 1051 Highland Grove Drive.
Former Village President dies
Verna Clayton, the first woman to be Buffalo Grove Village Board President died Oct. 8. Prior to serving as president, Clayton was Village Clerk. After her tenure with the Village Board, she served as a state representative from 1993 to 1993. Full coverage from the Daily Herald can be found here.
BG Road project moves to design phase
The project to widen Buffalo Grove Road from Half Day Road to U.S. Rt. 45, has moved into the design phase. Lake County Division of Transportation officials say they are in the process of finalizing right of way requirements and coordinating with the Canadian National Railroad for the new signal at Main Street and upgraded railroad crossing.
The design phase is expected to continue through 2025 with construction tentatively scheduled for 2029.
A new and updated list of frequently asked questions was posted to LCDOT’s website in May It can be found at this link.
Need a Reason to Celebrate?
Oct. 23
National Slap Your Coworker Day
Oct. 24
National Kangaroo Awareness Day
Oct. 25
Oct. 26
National Chicken Fried Steak Day
Oct. 27
Oct. 28
Oct. 29
Oct. 30
Oct. 31
If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to
Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome. They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.
Buffalo Grove News and Info, is locally and independently produced by Buffalo Grove resident Stan Zoller. A longtime journalist and journalism educator, Zoller covers Buffalo Grove and monitors news and information about the village, its schools, park district and community events. Buffalo Grove News and Information is not affiliated with any municipal body. Zoller is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Chicago Headline Club.
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