Dec 21, 2018

News and information: Dec. 21

Village Notes

Village Hall holiday closures

In observance of the upcoming Christmas holiday, Village Hall will be closed Monday, Dec. 24 and Tuesday, Dec. 25.Normal business hours will resume on Wednesday, Dec. 26 from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Waste Management holiday pickup schedule

Due to the Christmas holiday, garbage pickup will be delayed by one day for some Buffalo Grove residents during the week of Dec. 24.Those who have waste pickup on Monday will be unaffected. Those who normally have waste pickup on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday will have pickup delayed by one day. For example, if the normal pickup day is Tuesday, Waste Management will pick up on Wednesday; if the normal pickup day is Wednesday, Waste Management will pick up on Thursday, and so on. For more information, please contact Waste Management at 800-964-8988 or visit

Village of Buffalo Grove Job Openings

The Village of Buffalo Grove has several full-time and part-time job openings currently available. For more information and to apply online, click here. Please contact Human Resources at or 847-459-2517 with any questions.

Wrapping paper safety

The Buffalo Grove Fire Department reminds residents to not burn used wrapping paper in fireplaces, as doing so could start a fire. Paper has a very low moisture content and burns more quickly than wood. Additionally, large piles of wrapping paper in the fireplace could produce high flames in the chimney, which could then reach layers of creosote, resin and other combustible material built up within fireplaces. To avoid a potentially dangerous situation such as this, please dispose of all wrapping paper in the garbage.

Holiday light recycling

The Village of Buffalo Grove, along with Elgin Recycling and the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC), would like to invite all Buffalo Grove residents to recycle strings of lights and extension cords that are no longer working at the below locations, during the Holiday Light Recycling program, running now through Friday, March 1, 2019. Garland, live greens, wreaths or other non-recyclable materials will not be accepted. For more information go to Holiday light recycling.

Lights can recycled at:

Buffalo Grove Village Hall 50 Raupp Boulevard
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Buffalo Grove Police Department
46 Raupp Boulevard
24-hour drop-off

School Notes

Programs for graduating eight graders set at Daniel Wright

Simplifying Stevenson is scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 9 for an informative and interactive program at Daniel Wright Junior High School: Simplifying Stevenson, led by Troy Gobble, Principal of Stevenson High School. Eighth grade students and their parents will learn about the transition to high school and have their questions answered. For more information, please refer to the Transitions Guide for Incoming Freshman/Class of 2023 .

SHS Orientation Evenings Held at SHS

Stevenson will host three orientation evenings for eighth graders and their families.

Tuesday, Jan. 8: Students whose last name begins with A–H

Thursday, Jan. 10: Students whose last name begins with I–P

Wednesday, Jan. 16: Students whose last name begins with Q–Z.

Course selection nights set

Parents whose students are eighth graders art Daniel Wright Middle School will receive a mailing with their child's course placements in English, mathematics, science, and Spanish (if applicable). Shortly after receiving the placements, there will be two course selection evenings at Stevenson; Thursday, Jan. 24: for students whose last name begins with A–L and Tuesday, Jan. 29 for students whose last name begins with M–Z.

Jazz showcase dinner set at BGHS

The Buffalo Grove High School Music Dept. will host its second annual Jazz Showcase Dinner on Friday, Jan. 18 in the Buffalo Grove High School cafeteria. Jazz showcase.

From the Police Reports

Police are investigating a theft from the CVS store at 20 E. Dundee of more than $1,000 worth of pain digestive medications. Store personnel told police that two people entered the store and apparently used two holiday gift bags to put the items in.

A Vernon Hills couple reported to police that she found an engagement ring in the parking lot of Spoerlein Commons. The ring was placed in evidence at the BGPD. There were no reports of a missing engagement ring.


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