Jan 29, 2019

Frigid weather brings multitude of closings, altered schedules

The following information was distributed by the village of Buffalo Grove. Schedules of various organizations and school districts may change.

Village to maintain regular
business hours on Wednesday
The village of Buffalo Grove will be open during normal business hours on Wednesday, Jan. 30. Severe weather safety tips can be found here.

School closures
While most schools are closed tomorrow, you should check the Emergency Closing Center at emergencyclosingcenter.com about future late openings or closures.
Area closures for Wednesday, Jan. 30
Below is a listing of closures on Wednesday, Jan. 30, (at publish time) due to record low temperatures and wind chills in the forecast.
** Lake County Offices: Thursday hours are TBD based on the weather.
** Buffalo Grove Park District: Alcott Center, Community Arts Center, Emmerich Park building, Golf Dome and Raupp Museum. All closed facilities and programs will resume at noon . on Thursday. The Buffalo Grove Park District Fitness Center is scheduled to be open on Wednesday.
** Vernon Township Offices: Thursday hours are TBD based on the weather.
** Vernon Area Public Library: Thursday hours are TBD based on the weather.
** Indian Trails Library: Thursday hours will be from 1 p.m. until 9 p.m. Additionally, materials originally due Jan. 29 - Feb. 1, will not be due until Monday, Feb. 4.
** The Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Court in Waukegan is closed both Wednesday and Thursday. Full details are at this site.

Waste Management pick-up delayed one day
Waste Management will delay pickups in Buffalo Grove by one day, beginning on Wednesday, Jan. 30, due to record breaking temperatures and wind chills. Therefore, normal Wednesday pickup will occur on Thursday, Thursday pickup will be on Friday, and Friday pickup will be made on Saturday. For more information, please contact Waste Management by clicking here.

Check on your neighbors
As record-breaking temperatures approach, residents are encouraged  to try and clear snow from the end of driveways and on sidewalks to prevent ice from forming and causing dangerous conditions. Residents are also reminded to help neighbors when they can and be sure to check on them - especially if they are elderly, disabled or live alone.
Residents are also encouraged to request well-being checks if they cannot check on loved ones or neighbors themselves, simply by calling 9-1-1.

Clear snow from gas meters, vents and fire hydrants
Gas Meters: Residents should inspect natural gas meters and remove any ice and snow build up. This will prevent stress on the regulator and meter piping, which can cause gas to leak into the home and create unsafe conditions. Use a broom, a snow brush or your hands to lightly remove snow and ice. For extremely heavy buildup, please contact the gas company by visiting this link.
** Outdoor Vents: Snow drifts/piles outside of homes can cause serious threats to families, including causing the build-up of carbon monoxide in the home. Click here to view safety tips and to prevent this from happening.
** Fire Hydrants: Hydrants can get buried by snow and are not able to be accessed by firefighters when they need them to most. Residents are asked to please clear a 3-foot path around hydrants and pave a path to the street, in their neighborhoods. The Fire Department thanks residents in advance for their help.

Got News?
If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.  Articles should include a contact name email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content. Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

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