Apr 25, 2019

Recycling, redevelopment and recounts focus in village

New recycling program, cart replacement begin Wednesday
Residents can replace existing refuse carts for a different size starting Wednesday. The 2019 replacement program runs through May 31.  Residents who want to replace their garage or recycling carts should call Waste Management at 800-796-9696. Residents should note that exchanged carts may not be new; in most cases, existing carts will be exchanged with a used cart.
 The new At Your Door (AYD) program starts May 1. Residents can begin to schedule pick-ups May 1for hazardous or difficult to dispose of items, including automotive products, garden and swimming pool chemicals, electronics, and more. For additional information and a full list of accepted items, click here.

Prairie View development becoming a priority
According to reports in the Daily Herald, “..now that Buffalo Grove trustees have integrated the Prairie View Metra Station Area Plan into the village's comprehensive plan, officials are moving forward to make its proposals a reality…” Details can be found at Prairie View development.

Lee files for ‘discovery recount’
Soojae Lee, who lost to incumbent David Weidenfeld for a spot on the Buffalo Grove Village Board by two votes, has filed for a ‘discovery recount’ with the Lake County Clerk. The date for the discovery recount will be determined by the Clerk’s office. Candidates have until this Monday, April 29 to file for a discovery.  The date for filing for a discovery recount in Cook County is also Monday. Full details are at Lee seeks recount.

Rotary Village Green renamed
Rotary Village Green, 265 N. Buffalo Grove Road, will be renamed in memory of longtime community volunteer, Ernie Karge. Rotary Green, Renaming to honor Karge

Farmers’ Market seeks volunteers
Volunteers are needed for the Buffalo Grove Farmers' Market. Anyone interested in helping is welcome to attend the next planning meeting, Tuesday, April 30, at 7 p.m. at Buffalo Grove Village Hall, 50 Raupp Boulevard. For questions or to learn more about how to become a volunteer, contact Peggy Starczowski at pstarczo@vbg.org or call 847-459-2530
The 10th season of the Buffalo Grove Farmers' Market opens June 16 and will take place every Sunday from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. through mid-October. The market will offer locally grown fruits and vegetables, condiments, specialty cheeses, freshly made donuts and more. Entertainment and special events will also be included, in addition to booths showcasing local businesses and nonprofit organizations. For more information, visit the Farmers' Market Facebook page here.

Pride parade taking shape

More than 90 participants and 50 sponsors are set to participate in the June 2 Pride Parade. The parade, being coordinated by 13-year-old Molly Pinta and her family’s non-profit organization, The Pinta Pride Project Inc., will begin at 10 a.m. on Checker Drive between Carry Lane and Ridgefield Lane. After the parade, a Uniquley Us Festival sponsored by the Buffalo Grove Park District from noon to 4 p.m. at Mike Rylko Park.

End of Passover events set
The Northwest Suburban Chabad will hold Yizkor memorial services at noon on Saturday, April 27, the last day of Passover, at Club Hose, 285 Cobbler Lane, Buffalo Grove. Also scheduled is a Moshiach Seudah, the last meal of Passover, at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday. It will be at 550 LaSalle Court, Buffalo Grove.

Defense tactics course set
Learn the basics of punching, blocking, kicking and other safety tips in a fun and interactive environment.
Buffalo Grove Police will host a series of three, free Defense Tactics classes on May 2, 9 and 16, beginning at 4:30 p.m. at the Alcott Center, 530 Bernard Drive.
Certified Defensive Tactics instructors will teach personal safety basis, along with other tips. Attendees should wear comfortable clothing. Contact the Buffalo Grove Park District to register at 847-850-2117

From the Police Reports
  • A resident contacted police after a man saying he was with AT&T knocked on her door saying he need to remove a piece of cable from her property.  The woman contacted AT&T and found out the man was not an AT&T employee.  The man left while she was on the phone with police.
  • A woman allegedly drove off with a man’s car while they were getting gas at the Speedway station at 201 N. Milwaukee.  The woman and man were two of four people in the car who got out while they were getting gas.  The woman then returned to the car and drove off.  The car was later found in Grayslake and returned to its owner undamaged.
  • An employee of Eye Q Optique reported a pair of Coach frames valued at $62 were taken by a patient. Police contacted the patient who, after denying she took the frames, admitted that she did and returned them.
  • Police observed a man going through the garbage cans behind Walgreen’s, 1701 N. Buffalo Grove Road.  He told police he was looking for receipts because, say reports, “he like to complete the customer service survey that is on the bottom of the receipt.”  Police told him and that he should not be going through garbage cans.
  • Nearly $270 worth of Nexium and Nicorette gum was taken from the Mariano’s in the 400 block of Half Day Road.
  • A man said he had a scam phone call from someone saying they were with the Social Security Administration  and that his identity was stolen. The resident realized it was a scam and did not follow the caller's instructions.
  • A woman reported to police that she responded to an email seeking individuals to work as secret shoppers. She received a letter saying she had to buy three “Google play cards” at $500 each. She was told she would receive a cashier’s check for the total.  She purchased the cards, but soon suspected a scam when a second letter arrived. She was asked to forward the cards, but did not and was able to return all three cards.
  • A 22-year-old Arlington Heights man was charged two counts of DUI after police received an anonymous compliant about a man who was apparently asleep in his car.  Police located the man and suspected h was intoxicated. His BAC was .168. Police also found drug paraphernalia in his car.  He received a ticket for violating a village ordinance regarding possession of less than 10 grams or less of cannabis and drug paraphernalia.
  • A Park City woman was cited for driving without a license, operating an uninsured vehicle, obstructing window.  Police discovered the woman’s license was revoked in 2009.

School Notes

Volunteers needed for fourth–grade state fair
The fourth–grade Illinois State Fair arrives at Half Day School on May 16. Four volunteers from each class are needed – two to help with set up and decorations on May 15 and two to help on the day of the event. Please sign up through the PTO's Sign-UpGenius.
Second grade game night May 3
The PTO second–grade game night will take place from 6:45–8:00 p.m. Friday, May 3 at Sprague School. The event is for students as well as siblings and parents. This year the event will feature a variety of the school’s own games to play as well as games provided by GameWright Games! GameWright makes many Sprague favorites including Sleeping Queens, Hiss, Zeus on the Loose, and Loot. Volunteers are needed to help set up, clean up, assist with game instructions, and sell games. Most of these roles will allow you to still spend time with your family. Please consider helping out to make the event a success. Sign up on SignupGenius.

Student Voices

Read the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools at these links:

Got News?
If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.  Articles should include a contact name email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content. Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...