Apr 19, 2019

Weidenfeld, Lee remain neck-and-neck in Trustee race

Soojae Lee
Dave Weidenfeld
With Lake County votes listed as official and Cook County votes to be certified by the end of Tuesday, incumbent Village Board Trustee David Weidenfeld holds a two-vote lead over challenger Soojae Lee. The Cook County Board of Elections provide for discoveries of vote totals if, according to its website, “A losing candidate whose vote is equal to at least 95% of a winning candidate’s vote has the statutory right to a discovery recount. [A discovery recount cannot change the results of an election; it provides an opportunity to gather information about an election.]” The deadline for filing fir a discovery is April 29th.  Complete details about the Cook County process can be found at Cook County Discovery.

Sussman avoids censure with apology
A resolution of censure of Village Board President Beverly Sussman was withdrawn Monday, April 15 after she apologized for comments made during and after the April 2 election. Sussman had been chided for remarks she made in various media outlets about opponent Mike Terson and former Village President Jeff Braiman whom she defeated in 2015. Sussman apologizes

Berman honored for service
Outgoing trustee, Jeff Berman, slices
cake at reception in his honor.
Outgoing Village Board Trustee Jeff Berman was honored before and during the April 15th Village Board meeting. A reception was held is honor prior to the meeting and Village Board President Beverly Sussman read a proclamation citing Berman’s nearly three decades of service to the village. Trustees Lester Ottenheimer III, David Weidenfeld, Eric Smith and Joanne Johnson each made statements reflecting on the impact Berman has had on their tenure on the Board. Trustee Andrew Stein was not in attendance. Berman honored, Fond farewell for Berman,

Tributes pour in for Richard Drazner

Richard Drazner
An emotion-filled Dane Bragg reflected on Richard Drazner, Buffalo Grove Park District Commissioner who died suddenly April 5. Bragg’s comments came during the April 15 meeting of the Buffalo Grove Village Board meeting. Bragg recounted Drazner’s impact on not only the Park District Board, but also Rotary Club.  Bragg is an active member of the Buffalo Grove Rotary club as was Drazner. “He always had smile,” Bragg said. “He was taken way too soon.” BG Park Commissioner, Drazner, Drazner mourned

Bragg gets contract extension
The Village Board Monday night approved a contract extension for Village Manager Dane Bragg. The new contract keeps Bragg in the fold through 2022. Bragg's contract extended, Board approves extension for Bragg

BG, Lincolnshire mull farmland future
The Countryside Reminder reports that Buffalo Grove Village Manager Dane Bragg and Lincolnshire Village Manager Brad Burke told the paper that why land owners have not indicated an intent to sell, discussion about its future was the topic at a recent Lincolnshire Village Board meeting. Farmland

Rotary offering scholarships
The Buffalo Grove Rotary Club is offering academic scholarships for up to $2,000 each to current students or graduates of Buffalo Grove High School or Adlai Stevenson High School. Applicants must be accepted into a Bachelor Degree college program and be preparing to obtain a four-year degree.
Completed applications and all required supporting documents must be submitted by June 1, 2019 for consideration. The scholarships are one-time grants.
"The Buffalo Grove Rotary Club raises funds every year for a variety of great causes, and providing scholarships for our local students is one of those great causes," said Buffalo Grove Rotary Club President Shawn Collins. "We invite our community members to pass this information along to current or former students of Buffalo Grove or Stevenson who are working to obtain a four-year degree."
Applicants must provide a completed (and legible) scholarship application with other documentation, including: Two letters of reference, High school or community college (if applicable) transcripts for all institutions attended, an essay of up to 500 words explaining how the applicant has demonstrated the Rotary Motto of 'Service Above Self'
Applications can be downloaded at bgrotary.org and once completed can be emailed along with supporting documents to Pat Johannes, Academic Scholarship Chair at atricejohannes@att.net.

From the Police Reports

Buffalo Grove police responded to the following complaints:
**         Retail theft from a grocery store in the 400 block of Half Day.  Reported missing $1,850 worth of over the counter medications including Zantac, Pepcid, Crest White strips, Nicorette gum.
**         Three complaints from residents at the same apartment/condo complex regarding issues with the Homeowners Association. Complaints include papers being torn out of a resident’s hand, a resident being struck by the HOA president, and a report of torn papers being found in front of a resident’s door. All three issues seemed to stem from information posted on a bulletin board in the common area. Complaints were advised to contact an attorney.
**         A complaint by an employee at a bank in the 400 block of east Deerfield Parkway about a customer whose accounts were closed due to “questionable” money transfers and international transactions.  Police reports say the man reportedly opened a pocket knife and was “going to kill” the person responsible for closing the accounts. The man left, but bank officials wanted a police report on file to warn the employee named by the customer.
**         A complaint by a resident of “someone urinating on his front porch.”  According to reports, the resident in the 2900 block of Bayberry received two packages from Amazon.  Video footage showed a female delivery driver dropping two packages on the front porch.  She started to leave but then returned to the front porch, and according to police reports “walked to the far corner (right side of front door) behind the bushes, pulls down her pants and then urinates on the patio.  She then pulls up her pants and walks away.”  The report notes that a short time later, a “M/W subject in his 60s shows up on the porch and appears to take a picture of the packages that were delivered and the leaves the area on foot.  They both drive away in what appears to be a Mazda hatchback.
The resident notified Amazon.  Police do not think it was a hate crime or that it would happen again, saying “it appeared more likely someone who made a poor decision out of necessity.”  No report if the resident had Amazon Prime.
**         A 20-year old Palatine woman was charged with speeding, driving with a revoked license, operating an uninsured vehicle and possession of drug paraphernalia.
**         Buffalo Grove police reported three arrests for driving while under the influence.
**         One person was charged with driving with revoked license, and operating a motor vehicle with a lighted lamps violation (burned out).

School News

BG Students recognized -- Several Buffalo Grove students were among those honored by High School District 214 at its annual contest recognition evening. Contest reception.

BGHS students National Merit Scholarship winners - -Several Buffalo Grove High School students have been named recipients of National Merit Scholarship winners. BG National Merit recipients
Stevenson students advance in national math tournament
Several Stevenson High School math whizzes will be in New York April 29th to compete in the finals of a national tournament organized by Philadelphia-based Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and sponsored by MathWorks, M3 Challenge. Math tourney

Take a closer look at…
Countryside Reminder columnist, Aileen Simons profiles a local pediatrician with a unique passion. Aileen Simons Column

Student Voices

Read the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools at these links:

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If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.  Articles should include a contact name email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content. Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...