Charges filed in domestic abuse case

An 18-year-old Chicago man is facing two counts of domestic battery (one for bodily harm and one for physical contact) and one charge of possession/purchasing/consuming alcohol under age 21 following an incident at the Arboretum Golf Club.  Police reports say they found the man, who they say appeared heavily intoxicated, in the club’s parking lot shirtless.  While they tried to determine what happened between the man and the woman, reportedly his stepmother, the man was saying “F--k you ni--a. I didn’t do s--t, f--k you”.
The man told police he was trying to leave a party when his stepmother as trying to grab him. The man had a minor scrape to the side of his nose and a slightly swollen upper lip. Police reports say the woman had a laceration to the forehead, as well as one to the bridge of her nose.
Police reports say the 18-year-old was intoxicated and was trying to be persuaded to leave the party by his stepmother, his girlfriend and father.  His mother said he was “screaming in Spanish” at other men in the parking lot and she did not want him to provoke any additional confrontations. The woman said she was trying to push her stepson into a car, but he kept push his way out and began punching her in the face.
Battery charges filed -- A Lake in the Hills man has a June 10 court date after he was arrested and charged with two counts of battery following an incident at a company in the 2500 block of Millbrook Drive.  Police reports note that the 35-year-old man allegedly made unwanted physical contact with a female employee. The woman, police day, said the man grabbed her left breast by reaching into the chest pocket on top of her clothing. While many of the details in the report are redacted in accordance with the Illinois Freedom of Information act, the report does say that the man admitted to touching the woman and was placed under arrest.
Man charged with multiple DUI charges -- A Prospect Heights man faces five charges following a May 28 traffic stop.  Police say the man, 30, is charged with one count of aggravated DUI, two counts of DUI/Alcohol, one count of driving with a suspended or revoked license and one count of operating an uninsured vehicle. Police reports say the man was stopped on Dundee Road and appeared to have slurred speech with a strong presence of alcohol. He initially gave police a fictional name before police noted a different name on his Mexico Consular card. Police found opened cans of beer in the man’s car. His BrAC was .132
Man cited for disobeying a police officer -- A Wheeling man was charged with driving on a suspended/revoke license and disobeying a police officer after he failed to obey police signals and flares that had been set-up while police investigate an accident.  According to police reports, the man’s vehicle “veered to the left, towards the median and continue through the intersection.” The man reportedly told police he was “confused” and thought he could go around the emergency response equipment. During the discussion with police they checked his license and found it had been suspended by the SOS office.
Two cars broken into -- A resident in the 200 block of Old Creek Drive reported that his radar detector was taken from his car while it was parked in his driveway. The driver’s side window was broken, which enabled entrance to the vehicle.  On the same day, a resident in the 600 Block of Thompson Blvd. reported a radar detector and GPS unit were taken from her car while it was parked in her driveway.  Police reports say the drivers side window was broke to gain entrance to the vehicle.
Identify theft probed – A resident in the 100 block of Old Oak Court told police that her identity had been compromised resulting in purchases totaling more than $4,700 at various stores including Victoria’s Secret, Verizon, Walmart and Comcast.
Woman charged with drug paraphernalia possession – An 18-year-old Grayslake woman received a village adjudication ticket for possession of drug paraphernalia after police spotted she and a 19-year-old male companion parked in the parking of the Jaycees Bicentennial Park.  No drugs were found, but police note there was a strong odor of cannabis in the car.
Forcible entry reported – The owner of a restaurant in the 200 block of Dundee Road reported that the cash register was damaged and cash removed.
Tires stolen off of cars – Police reports four tires were removed from a Cadillac and two from a Mercedes at a car dealer in the 0 – 100 block of Dundee Road.  The vehicles were placed on blocks.
Clean teeth – Police report a theft of five Sonicare electric toothbrushes and three packs of Crest White strips from the Walgreens at Lake Cook and Buffalo Grove roads.  Total value was $247.
‘Oh deer’, what’s wrong the fence? A resident in the 500 block of Caren Drive reported damage to his chain link fence. He also told police there was a deer carcass in the park area behind his fence. He told police he was not sure if they were connected.

Pride parade Sunday
The Inaugural Pride Parade is Sunday beginning at 10 a.m. and ending at approximately noon. The parade will begin at the intersection of Carry Lane and Checker Drive and head north on Checker to Ridgefield Lane. Click here for more information and to view the parade route map and road closure information. Parade organizers are hoping for good weather.Checker Drive will be closed from 5 a.m. - 5 p.m. for setup and clean-up. Molly Pinta, who came up with the idea for the parade, has been profiled in The Chicago Reader and on For additional information and questions about the parade, email

Blood drive Saturday
The Buffalo Grove Community Blood Drive will take place Saturday, June 1 from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the Alcott Center, 530 Bernard Drive. Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments and recommended. Please call Vitalant (formerly LifeSource) at 877-258-4825 to schedule your appointment. 

Fire Up! Food truck festival to benefit MDA
The Buffalo Grove Professional Firefighters Local 3177 is hosting the Fire Up! Food Truck Festival Saturday from noon until 4 p.m. at Woodland Park, 2500 N. Buffalo Grove Road. This festival will raise funds and promote awareness of the multiple forms of Muscular Dystrophy, a debilitating neuromuscular disease. Attendees can enjoy food, beverages and live music. For additional information about this event, please click here

Village announces organization changes
            To best align with the Village Board’s strategic goals, the Village of Buffalo Grove has promoted two individuals and appointed a third to serve in an interim role as the Director of Finance and General Services.
  Christopher Stilling, AICP, has been appointed to the position of Deputy Village Manager. Stilling’s primary responsibilities will be in the areas of community development, finance, golf operations, risk management, general administration and community engagement. He joined the Village in 2014 as Community Development Director and has more than 20 years of experience in local government management, development and public administration. In addition to his continued service as the Director of Community Development, he will join Deputy Village Manager Jennifer Maltas who will oversee public works, public safety (comprising law enforcement, fire protection and emergency medical services), legal, human resources and employee relations.
Nicole Woods, AICP, has been appointed to the position of Deputy Community Development Director. She will oversee the daily operations of the Community Development Department, including current and long-range planning, zoning, permitting and inspections. In 2015 she joined the village as principal planner and has more than 13 years of experience in the areas of community planning, zoning and community standards.
With the departure of Director of Finance and General Services Scott Anderson, Deputy Finance Director Andrew Brown has been appointed as the Interim Director of the Department. During his interim role, Brown will provide leadership in the areas of finance, treasury and cash management, budget development and water utility customer service. He will also serve as the village’s designated treasurer and budget officer. Brown joined the Village in 2014 as Deputy Finance Director and has more than 13 years of experience working in finance for local government.
            The Village will engage a public sector recruiting firm specializing in executive leadership to seek a permanent replacement for the Director of Finance and General Services. A search will be conducted for potential internal candidates as well as a national recruitment for potential external candidates who fit the Village’s criteria for executive leadership, innovation and the highest standards of customer service.

Reception honors Anderson
Village Manager Dane Bragg presents
Scott Anderson with a commemorative
street sign
Scott Anderson chats with
Public Works Director Mike Reynolds and
Evan Michel, assistant to the village manager
Village employees, officials and residents bid farewell to Scott Anderson at a reception at Village Hall on Wednesday. Anderson, who starts as Barrington’s village manager on Monday, called the village a “great place to work” and cited the professionalism of the staff.  “It’s all about the people,” he said, adding that “there are so many professionals here who work as a team and deliver professional services.” For more about Anderson’s career in Buffalo Grove, see the Daily Herald's profile.

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