May 24, 2019

Traffic stop leads to felony drug bust

A traffic stop resulted in a Glenview man being arrested and charged with a class 4 Felony for possession of a controlled substance. Police were summoned to the Shell station at 50 W. Lake-Cook for a man reportedly driving erratic. When police arrived, the man told them he did not think he was driving erratically and was unsure why anyone would call the police. When asked if he was on any medication, he said he was taking methadone for a heroin addiction. While looking in the front passenger side window, Police observed a white plastic grocery bag with the bottom portion of a Red Bull can that appeared to have some type of “opaque residue” on it. After lengthy discussions, the man requested his phone, however police did not want him to damage or destroy any potential evidence. Police retrieved his phone and [picked up a small plastic bag with several small capsules. The man confirmed that the substance was heroin. Police also found an open bag of syringes.
Burglary investigated -- Residents in the 300 block of Foxford Drive reported that their home had been entered while they were gone May 18. Reports say there was no sign of forced entry. The home was reportedly ransacked. Reports did not include a list of items.  The residents say they had hired a cleaning service off of Craig’s List and were dissatisfied and did not schedule additional cleanings.
Just a trim? – Police responded to a local Super Cuts for a customer-management dispute because a customer refused to tell the stylist how he wanted his hair cut. Seems as though, not police reports, the man wanted a different stylist to cut his hair because of previous haircuts. When police first arrived, reports say they asked the man to talk with them outside, but wanted to wait until an additional officer arrived, to which the man yelled “‘Cause I’m brown.” Police also discussed the matter with an employee who said that when asked how he wanted his hair cut, he simply said “make me beautiful.”  The employee said she was concerned because the man was, say reports, “acted strange and wasn’t sure what was wrong with him.”
If you can’t get Ethyl --- Police responded to the gas station at Woodman’s after a customer told another customer that he was next in line and asked the driver to move his car.  The driver told the man that he had a gun and “knows how to use it.” Police were able to track the driver down.  He told them the vehicle pulled in so close, he could not leave. Reports say “what started out as a stern request to move escalated to yelling by both drivers.”  The man who said he had gun admitted that he doesn’t own one and denied threatening to kill anyone.
Pot bust – A Fox Lake man was charged with a village violation for possessing less than 30 grams of cannabis after police stopped to offer a motorist assist and noticed a strong odor of “fresh and burnt cannabis.”
Not a happy Ben -- An employee at an auto parts store reported a suspected counterfeit $100 bill that was allegedly used to pay for new wiper blades. The customer told the employee that “my grandmother gave it to me.” The employee refused to give the bill back to her. She then left the store. Police confiscated the bill and contacted the U.S. Secret Service.
Community Notes
Village to honor war heroes
Buffalo Grove’s annual Memorial Day Ceremony will at the historic Knopf Cemetery located just north of Checker Drive on Arlington Heights Road in Buffalo Grove on Monday, May 27, 2019 at 11 a.m. The Memorial Day Service is held each year by the Board of Trustees of the cemetery. Participating in the brief service will be community veterans’ organizations, members of local Boy Scout Troops, and other readers. Rev. Eric Brown, Chaplain at Great Lakes Naval Station will offer brief words appropriate for the day. The ceremony will include special readings and music. A flag ceremony and taps are included in the ceremony. The event is coordinated by Kingswood United Methodist Church.

Rec weed gets whacked by Village Board
The Village Board Monday night passed a resolution opposing recreational marijuana  in Illinois, following a nearly hour-long discussion.  When all said and done, the Board was deadlocked, 3-3.  Board President Beverly Sussman cast the deciding vote.
Board members sworn in
Village Board members who were elected or re-elected to the Buffalo Grove Village Board during the April 2 election were sworn in on Monday, May 20. They included Board President Beverly Sussman, Village Clerk Jane Sirabian and trustees Eric Smith, David Weidenfeld and first-timer Gregory Pike. Prior to the oaths being administered, outgoing trustee Jeff Berman was honored for his service.
Firefighters, paramedics to hold MDA fund raiser June 1
Buffalo Grove Fire Department Local 3177 is hosting “Fire Up for MDA,” a fund-raiser, from noon to 4 p.m. in Woodman Park, 2500 N. Buffalo Grove Road on Saturday June 1. Funds will benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Associations.  A collection of food trucks will be on location during the four-hour event.
The Buffalo Grove Professional Firefighters and Paramedics have been collecting for MDA since 1993. They have raised over $150,000 dollars since 2010. In years past, members of the BGFD have supported the fill the boot campaign the traditional way by collecting in the intersection of Arlington Heights Rd and Lake Cook Rd. This year they decided to try something new. They wanted to host a community event that was unique to the area. Members hope to expand on this event every year and make it an annual festival. There will be 10 food trucks, live music, raffle items, a children’s area and fire department displays. The event is free to get into and open to the public. It is going to be a rain or shine festival.

Blood drive June 1
The Buffalo Grove Community Blood Drive will take place Saturday, June 1 from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the Alcott Center, 530 Bernard Drive in Buffalo Grove. Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments and recommended. Call Vitalant (formerly Life Source) at 877-258-4825 to schedule your appointment.

Celebration of Community event set for June 2
The Buffalo Grove Park District will host Uniquely Us - A Celebration of Community, on Sunday, June 2 from noon until 4 p.m. at Mike Rylko Community Park, 951 McHenry Road. This free event will feature live music, community acts, family entertainment and a business expo.  Food trucks will be on hand, and beer and wine will be available for purchase.
Rotary scholarship applications deadline is June 1
The deadline to apply for the Buffalo Grove Rotary Club Academic Scholarships is Saturday, June 1. Scholarships of up to $2,000 each are being offered to current students or graduates of Buffalo Grove High School or Stevenson High School. For more information about the qualifications and requirements to apply, and to download an application, click here.
School supplies drive under way
Even though the current school year is winding down, Vernon Township is among several agencies collecting school supplies for needy students.

Pride parade preparations continue
The route and exhaustive list of street closures and traffic restrictions are in place for the June 2 Pride Parade.

School News
D103 captures third in national Science Bowl
The Daniel Wright Junior High School Academic Science Bowl team for placing third at nationals on Saturday, April 27 during the competition in Washington, D.C.
Science Bowl is a competitive academic club for students who excel and enjoy science. Students compete in a "Jeopardy Style" format answering math and science questions. The National Science Bowl continues to be one of the premier academic competitions across the country and prepares America's students for future successes in some of the world's fastest growing fields in science, technology, and engineering, said U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry.
Student competitors included Akshansh Chauhan (7), and Dev Ganguli (8), Vedant Rathi (7), Deepak Salian (8), and Rishabh Wuppalapati (8). Coaches are Katie Yan and Tony Hafner.
Student Voices

Read the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools at these links:
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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...