Jun 28, 2019

Porn arrest, robbery investigation keep cops busy

Buffalo Grove police are continuing their investigation into an armed robbery reported by a Buffalo Grove resident in the area of Fox Court East and Cobblestone Lane. Police say the robbery occurred around 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 25.

            The victim was reportedly sitting in their own vehicle parked on their driveway when the incident occurred. The robber, described as a black male, approximately 25-30 years of age, 5’7” to 5’8” with a slim build, wearing a dark colored hooded sweatshirt and a face mask, reportedly approached the vehicle and demanded items from the victim while displaying what is believed to be a handgun.

            The victim, who was uninjured, stated the robber took off on foot southbound through the neighborhood, towards the area of Fox Hill Drive and Cobblestone Lane.

            This is an ongoing investigation. Police believe the victim was targeted and there is no active threat to the community.

            Persons with any information about this incident, should call the Buffalo Grove Police Department at (847) 459-2560 and ask to speak with the Investigations Unit.

Two charged in child porn case

A multi-week investigation by Buffalo Grove Police has resulted in the arrest of two people for child pornography and one for predatory criminal sexual assault.

            Kimberly Schubert, 43, of Buffalo Grove was charged with four Class X felonies; she received two charges for predatory criminal sexual assault with the victim being under 13, and two charges for child pornography. Schubert was arrested on May 30, and was initially given a $1 million bond. Her bond was then reduced to $300,000 and she posted the required bond amount of $30,000 (10%) on June 7th.

            Jason Akai, 44, of Oak Forest, was charged with two Class X felonies, including solicitation of child pornography and production of child pornography – both with the victim being under 13 years of age. He was arrested June 20th and given a $1 million bond; he is still in custody in the Lake County Jail at this time.

            Charges for both Schubert and Akai were approved by the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office.

            This case came to light after the Department of Children and Family Services alerted Buffalo Grove Police of a tip they received from an out-of-state therapist. Evidence was subsequently gathered through the investigation to support the charges against Schubert. It was also determined that pornographic pictures had been distributed to Akai. With the assistance of the Oak Forest Police Department and the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office, a search warrant was conducted at Akai’s residence.

            The public is reminded that individuals that are charged with any crime are considered innocent until proven guilty.

Yes, it’s scan and go, but payment is needed -- Police were summoned to Woodman’s by store security personnel who observed a man and women scan $92.21 worth of grocery items and after their payment was rejected, tried to leave without paying. Employees got the license number of the couple’s car, enabling police to trace them to a Palatine address. Police reports say the lack of payment was unintentional and the couple would make restitution to the store.

No injuries reported in restaurant fire, explosion -- Buffalo Grove police and fire officials responded to Boston Market after an oven exploded on June 21. Store personnel said a maintenance worker was replacing a gas line to the oven when the shut off valve became disconnected. The restaurant was closed and will (or did) reopen after a village inspection.

Deceptive practice – A Roselle man was charged with a Class 4 felony for deception after he tried to pass bogus checks on June 21 and 22 at the Buffalo Grove Post Office. Postal employees noticed something suspicious, reports say, after a bulletin was posted about a woman trying to pay for $275 worth of stamps with non-sufficient checks. Police met with the man who said he was trying to sell the stamps for cash.  He told officers he had “a couple hundred dollars” in his checking account. Police reports say they were able to verify low balances in the man’s account which enabled them to arrest and charge him. He told police he used the checks on different days to buy stamps in Buffalo Grove.  When asked why he came to the Buffalo Grove post office from Roselle, police reports say the man told them “it is easier to buy stamps here than in the city.”

Well-being check – Police were summoned to a shopping plaza at Dundee and Arlington Heights roads to check on a woman and small child that were pan handling.  Police reports say officers found the two who were reportedly part of a Romanian Traveling Gypsy crew that stays at various hotels throughout northern Illinois. The woman was told by police to “move on” and seeks resources through proper means.
In other village news
July Fourth festivities set

The Buffalo Grove Symphonic Band will perform at the Ernie Karge Rotary Village Green, 260 N. Buffalo Grove Road. The performance begins at 7 p.m. followed by fireworks, sponsored by Siemens, at dusk (approximately 9:15 p.m.). The fireworks can be viewed from the Village Green, Willow Stream Park or the Buffalo Grove Golf Course. Click here for a parking and road closure map and here for more information about these events.

Cops plan enhanced enforcement

Buffalo Grove Police have announced plans for their Fourth of July traffic enforcement, with a focus on impaired and unbuckled drivers. The safety campaign will run through July 8.

            “We’re asking all of our residents and visitors to celebrate Independence Day safely,” Sergeant Michelle Kondrat said. “It’s simple; If you’re driving, don’t be intoxicated. Our officers will be out in full force to keep impaired drivers off the road.”

            Buffalo Grove Police will join the Illinois State Police and more than 160 local police and sheriff’s departments for this increased, statewide enforcement effort.

            “This Fourth of July designate a sober driver and don’t let friends or family members drive under the influence,” Kondrat said.

            Other important tips include:

            • Give the designated driver your keys before you go out.

            • If you are drunk or impaired by marijuana or other drugs, call a taxi, take mass transit, use your favorite ride-sharing service, or call a sober friend or family member to get you home safely.

            • When driving, promptly report drunk drivers to law enforcement by pulling over your vehicle and calling 911.

            • Make sure everyone in your vehicle wears their seat belt. Not only is it the law, it’s your best defense against an impaired driver.

            The ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’ and ‘Click It or Ticket’ campaigns are made possible by federal traffic safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation. The crackdown runs concurrently with a media campaign reminding motorists that impaired driving has life or death consequences. Visit LifeOrDeathIllinois.com for more information.

BG Days nonprofit tents available

Informational tents for nonprofits are available on Sunday, Sept. 1 and Monday Sept. 2 during Buffalo Grove Days. There is no cost, but booths must be occupied from noon until dusk on Sunday, and on Monday from 10 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Click here for more information and to download a registration form. Forms need to be dropped off at Village Hall by Aug. 15.

Police picnic planned

Buffalo Grove Police will be at the Vernon Area Public Library for "Picnic in the Park" on from 11:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on Friday, July 12. The event is free and open to all children in kindergarten through 5th grade, but registration is required. Officers will read stories and share summer safety tips. Click here to register and for more information.

Feel the burn?

Lake County Board representative Adam Didech (D-20) is looking for community input from residents who live in or near unincorporated areas, and from folks who may have experienced breathing issues due to smoke from leaf burning. Input can be provided by connective with the rookie rep on Facebook or by email at adidech@lakecountyil.gov.
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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...