May 11, 2020

Package thieves hit village

Buffalo Grove police continue their investigation into a rash of thefts of packages left near the front doors of several homes. According to police reports, five thefts occurred on May 5.  A resident in the 2500 block of Waterbury reported packages with contents estimated at $400 taken from his front door while another resident in the 2100 block of Apple Hill Lane told police a package valued at $30 was taken from his front door.  In another incident, a resident in the 2400 block of Waterbury reported a package contained nearly $50 in household goods was taken from her doorstep, while a homeowner in the 2400 block of Palazzo Drive told police a package with contents valued at $70 was taken from his doorstep. A fifth incident was reported to police by another resident in the 2400 block of Waterbury Drive in which packages with contents totaling $50 was reportedly taken from the front door.
Residents who had active video doorbell systems told police the person who allegedly took the packages was wearing a black hoody, dark pants and surgical style gloves.
A person fitting that description reportedly stole packages from front door steps in Lincolnshire, also on May 5.
Two cases of domestic battery reported --- A 44-year old Buffalo Grove man faces two counts of domestic battery after an incident on May 4.  Police reports say the man allegedly punched his wife and pushed her into the door during an argument. The woman told police there had been altercations before and this was not the first time she had been struck in the face by her husband.
            In another incident, a 45-year-old Buffalo Grove man was charged with domestic battery and domestic battery / bodily harm after an argument over use of the family vehicle escalated.
  Reports say the man threw a prescription drug bottle at his wife, causing a cut to her forehead. Buffalo Grove police say an increase in calls about domestic disputes has led to the development of a video on YouTube by Police Social Worker Brittany Wilson about domestic violence.  It can be found here.
Suspicious persons – A clerk at the 7-11 in the 1100 block of Weiland Road contacted police after two people reportedly walked through the store before buying some food.  On the way out. the two made a remark about robbing the store. According to reports surveillance cameras captured a license plate number enabling police to contact the two and tell them there were not welcomed back in the store.  Reports say the two had requested food from the “roller grill” – which would make anyone suspicious.
Pot luck visit? – Police reports indicate that an officer observed a vehicle pull into the parking lot of a shopping plaza at the corner of north Arlington Heights and Old McHenry Road. After noticing a lack of movement by the vehicle or its occupants, the officer drove by the vehicle and noticed that the occupants appeared to be wearing masks. The vehicle, police reports note, left the center and traveled south on McHenry Road and then east on Deerfield Parkway where several additional BGPD units assisted in pulling the vehicle over.
            Police reports say the vehicle in which the three occupants, all Chicago men, occupied had a heavy odor of marijuana.  Police searched the vehicle, and found only a small amount of marijuana.  They told police they had visited a friend who moved from Chicago to Buffalo Grove and after visiting pulled into the shopping plaza to smoke mariujuana as they did not want to smoke marijuana outside their friend’s house.   They apologized and were released.  At least they were wearing masks.
Burglary from a motor vehicle – Just like the swallows come back to Capistrano and the buzzards to Hinckley, Buffalo Grove Police responded to a report of a theft from a motor vehicle.  Same day, different vehicle, same report:  A person contacted police to report that her purse and keys were stolen from her car.  You know the rest, right?  The car was unlocked.  Next case, your honor.
Drone, drone off the range – A 44-year-old Buffalo Grove man probably wishes he had stayed sheltered in place on May 3 instead of trying to fly his drone near the Spray and Play lot on McHenry Road. Reports say the man reported his drone lost. The responding officer happened to be a canine officer and let the BGPD’s canine do a “property search” for the errant drone.  Reports say the dog showed interest in an item near the edge of wetlands near the park.  It appeared to be the drone, but it as too far for the man, the officer or the dog to retrieve it.  It was a classic case of “knick-knack paddywhack, can’t give the dog a drone,” so rather than send that old man home, the officer sought assistance from the Buffalo Grove Fire Department, which responded with a ladder truck.  Even with its ladder fully extended, they were unable to retrieve the drone.  According to reports, the man “wanted to walk out and try and retrieve the drone, but it was strongly suggested he not because it wasn't safe to do so.”  Good suggestion.  

Community News

 Board to decide fate of 2020 Farmers Market Monday
            With Buffalo Grove Days and Fourth of July events axed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Buffalo Grove Village Board is expected to vote on whether to allow the Farmers Market to be held this year.
            The Village Board is reportedly reviewing recommendations by the Illinois Farmers Market Association (IFMA) for holding Farmers Markets during the pandemics. Guidelines include prohibiting sampling, use of cash for sales and entertainment. The complete list can be found here.
            In regard to Buffalo Grove Days and the Fourth of July events., Village Board President Beverly Sussman said in a message to residents “This was not an easy decision to make, but we believe it is the right decision for Buffalo Grove. Since the start of this pandemic, we have done everything that we can as a Village to plan for the safety and welfare of our community members. Health officials have stated that summer gatherings are discouraged for safety reasons due to the spread of the virus, and since the July 4th celebrations fall into that time period, that decision was relatively straightforward.”
            The next Village Board meeting is at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 18 and will be available via Zoom.

TIF hearing set for June 22
            After the cancellation due to the state’s Stay-at-Home order, the village is planning to hold a Public Hearing on the development of a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district on June 22.  According to village officials, the meeting is scheduled to be at Village Hall, 50 Raupp Blvd.  However, in the event it cannot be held there because of state mandates restrictions, or if it is limited capacity, it may be done as a virtual meeting utilizing zoom. More information pertaining to the meeting information and links to the virtual meeting will be made available at this link.  

Domestic abuse video available
            Citing an increase in calls about domestic disputes during the Stay-at-Home period Brittany Wilson, social worker at the Buffalo Grove Police Department, offers tips for coping with domestic abuse and violence in a video.

Village newsletter available online
            The May/June issue of the village’s newsletter is available online as a .PDF file. Residents can access it at this link. Copies will not be mailed.

Chabad plans celebration
Northwest Suburban Chabad will host a Lag BaOmer celebration on Zoom from 5 to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 12 (tomorrow). Persons interested should sign into Zoom.  The meeting ID is 845 6144 0084. 
Lag BaOmer, the 33rd day of the Omer count is a festive day on the Jewish calendar. It is celebrated with outings (on which children traditionally play with bows and arrows), bonfires, parades and other joyous events. Many visit the resting place (in Meron, northern Israel) of the great sage and mystic Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, the anniversary of whose passing is on this day.
            For more information, call (847) 808-7770.
Lag BaOmer is always on the 18th day of the month of Iyar. Why the name Lag BaOmer? The word “Lag” is made of the Hebrew letters lamed (ל) and gimel (ג), which together have the numerical value of 33. “BaOmer” means “of the Omer.” The Omer is the counting period that begins on the second day of Passover and culminates with the holiday of Shavuot, following day 49.

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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...