Apr 26, 2021

IN THIS EDITION: Trash rates increase, BGPD plans food drive, BG rated a top place to live

Trash, recycling fees increase

Residents will see an increase on their bill for garbage and recycling collection starting May 1. The rate increase is $1.50 for single-family home customers and $1.15 for residents of multi-family homes. The increase reflects the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County’s increased fee, as well as increases to the Village’s contract with Waste Management. More details can be found here.

 Cops want residents to “Stuff the Squad”

            The Buffalo Grove Police Department is conducting a food drive beginning Saturday, May 1. The flyer shown here has all of the details


 Speaking of the Police Department

            The Department is still in the process of converting to a new reporting system and has not been able to provide media outlets police reports. The Department is hoping to resolve the issue in the near future.  In the meantime, let’s be careful out there.

Village ranks in top 10

If you missed the report on KROC, 1340-AM and 96.9-FM in Rochester, Minnesota, then you might have missed the news that Buffalo Grove ranks No. 8 out 100 as the best places to live in the Midwest. According to KROC’s crack news department, “

Stacker created a list of the best places to live in the Midwest as of 2020, using data from the review site Niche. Cities, towns, and suburbs considered were in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

A maximum of 15 places per state were included.” Waukee, Iowa checked in at No.100 and the vibrant community of Carmel, Indiana was rated No. 1. The full report is here.

 Fire Department to resume some classes

The Buffalo Grove Fire Department plans to resume basic life support CPR classes for healthcare providers only starting May 6. Heartsaver classes are planned to begin again in the near future.

Registration and class availability can be found on the village of Buffalo Grove’s website, https://vbg.enrollware.com/dualcalendar.

 Stevenson AP survey due soon

Residents in School District 125 are urged to complete the digital device survey ASAP indicating if you do or do not have a laptop or desktop at home. This survey helps the District ensure that all AP students have the technology they need to complete AP exams. You can take the survey here.

Residents who have any questions regarding testing, should email shs_testing@d125.org.

 Rotary seeks community service award nominees

The Buffalo Grove Rotary Club is accepting applications for the Bill Reid Community Service Award through June 1. The late Bill Reid was a longtime Village Trustee, a charter member of the Buffalo Grove Rotary Club and was dedicated to the betterment of Buffalo Grove. This award honors a resident who is making a difference in the community. For more information, or to apply, click here.

 Chabad plans Lag Ba’Omer celebration

            Northwest Suburban Chabad is hosting festivities for Lag Ba’Omer. It is a festive day on the Jewish calendar, celebrating the anniversary of the passing of the great sage and mystic Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, author of the Zohar. It also commemorates another event. In the weeks between Passover and Shavuot, a plague raged amongst the disciples of the great sage Rabbi Akiva. On Lag Ba’Omer the dying ceased. Learn more at Chabad’s Lag Ba’Omer site.

 Student Voices

Here are links to the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools.

·        **  Buffalo Grove High School Charger

·        **  Stevenson High School Statesman


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If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome.  They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.

Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.

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Domestic battery charges / Restaurants closing / Cultural Fair flap at ASHS

  From the cop shop ** Domestic battery – A 35-year-old Buffalo Grove man is facing domestic battery charges following an incident in the...