Burglary investigation continues -- Buffalo Grove police are continuing their investigation into a reported burglary in the 300 block of Mohawk March 27. Reports say the burglary occurred while the homeowner was on a bike ride. Entry, reports notes, was apparently made through a patio door that had been pried open. A list of items taken was reported at the time the report was filed.
Uber scam reported – A 56-year-old resident reported that he was the victim of a scam from “"Support for Uber" shortly after he had placed a called requesting a ride which failed to materialize. Reports say the resident the call was a legitimate “support call” because they knew about the 72-hour lockout rule the company reportedly has in place. The resident, reports say, provided personal information and then found $956 in charges on his Uber that were transferred to a debit card, and $90 in false Uber rides. There was also a reported attempt to withdrawn $456 from his bank account. The resident contacted his credit card company and did not incur any losses.
Community News & Notes
Board hears plans for limited BG Days
If Buffalo Grove Days is held this year, it will be an abbreviated format due to COVID-19. The Village Board April 5 heard ideas that would maintain the carnival at Rylko Park and concerts at Willow Stream Park. A fireworks show launched from the Buffalo Grove Golf Course would be held with viewing from Willow Stream Park. While a dedicated food tent is not part of the plans, Public Works Director Mike Skibbe said food trucks are being considered and that it is possible independent food operators could have their own tent. The Daily Herald reports that the popular beer tent would not be included, but other considerations are being discussed.
Beth Am food pantry open Sunday
The food pantry at Congregation Beth Am in Buffalo Grove, 1370 Abbott Court, will be open from noon to 2 pm this Sunday, April 11. The food pantry is open to anyone of religious background. No ID or financial documentation are required. Donations of non-perishable food and paper goods are acceptable at the same time.
Police Department reaccredited
The Buffalo Grove Police Department received its 9th reaccreditation after a virtual hearing conducted by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). In addition to the reaccreditation, the department was one of five agencies, out of 108 reviewed, to receive the CALEA Accreditation with Excellence Award. This credential is an additional indication of the agency’s effective use of accreditation as a model for enhanced public safety services and management professionalism.
Stevenson family programming set
Stevenson High School’s Patriot Family Programming has two programs scheduled. On Monday, April 12, the topic is Strategies to Connect with Your teen, that will address discuss how parents can build relationship with their teen. The Zoom link for this program is here. On Tuesday, April 13, the topic is How to notice good things in your life, which will focus on helping teens find ways to acknowledge the good things in their lives. The Zoom link for this program is here. Both programs begin at noon.
April focuses on alcohol responsibility, impaired driving
The Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility is working with law enforcement agencies to heighten its fight to eliminate drunk driving and underage drinking, while promoting responsible decision-making with alcohol consumption.
Buffalo Grove Police Chief Steven Casstevens a member of the organization’s national advisory board.
The Department is also focusing on distracted driving during April. The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration reports more than 3,100 people died in 2019 due to distracted driving. Buffalo Grove Police are partnering with the Illinois Department of Transportation during April to increase enforcement, with a goal to reduce accidents and fatalities.
Also in April, Blue Kids a program offered by the Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center is striving to raise awareness about child abuse during April, which is Child Abuse Awareness Month.
Student Voices
Here are links to the student newspapers at Stevenson and Buffalo Grove high schools.
Buffalo Grove High School Charger
Stevenson High School Statesman
If you have news about your club, school, church, synagogue or other community organization, please submit news, information and story ideas to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
Articles should include a contact name, email and phone number. Commentary articles are also welcome. They should be limited to 350 words and should include contact information as noted above. All submissions may be edited for style, spelling, and libelous content.
Questions about B.G. News & Info. should be sent to BuffaloGroveNews@Gmail.com.
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